section .text bits 32 ; foo_ are watcom functions, _foo are djgpp functions F_ID equ 0x200000 global read_cpuid global _read_cpuid global read_cpuid_ read_cpuid_: push eax call check_cpuid pop eax jnc read_cpuid_nocheck mov eax, -1 ret _read_cpuid: read_cpuid: call check_cpuid mov eax, [esp + 4] jnc read_cpuid_nocheck mov eax, -1 ret ; determine if cpuid is available. avail: cf=0, not avail: cf=1 check_cpuid: pushf pop eax mov edx, eax ; keep a copy of the original eflags in edx xor eax, F_ID push eax popf pushf pop eax cmp eax, edx clc jnz .noerr stc .noerr: ret ; enter with the cpuid_info structure pointer in eax read_cpuid_nocheck: push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push edi push esi push eax ; save the original struct pointer sub esp, 8 mov edi, eax ; struct pointer -> edi ; clear struct cld push edi mov ecx, (32+48)/4 xor eax, eax rep stosd pop edi xor eax, eax mov [esp], eax ; current index cpuid mov [edi], eax ; maxidx ; clamp to the size of our cpuid_info structure cmp eax, 1 jbe .skipclamp mov eax, 1 .skipclamp: mov [esp + 4], eax ; maximum index mov [edi + 4], ebx ; vendor name mov [edi + 8], edx mov [edi + 12], ecx add edi, 16 .loop: mov eax, [esp] inc eax cmp eax, [esp + 4] ja .loopend mov [esp], eax cpuid mov [edi], eax mov [edi + 4], ebx mov [edi + 8], edx mov [edi + 12], ecx add edi, 16 jmp .loop .loopend: ; try to retrieve the brand string (avail on P4 or newer) mov eax, 80000000h cpuid test eax, 80000000h jz .done ; no extended cpuid functions cmp eax, 80000004h jb .done ; no brand string available ; brand string available mov esi, esp ; save esp to esi mov esp, [esp + 8] ; esp <- original struct pointer add esp, 32+48 ; offset to end of brandstr mov eax, 80000004h cpuid push edx push ecx push ebx push eax mov eax, 80000003h cpuid push edx push ecx push ebx push eax mov eax, 80000002h cpuid push edx push ecx push ebx push eax mov esp, esi ; done restore esp .done: add esp, 8 pop eax pop esi pop edi pop ebx pop ebp xor eax, eax ret ; vi:ft=nasm: