4 The "freeglut" library installation package comes with MSVC 6.0 workspace and
5 project files. The workspace "freeglut.dsw" has two projects:
6 "freeglut.dsp", which creates a DLL file, and "freeglut_static.dsp", which
7 creates a static library.
9 The "freeglut" library also comes with an Open Watcom compiler project file
10 "freeglut.wpj" and two target files "freeglut.tgt" and "freeglut_static.tgt".
11 The two target files build DLL and static libraries. The Open Watcom also
12 includes "freeglut.rc", which is a resource compiler script to add a "Version"
13 tab to the DLL property sheet.
16 Building the Libraries with MSVC
17 ================================
19 To build the "freeglut" libraries, open MSVC and load the "freeglut" workspace.
20 This will load the two projects. Selecting "Build" - "Batch Build" from the
21 menu will build both the debug and the release versions of both libraries.
23 The libraries will be found in the following places and will have the
25 - DLL, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\Debug\freeglut.lib
26 - DLL, release version: freeglut\freeglut\Release\freeglut.lib
27 - Static, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\DebugStatic\freeglut_static.lib
28 - Static, release version: freeglut\freeglut\ReleaseStatic\freeglut_static.lib
30 Unlike the *nix release, the library names are NOT automatic replacements for
31 the GLUT library names. You may rename them manually if you wish, but this is
32 not necessary as the header file includes a pragma telling the compiler which
33 library file to look for.
36 Installing the Libraries with MSVC
37 ==================================
39 To install "freeglut" on your system so that your other projects will see it,
40 you will need to copy various files to various locations.
42 - The header files "freeglut.h", "freeglut_ext.h", "freeglut_std.h", and
43 "glut.h" (distributed in the directory "freeglut\freeglut\include\GL")
44 need to be copied to a "GL" directory under the MSVC include directory.
45 The MSVC include directory generally has a path similar to
46 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include"
47 The "GL" subdirectory under that will probably already have the header
48 files "gl.h", "glaux.h", and "glu.h".
49 - The library file "freeglut.lib" or "freeglut_static.lib" (from the
50 corresponding debug or release directory) needs to be copied into the
51 MSVC library directory. This usually has a path similar to
52 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib"
53 Note that there is no "GL" subdirectory here. This directory should
54 already have the files "opengl32.lib", "glu32.lib", and "glaux.lib".
55 - If you are using the DLL version of "freeglut", the file "freeglut.dll"
56 needs to be copied from the Debug or the Release directory into the
57 DLL directory. This usually has a path similar to
59 and will probably already have the files "opengl32.dll" and "glu32.dll".
62 Building and Installing the Libraries with Open Watcom
63 ======================================================
65 Start a command prompt and change directory to the freeglut installation
66 directory. Type "wmake -f Makefile.wat all" to build the DLL and static
67 libraries in both debug and release versions.
69 To install "freeglut" on your system so that your other projects will see it,
70 you will need to copy various files to various locations.
72 - The header files "freeglut.h", "freeglut_ext.h", "freeglut_std.h", and
73 "glut.h" (distributed in the directory "freeglut\freeglut\include\GL")
74 need to be copied to a "GL" directory under the Open Watcom 32-bit
75 Windows include directory. This usually has a path similar to
77 - The library file "freeglut.lib" or "freeglut_static.lib" (from the
78 corresponding debug or release directory) needs to be copied into the
79 Open Watcom 32-bit Windows library directory. This usually has a path
82 - If you are using the DLL version of "freeglut", the file "freeglut.dll"
83 needs to be copied from the Debug or the Release directory into the
84 DLL directory. This usually has a path similar to
86 and will probably already have the files "opengl32.dll" and "glu32.dll".
89 Unlike the *nix release, the library names are NOT automatic replacements for
90 the GLUT library names. You may rename them manually if you wish, but this is
91 not necessary as the header file includes a pragma telling the compiler which
92 library file to look for.
95 Building and Installing the Libraries with Cygwin
96 =================================================
98 To build "freeglut" under Cygwin, you have two choices:
100 - You can build a normal Cygwin library, which depends on Cygwin's X11
101 libraries. To do this, you can just use the normal autotools incantation:
102 ./configure && make install
104 - Alternatively, you can build a DLL which does not depend on X11 and links
105 against the opengl32 DLL. To do this, configure need a few more flags:
106 ./configure CPPFLAGS=-mno-cygwin LDFLAGS=-mno-cygwin --without-x && make install
109 If you don't have MSVC, Open Watcom or Cygwin
110 =============================================
112 The "freeglut" developers' community discussed the possibility of distributing
113 binaries and decided against it. If you need Windows library files, please
114 contact John F. Fay at <john.fay@eglin.af.mil> or put a request on the
115 "freeglut" developers' mailing list <freeglut-developer@lists.sourceforge.net>.