Adding "freeglut_spaceball.c" to the VS2008 project files per e-mail from Diederick...
[freeglut] / src / freeglutdll.def
3         glutInit
4         glutInitWindowPosition
5         glutInitWindowSize
6         glutInitDisplayMode
7         glutInitDisplayString
8         glutMainLoop
9         glutMainLoopEvent
10         glutLeaveMainLoop
11         glutCreateWindow
12         glutCreateSubWindow
13         glutDestroyWindow
14         glutSetWindow
15         glutGetWindow
16         glutSetWindowData
17         glutGetWindowData
18         glutSetWindowTitle
19         glutSetIconTitle
20         glutReshapeWindow
21         glutPositionWindow
22         glutShowWindow
23         glutHideWindow
24         glutIconifyWindow
25         glutPushWindow
26         glutPopWindow
27         glutFullScreen
28         glutPostWindowRedisplay
29         glutPostRedisplay
30         glutSwapBuffers
31         glutWarpPointer
32         glutSetCursor
33         glutEstablishOverlay
34         glutRemoveOverlay
35         glutUseLayer
36         glutPostOverlayRedisplay
37         glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay
38         glutShowOverlay
39         glutHideOverlay
40         glutCreateMenu
41         glutDestroyMenu
42         glutGetMenu
43         glutSetMenu
44         glutGetMenuData
45         glutSetMenuData
46         glutAddMenuEntry
47         glutAddSubMenu
48         glutChangeToMenuEntry
49         glutChangeToSubMenu
50         glutRemoveMenuItem
51         glutAttachMenu
52         glutDetachMenu
53         glutTimerFunc
54         glutIdleFunc
55         glutKeyboardFunc
56         glutSpecialFunc
57         glutReshapeFunc
58         glutVisibilityFunc
59         glutDisplayFunc
60         glutMouseFunc
61         glutMouseWheelFunc
62         glutMotionFunc
63         glutPassiveMotionFunc
64         glutEntryFunc
65         glutCloseFunc
66         glutWMCloseFunc
67         glutKeyboardUpFunc
68         glutSpecialUpFunc
69         glutJoystickFunc
70         glutMenuStateFunc
71         glutMenuStatusFunc
72         glutMenuDestroyFunc
73         glutOverlayDisplayFunc
74         glutWindowStatusFunc
75         glutSpaceballMotionFunc
76         glutSpaceballRotateFunc
77         glutSpaceballButtonFunc
78         glutButtonBoxFunc
79         glutDialsFunc
80         glutTabletMotionFunc
81         glutTabletButtonFunc
82         glutSetOption
83         glutGet
84         glutDeviceGet
85         glutGetModifiers
86         glutLayerGet
87         glutBitmapCharacter
88         glutBitmapWidth
89         glutStrokeCharacter
90         glutStrokeWidth
91         glutBitmapLength
92         glutStrokeLength
93         glutBitmapHeight
94         glutStrokeHeight
95         glutBitmapString
96         glutStrokeString
97         glutWireCube
98         glutSolidCube
99         glutWireSphere
100         glutSolidSphere
101         glutWireCone
102         glutSolidCone
103         glutWireTorus
104         glutSolidTorus
105         glutWireDodecahedron
106         glutSolidDodecahedron
107         glutWireOctahedron
108         glutSolidOctahedron
109         glutWireTetrahedron
110         glutSolidTetrahedron
111         glutWireIcosahedron
112         glutSolidIcosahedron
113         glutWireRhombicDodecahedron
114         glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron
115         glutWireSierpinskiSponge
116         glutSolidSierpinskiSponge
117         glutWireTeapot
118         glutSolidTeapot
119         glutWireCylinder
120         glutSolidCylinder
121         glutGameModeString
122         glutEnterGameMode
123         glutLeaveGameMode
124         glutGameModeGet
125         glutVideoResizeGet
126         glutSetupVideoResizing
127         glutStopVideoResizing
128         glutVideoResize
129         glutVideoPan
130         glutSetColor
131         glutGetColor
132         glutCopyColormap
133         glutIgnoreKeyRepeat
134         glutSetKeyRepeat
135         glutForceJoystickFunc
136         glutExtensionSupported
137         glutReportErrors
138         glutGetProcAddress
139         glutJoystickGetNumAxes
140         glutJoystickGetNumButtons
141         glutJoystickNotWorking
142         glutJoystickGetDeadBand
143         glutJoystickSetDeadBand
144         glutJoystickGetSaturation
145         glutJoystickSetSaturation
146         glutJoystickSetMinRange
147         glutJoystickSetMaxRange
148         glutJoystickSetCenter
149         glutJoystickGetMinRange
150         glutJoystickGetMaxRange
151         glutJoystickGetCenter
152         glutExit
153         glutFullScreenToggle
154         glutGetModeValues
155         glutInitContextFlags
156         glutInitContextVersion
157         glutInitContextProfile
158         __glutInitWithExit
159         __glutCreateWindowWithExit
160         __glutCreateMenuWithExit