; interrupt entry routines cpu 8086 bits 16 section .text extern dispatch_intr %macro INTR_ENTRY 2 global intr_entry_%2 intr_entry_%2: push bp push ax push bp mov bp, sp mov ax, %1 mov [bp + 4], ax pop bp pop ax jmp intr_entry_common %endmacro intr_entry_common: push es push ds push ax mov ax, sp add ax, 14 ; sp before the interrupt (3 here + 1 above + 3 cpu) * 2 push cx push dx push bx push ax ; calculated original sp push bp push si push di call dispatch_intr pop di pop si pop bp pop bx ; throw away saved sp pop bx pop dx pop cx pop ax pop ds pop es add sp, 2 ; remove interrupt number from the stack iret ; CPU exceptions INTR_ENTRY 0, div INTR_ENTRY 1, trap INTR_ENTRY 2, nmi INTR_ENTRY 3, break INTR_ENTRY 4, ovf INTR_ENTRY 5, bound INTR_ENTRY 6, ill ; IRQs INTR_ENTRY 8, irq0 INTR_ENTRY 9, irq1 INTR_ENTRY 10, irq2 INTR_ENTRY 11, irq3 INTR_ENTRY 12, irq4 INTR_ENTRY 13, irq5 INTR_ENTRY 14, irq6 INTR_ENTRY 15, irq7 ; int86 implementation global int86 int86: push bp mov bp, sp push bx push si push di pushf mov ax, [bp + 4] mov [cs:.intop + 1], al ; modify int instruction mov [cs:saved_sp], sp mov sp, [bp + 6] pop ax pop bx pop cx pop dx pop si pop di popf mov sp, [cs:saved_sp] .intop: int 0xff mov [cs:saved_ax], ax pushf pop ax mov sp, [bp + 8] add sp, 14 ; sp at end of outregs push ax ; flags mov ax, [cs:saved_ax] push di push si push dx push cx push bx push ax mov sp, [cs:saved_sp] popf pop di pop si pop bx pop bp ret saved_sp dw 0 saved_ax dw 0 ; takes a far pointer to the target stack which should contain an ; intr_frame, switches to that stack, restores the CPU state and ; executes an iret global intr_ret intr_ret: add ax, 2 ; discard return address pop ss ; new stack segment pop sp ; stack pointer to the intr_frame in the new stack ; restore general purpose registers pop di pop si pop bp pop bx ; ignore sp pop bx pop dx pop cx pop ax pop ds pop es add sp, 2 ; skip intr num iret ; vi:ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 ft=nasm: