/* gph-cmath - C graphics math library * Copyright (C) 2018 John Tsiombikas * * This program is free software. Feel free to use, modify, and/or redistribute * it under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. See LICENSE for details. * If you intend to redistribute parts of the code without the LICENSE file * replace this paragraph with the full contents of the LICENSE file. */ static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mcopy(float *dest, const float *src) { memcpy(dest, src, 16 * sizeof(float)); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mzero(float *m) { static float z[16]; cgm_mcopy(m, z); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_midentity(float *m) { static float id[16] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; cgm_mcopy(m, id); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mmul(float *a, const float *b) { int i, j; float res[16]; float *resptr = res; float *arow = a; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { for(j=0; j<4; j++) { *resptr++ = arow[0] * b[j] + arow[1] * b[4 + j] + arow[2] * b[8 + j] + arow[3] * b[12 + j]; } arow += 4; } cgm_mcopy(a, res); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mpremul(float *a, const float *b) { int i, j; float res[16]; float *resptr = res; const float *brow = b; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { for(j=0; j<4; j++) { *resptr++ = brow[0] * a[j] + brow[1] * a[4 + j] + brow[2] * a[8 + j] + brow[3] * a[12 + j]; } brow += 4; } cgm_mcopy(a, res); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_msubmatrix(float *m, int row, int col) { float orig[16]; int i, j, subi, subj; cgm_mcopy(orig, m); subi = 0; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { if(i == row) continue; subj = 0; for(j=0; j<4; j++) { if(j == col) continue; m[subi * 4 + subj++] = orig[i * 4 + j]; } subi++; } cgm_mupper3(m); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mupper3(float *m) { m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f; m[15] = 1.0f; } static CGM_INLINE float cgm_msubdet(const float *m, int row, int col) { float tmp[16]; float subdet00, subdet01, subdet02; cgm_mcopy(tmp, m); cgm_msubmatrix(tmp, row, col); subdet00 = tmp[5] * tmp[10] - tmp[6] * tmp[9]; subdet01 = tmp[4] * tmp[10] - tmp[6] * tmp[8]; subdet02 = tmp[4] * tmp[9] - tmp[5] * tmp[8]; return tmp[0] * subdet00 - tmp[1] * subdet01 + tmp[2] * subdet02; } static CGM_INLINE float cgm_mcofactor(const float *m, int row, int col) { float min = cgm_msubdet(m, row, col); return (row + col) & 1 ? -min : min; } static CGM_INLINE float cgm_mdet(const float *m) { return m[0] * cgm_msubdet(m, 0, 0) - m[1] * cgm_msubdet(m, 0, 1) + m[2] * cgm_msubdet(m, 0, 2) - m[3] * cgm_msubdet(m, 0, 3); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mtranspose(float *m) { int i, j; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { for(j=0; jx * q->x; float ysq2 = 2.0f * q->y * q->y; float zsq2 = 2.0f * q->z * q->z; float sx = 1.0f - ysq2 - zsq2; float sy = 1.0f - xsq2 - zsq2; float sz = 1.0f - xsq2 - ysq2; m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f; m[15] = 1.0f; m[0] = sx; m[1] = 2.0f * q->x * q->y + 2.0f * q->w * q->z; m[2] = 2.0f * q->z * q->x - 2.0f * q->w * q->y; m[4] = 2.0f * q->x * q->y - 2.0f * q->w * q->z; m[5] = sy; m[6] = 2.0f * q->y * q->z + 2.0f * q->w * q->x; m[8] = 2.0f * q->z * q->x + 2.0f * q->w * q->y; m[9] = 2.0f * q->y * q->z - 2.0f * q->w * q->x; m[10] = sz; } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mtranslate(float *m, float x, float y, float z) { float tm[16]; cgm_mtranslation(tm, x, y, z); cgm_mmul(m, tm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mscale(float *m, float sx, float sy, float sz) { float sm[16]; cgm_mscaling(sm, sx, sy, sz); cgm_mmul(m, sm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mrotate_x(float *m, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_x(rm, angle); cgm_mmul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mrotate_y(float *m, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_y(rm, angle); cgm_mmul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mrotate_z(float *m, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_z(rm, angle); cgm_mmul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mrotate_axis(float *m, int idx, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_axis(rm, idx, angle); cgm_mmul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mrotate(float *m, float angle, float x, float y, float z) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation(rm, angle, x, y, z); cgm_mmul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mrotate_euler(float *m, float a, float b, float c, int mode) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_euler(rm, a, b, c, mode); cgm_mmul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mrotate_quat(float *m, const cgm_quat *q) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_quat(rm, q); cgm_mmul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mpretranslate(float *m, float x, float y, float z) { float tm[16]; cgm_mtranslation(tm, x, y, z); cgm_mpremul(m, tm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprescale(float *m, float sx, float sy, float sz) { float sm[16]; cgm_mscaling(sm, sx, sy, sz); cgm_mpremul(m, sm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprerotate_x(float *m, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_x(rm, angle); cgm_mpremul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprerotate_y(float *m, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_y(rm, angle); cgm_mpremul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprerotate_z(float *m, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_z(rm, angle); cgm_mpremul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprerotate_axis(float *m, int idx, float angle) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_axis(rm, idx, angle); cgm_mpremul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprerotate(float *m, float angle, float x, float y, float z) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation(rm, angle, x, y, z); cgm_mpremul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprerotate_euler(float *m, float a, float b, float c, int mode) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_euler(rm, a, b, c, mode); cgm_mpremul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mprerotate_quat(float *m, const cgm_quat *q) { float rm[16]; cgm_mrotation_quat(rm, q); cgm_mpremul(m, rm); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mget_translation(const float *m, cgm_vec3 *res) { res->x = m[12]; res->y = m[13]; res->z = m[14]; } /* Algorithm in Ken Shoemake's article in 1987 SIGGRAPH course notes * article "Quaternion Calculus and Fast Animation". * adapted from: http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Algebra/Wm5Quaternion.inl */ static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mget_rotation(const float *m, cgm_quat *res) { static const int next[3] = {1, 2, 0}; float quat[4]; int i, j, k; float trace = m[0] + m[5] + m[10]; float root; if(trace > 0.0f) { /* |w| > 1/2 */ root = sqrt(trace + 1.0f); /* 2w */ res->w = 0.5f * root; root = 0.5f / root; /* 1 / 4w */ res->x = (m[6] - m[9]) * root; res->y = (m[8] - m[2]) * root; res->z = (m[1] - m[4]) * root; } else { /* |w| <= 1/2 */ i = 0; if(m[5] > m[0]) { i = 1; } if(m[10] > m[i * 4 + i]) { i = 2; } j = next[i]; k = next[j]; root = sqrt(m[i * 4 + i] - m[j * 4 + j] - m[k * 4 + k] + 1.0f); quat[i + 1] = 0.5f * root; root = 0.5f / root; quat[0] = (m[j + 4 + k] - m[k * 4 + j]) * root; quat[j + 1] = (m[i * 4 + j] - m[j * 4 + i]) * root; quat[k + 1] = (m[i * 4 + k] - m[k * 4 + i]) * root; res->w = quat[0]; res->x = quat[1]; res->y = quat[2]; res->z = quat[3]; } } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mget_scaling(const float *m, cgm_vec3 *res) { res->x = sqrt(m[0] * m[0] + m[4] * m[4] + m[8] * m[8]); res->y = sqrt(m[1] * m[1] + m[5] * m[5] + m[9] * m[9]); res->z = sqrt(m[2] * m[2] + m[6] * m[6] + m[10] * m[10]); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mget_frustum_plane(const float *m, int p, cgm_vec4 *res) { int row = p >> 1; const float *rowptr = m + row * 4; if((p & 1) == 0) { res->x = m[12] + rowptr[0]; res->y = m[13] + rowptr[1]; res->z = m[14] + rowptr[2]; res->w = m[15] + rowptr[3]; } else { res->x = m[12] - rowptr[0]; res->y = m[13] - rowptr[1]; res->z = m[14] - rowptr[2]; res->w = m[15] - rowptr[3]; } } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mlookat(float *m, const cgm_vec3 *pos, const cgm_vec3 *targ, const cgm_vec3 *up) { float trans[16]; cgm_vec3 dir = *targ, right, vup; cgm_vsub(&dir, pos); cgm_vnormalize(&dir); cgm_vcross(&right, &dir, up); cgm_vnormalize(&right); cgm_vcross(&vup, &right, &dir); cgm_vnormalize(&vup); cgm_midentity(m); m[0] = right.x; m[1] = right.y; m[2] = right.z; m[4] = vup.x; m[5] = vup.y; m[6] = vup.z; m[8] = -dir.x; m[9] = -dir.y; m[10] = -dir.z; cgm_mtranslation(trans, pos->x, pos->y, pos->z); cgm_mmul(m, trans); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_minv_lookat(float *m, const cgm_vec3 *pos, const cgm_vec3 *targ, const cgm_vec3 *up) { float rot[16]; cgm_vec3 dir = *targ, right, vup; cgm_vsub(&dir, pos); cgm_vnormalize(&dir); cgm_vcross(&right, &dir, up); cgm_vnormalize(&right); cgm_vcross(&vup, &right, &dir); cgm_vnormalize(&vup); cgm_midentity(rot); rot[0] = right.x; rot[4] = right.y; rot[8] = right.z; rot[1] = vup.x; rot[5] = vup.y; rot[9] = vup.z; rot[2] = -dir.x; rot[6] = -dir.y; rot[10] = -dir.z; cgm_mtranslation(m, -pos->x, -pos->y, -pos->z); cgm_mmul(m, rot); } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mortho(float *m, float left, float right, float bot, float top, float znear, float zfar) { float dx = right - left; float dy = top - bot; float dz = zfar - znear; cgm_midentity(m); m[0] = 2.0f / dx; m[5] = 2.0f / dy; m[10] = -2.0f / dz; m[12] = -(right + left) / dx; m[13] = -(top + bot) / dy; m[14] = -(zfar + znear) / dz; } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mfrustum(float *m, float left, float right, float bot, float top, float znear, float zfar) { float dx = right - left; float dy = top - bot; float dz = zfar - znear; cgm_mzero(m); m[0] = 2.0f * znear / dx; m[5] = 2.0f * znear / dy; m[8] = (right + left) / dx; m[9] = (top + bot) / dy; m[10] = -(zfar + znear) / dz; m[14] = -2.0f * zfar * znear / dz; m[11] = -1.0f; } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mperspective(float *m, float vfov, float aspect, float znear, float zfar) { float s = 1.0f / (float)tan(vfov / 2.0f); float range = znear - zfar; cgm_mzero(m); m[0] = s / aspect; m[5] = s; m[10] = (znear + zfar) / range; m[14] = 2.0f * znear * zfar / range; m[11] = -1.0f; } static CGM_INLINE void cgm_mmirror(float *m, float a, float b, float c, float d) { m[0] = 1.0f - 2.0f * a * a; m[5] = 1.0f - 2.0f * b * b; m[10] = 1.0f - 2.0f * c * c; m[15] = 1.0f; m[1] = m[4] = -2.0f * a * b; m[2] = m[8] = -2.0f * a * c; m[6] = m[9] = -2.0f * b * c; m[12] = -2.0f * a * d; m[13] = -2.0f * b * d; m[14] = -2.0f * c * d; m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = 0.0f; }