Moved RleBitmap to its own module and created minifx screen to experiment
authorMichael Georgoulopoulos <>
Sun, 15 May 2022 18:26:50 +0000 (21:26 +0300)
committerMichael Georgoulopoulos <>
Sun, 15 May 2022 18:27:21 +0000 (21:27 +0300)
.clang-format [new file with mode: 0644]
src/minifx.c [new file with mode: 0644]
src/utils/RleBitmap.c [new file with mode: 0644]
src/utils/RleBitmap.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c2b7d66
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+UseTab: Always
+IndentWidth: 8
+ColumnLimit: 100
index 3608ddf..ea8082c 100644 (file)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-src = $(wildcard src/*.c) $(wildcard src/3dgfx/*.c) $(wildcard src/scr/*.c) \
+src = $(wildcard src/*.c) $(wildcard src/3dgfx/*.c) $(wildcard src/scr/*.c) $(wildcard src/utils/*.c) \
          $(wildcard src/glut/*.c)
 asmsrc = $(wildcard src/*.asm)
 obj = $(src:.c=.o) $(asmsrc:.asm=.o)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ bin = demo
 asmsrc += cspr/dbgfont.asm cspr/confont.asm
 bindata = data/loading.img
-inc = -I/usr/local/include -Isrc -Isrc/3dgfx -Isrc/scr -Isrc/glut -Ilibs \
+inc = -I/usr/local/include -Isrc -Isrc/3dgfx -Isrc/scr -Isrc/utils -Isrc/glut -Ilibs \
          -Ilibs/imago/src -Ilibs/mikmod/include
 warn = -pedantic -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-address
diff --git a/src/minifx.c b/src/minifx.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..59a3269
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include "demo.h"
+#include "imago2.h"
+#include "screen.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <RleBitmap.h>
+/* APPROX. 170 FPS Minimum */
+static int init(void);
+static void destroy(void);
+static void start(long trans_time);
+static void stop(long trans_time);
+static void draw(void);
+static void updatePropeller(float t, RleBitmap *rle);
+static unsigned short *backBuffer;
+static unsigned char miniFXBuffer[1024];
+static long lastFrameTime = 0;
+static struct screen scr = {"minifx", init, destroy, start, 0, draw};
+struct screen *minifx_screen(void) {
+       return &scr;
+static int init(void) {
+       /* Allocate back buffer */
+       backBuffer = (unsigned short *)calloc(FB_WIDTH * FB_HEIGHT, sizeof(unsigned short));
+       return 0;
+static void destroy(void) {
+       free(backBuffer);
+       backBuffer = 0;
+static void start(long trans_time) { lastFrameTime = time_msec; }
+static void draw(void) {
+       long lastFrameDuration = (time_msec - lastFrameTime) / 1000.0f;
+       lastFrameTime = time_msec;
+    int clearColor = 0x888888;
+    unsigned short clearColor16 = ((clearColor << 8) & 0xF800)    /* R */
+                          | ((clearColor >> 5) & 0x07E0)   /* G */
+                          | ((clearColor >> 19) & 0x001F); /* B */
+    for (int i=0; i<FB_WIDTH * FB_HEIGHT; i++) {
+        backBuffer[i] = clearColor16;
+    }
+    /* For now create / destroy in each frame. We will manage these later */
+    RleBitmap *rle = rleCreate(32, 32);
+    updatePropeller(time_msec / 1000.0f, rle);
+    int stride = FB_WIDTH;
+    /*
+    rleBlit(rle, backBuffer, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, stride,
+                       100, 100);
+    */
+    rleBlitScale(rle, backBuffer, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, stride, 50,
+                 50, 3.0, 3.0);
+    rleDestroy(rle);
+       /* Blit effect to framebuffer */
+    memcpy(fb_pixels, backBuffer, FB_WIDTH * FB_HEIGHT * sizeof(unsigned short));
+       swap_buffers(0);
+static struct {
+       int circleX[3];
+       int circleY[3];
+} propellerState;
+static void updatePropeller(float t, RleBitmap *rle) {
+    t *= 0.1; /* Slow-mo to see what happens */
+       int i, j;
+       int cx, cy, count = 0;
+       unsigned char *dst;
+       float x = 0.0f;
+       float y = 18.0f;
+       float nx, ny;
+       float cost, sint;
+       static float sin120 = 0.86602540378f;
+       static float cos120 = -0.5f;
+       /* Rotate */
+       sint = sin(t);
+       cost = cos(t);
+       nx = x * cost - y * sint;
+       ny = y * cost + x * sint;
+       x = nx;
+       y = ny;
+       propellerState.circleX[0] = (int)(x + 0.5f) + 16;
+       propellerState.circleY[0] = (int)(y + 0.5f) + 16;
+       /* Rotate by 120 degrees, for the second circle */
+       nx = x * cos120 - y * sin120;
+       ny = y * cos120 + x * sin120;
+       x = nx;
+       y = ny;
+       propellerState.circleX[1] = (int)(x + 0.5f) + 16;
+       propellerState.circleY[1] = (int)(y + 0.5f) + 16;
+       /* 3rd circle */
+       nx = x * cos120 - y * sin120;
+       ny = y * cos120 + x * sin120;
+       x = nx;
+       y = ny;
+       propellerState.circleX[2] = (int)(x + 0.5f) + 16;
+       propellerState.circleY[2] = (int)(y + 0.5f) + 16;
+       /* Write effect to the mini fx buffer*/
+       dst = miniFXBuffer;
+       for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
+               for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+                       count = 0;
+                       /* First circle */
+                       cx = propellerState.circleX[0] - i;
+                       cy = propellerState.circleY[0] - j;
+                       if (cx * cx + cy * cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ)
+                               count++;
+                       /* 2nd circle */
+                       cx = propellerState.circleX[1] - i;
+                       cy = propellerState.circleY[1] - j;
+                       if (cx * cx + cy * cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ)
+                               count++;
+                       /* 3rd circle */
+                       cx = propellerState.circleX[2] - i;
+                       cy = propellerState.circleY[2] - j;
+                       if (cx * cx + cy * cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ)
+                               count++;
+                       *dst++ = count >= 2;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Then, encode to rle */
+       rleEncode(rle, miniFXBuffer, 32, 32);
+       /* Distribute the produced streaks so that they don't produce garbage when interpolated */
+       rleDistributeStreaks(rle);
index 1295a07..36e9ff9 100644 (file)
@@ -1,35 +1,22 @@
+#include "demo.h"
+#include "imago2.h"
+#include "screen.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "imago2.h"
-#include "demo.h"
-#include "screen.h"
-/* APPROX. 170 FPS Minimum */
+#include <RleBitmap.h>
-typedef struct {
-       unsigned int w, h;
-       unsigned char *scans;
-} RLEBitmap;
-static RLEBitmap *rleCreate(unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
-static void rleDestroy(RLEBitmap *b);
-static void rleBlit(unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
-       RLEBitmap *bitmap, int blitX, int blitY);
-static void rleBlitScale(unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
-       RLEBitmap *bitmap, int blitX, int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY);
-static void rleBlitScaleInv(unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
-       RLEBitmap *bitmap, int blitX, int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY);
-static RLEBitmap *rleEncode(RLEBitmap *b, unsigned char *pixels, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
+/* APPROX. 170 FPS Minimum */
 static void updatePropeller(float t);
 #define BG_FILENAME "data/grise.png"
 #define GROBJ_01_FILENAME "data/grobj_01.png"
-#define BB_SIZE 512    /* Let's use a power of 2. Maybe we'll zoom/rotate the effect */
+#define BB_SIZE 512 /* Let's use a power of 2. Maybe we'll zoom/rotate the effect */
 /* Every backBuffer scanline is guaranteed to have that many dummy pixels before and after */
 #define PIXEL_PADDING 32
@@ -59,8 +46,6 @@ static void processNormal();
 static void initScrollTables();
 static void updateScrollTables(float dt);
 static unsigned short *background = 0;
 static int backgroundW = 0;
 static int backgroundH = 0;
@@ -80,42 +65,37 @@ static float nearScrollAmount = 0.0f;
 static unsigned char miniFXBuffer[1024];
-static RLEBitmap *grobj = 0;
-static RLEBitmap *rlePropeller = 0;
+static RleBitmap *grobj = 0;
+static RleBitmap *rlePropeller = 0;
-static struct screen scr = {
-       "galaxyrise",
-       init,
-       destroy,
-       start,
-       0,
-       draw
+static struct screen scr = {"galaxyrise", init, destroy, start, 0, draw};
-struct screen *grise_screen(void)
+struct screen *grise_screen(void) {
        return &scr;
-static int init(void)
+static int init(void) {
        unsigned char *tmpBitmap;
        int tmpBitmapW, tmpBitmapH;
        /* Allocate back buffer */
-       backBuffer = (unsigned short*) calloc(BB_SIZE * BB_SIZE, sizeof(unsigned short));
+       backBuffer = (unsigned short *)calloc(BB_SIZE * BB_SIZE, sizeof(unsigned short));
-       /* grise.png contains the background (horizon), baked reflection and normalmap for displacement */
-       if (!(background = img_load_pixels(BG_FILENAME, &backgroundW, &backgroundH, IMG_FMT_RGBA32))) {
+       /* grise.png contains the background (horizon), baked reflection and normalmap for
+        * displacement */
+       if (!(background =
+                 img_load_pixels(BG_FILENAME, &backgroundW, &backgroundH, IMG_FMT_RGBA32))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "failed to load image " BG_FILENAME "\n");
                return -1;
        /* Convert to 16bpp */
-       convert32To16((unsigned int*)background, background, backgroundW * NORMALMAP_SCANLINE); /* Normalmap will keep its 32 bit color */
+       convert32To16((unsigned int *)background, background,
+                     backgroundW * NORMALMAP_SCANLINE); /* Normalmap will keep its 32 bit color */
        /* Load reflected objects */
-       if (!(tmpBitmap = img_load_pixels(GROBJ_01_FILENAME, &tmpBitmapW, &tmpBitmapH, IMG_FMT_GREY8))) {
+       if (!(tmpBitmap =
+                 img_load_pixels(GROBJ_01_FILENAME, &tmpBitmapW, &tmpBitmapH, IMG_FMT_GREY8))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "failed to load image " GROBJ_01_FILENAME "\n");
                return -1;
@@ -131,8 +111,7 @@ static int init(void)
        return 0;
-static void destroy(void)
+static void destroy(void) {
        backBuffer = 0;
@@ -141,14 +120,9 @@ static void destroy(void)
-static void start(long trans_time)
-       lastFrameTime = time_msec;
+static void start(long trans_time) { lastFrameTime = time_msec; }
-static void draw(void)
+static void draw(void) {
        int scroll = MIN_SCROLL + (MAX_SCROLL - MIN_SCROLL) * mouse_x / FB_WIDTH;
        unsigned short *dst = backBuffer + PIXEL_PADDING;
        unsigned short *src = background + scroll;
@@ -188,7 +162,9 @@ static void draw(void)
        /* Blit reflections first, to be  displaced */
-       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) rleBlitScaleInv(backBuffer + PIXEL_PADDING, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, BB_SIZE, rlePropeller, 134 + (i-3) * 60, 200, 1.0f, 1.8f);
+       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+               rleBlitScaleInv(rlePropeller, backBuffer + PIXEL_PADDING, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT,
+                               BB_SIZE, 134 + (i - 3) * 60, 200, 1.0f, 1.8f);
        /* Perform displacement */
        dst = backBuffer + HORIZON_HEIGHT * BB_SIZE + PIXEL_PADDING;
@@ -202,9 +178,11 @@ static void draw(void)
                for (i = 0; i < FB_WIDTH; i++) {
                        /* Try to immitate modulo without the division */
-                       if (i == md) accum += md;
+                       if (i == md)
+                               accum += md;
                        scrolledIndex = i - accum + sc;
-                       if (scrolledIndex >= md) scrolledIndex -= md;
+                       if (scrolledIndex >= md)
+                               scrolledIndex -= md;
                        /* Displace */
                        d = dispScanline[scrolledIndex];
@@ -216,7 +194,9 @@ static void draw(void)
        /* Then after displacement, blit the objects */
-       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) rleBlit(backBuffer + PIXEL_PADDING, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, BB_SIZE, rlePropeller, 134 + (i-3) * 60, 100);
+       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+               rleBlit(rlePropeller, backBuffer + PIXEL_PADDING, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, BB_SIZE,
+                       134 + (i - 3) * 60, 100);
        /* Blit effect to framebuffer */
        src = backBuffer + PIXEL_PADDING;
@@ -235,9 +215,9 @@ static void convert32To16(unsigned int *src32, unsigned short *dst16, unsigned i
        unsigned int p;
        while (pixelCount) {
                p = *src32++;
-               *dst16++ =      ((p << 8) & 0xF800)             /* R */
-                       |               ((p >> 5) & 0x07E0)             /* G */
-                       |               ((p >> 19) & 0x001F);   /* B */
+               *dst16++ = ((p << 8) & 0xF800)     /* R */
+                          | ((p >> 5) & 0x07E0)   /* G */
+                          | ((p >> 19) & 0x001F); /* B */
@@ -252,20 +232,22 @@ static void processNormal() {
        short minDisplacement = 256;
        unsigned short *dst;
        short *dst2;
-       unsigned int *normalmap = (unsigned int*)background;
+       unsigned int *normalmap = (unsigned int *)background;
        normalmap += NORMALMAP_SCANLINE * backgroundW;
-       dst = (unsigned short*)normalmap;
-       displacementMap = (short*)dst;
+       dst = (unsigned short *)normalmap;
+       displacementMap = (short *)dst;
        dst2 = displacementMap;
        for (scanline = 0; scanline < REFLECTION_HEIGHT; scanline++) {
-               scrollModTable[scanline] = (int) (backgroundW / scrollScaleTable[scanline] + 0.5f);
+               scrollModTable[scanline] = (int)(backgroundW / scrollScaleTable[scanline] + 0.5f);
                for (i = 0; i < backgroundW; i++) {
                        x = (int)(i * scrollScaleTable[scanline] + 0.5f);
                        if (x < backgroundW) {
                                *dst = (unsigned short)(normalmap[x] >> 8) & 0xFF;
-                               if ((short)*dst > maxDisplacement) maxDisplacement = (short)(*dst);
-                               if ((short)*dst < minDisplacement) minDisplacement = (short)(*dst);
+                               if ((short)*dst > maxDisplacement)
+                                       maxDisplacement = (short)(*dst);
+                               if ((short)*dst < minDisplacement)
+                                       minDisplacement = (short)(*dst);
                        } else {
                                *dst = 0;
@@ -282,9 +264,13 @@ static void processNormal() {
        /* Second pass - subtract half maximum displacement to displace in both directions */
        for (scanline = 0; scanline < REFLECTION_HEIGHT; scanline++) {
                for (i = 0; i < backgroundW; i++) {
-                       /* Remember that MIN_SCROLL is the padding around the screen, so ti's the maximum displacement we can get (positive & negative) */
-                       *dst2 = 2 * MAX_DISPLACEMENT * (*dst2 - minDisplacement) / (maxDisplacement - minDisplacement) - MAX_DISPLACEMENT;
-                       *dst2 = (short)((float)*dst2 / scrollScaleTable[scanline] + 0.5f); /* Displacements must also scale with distance*/
+                       /* Remember that MIN_SCROLL is the padding around the screen, so ti's the
+                        * maximum displacement we can get (positive & negative) */
+                       *dst2 = 2 * MAX_DISPLACEMENT * (*dst2 - minDisplacement) /
+                                   (maxDisplacement - minDisplacement) -
+                               MAX_DISPLACEMENT;
+                       *dst2 = (short)((float)*dst2 / scrollScaleTable[scanline] +
+                                       0.5f); /* Displacements must also scale with distance*/
@@ -306,12 +292,11 @@ static void initScrollTables() {
 static void updateScrollTables(float dt) {
        int i = 0;
        nearScrollAmount += dt * NEAR_SCROLL_SPEED;
-       nearScrollAmount = (float) fmod(nearScrollAmount, 512.0f);
+       nearScrollAmount = (float)fmod(nearScrollAmount, 512.0f);
        for (i = 0; i < REFLECTION_HEIGHT; i++) {
                scrollTable[i] = nearScrollAmount / scrollScaleTable[i];
@@ -320,298 +305,9 @@ static void updateScrollTables(float dt) {
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *                                   RLE STUFF
+ *                                   PROPELLER STUFF
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Limit streak count per scanline so we can directly jump to specific scanline */
-/* Every streak is encoded by 2 bytes: offset and count of black pixels in the streak */
-#define RLE_FILL_COLOR 0
-#define RLE_FIXED_BITS 16
-static int rleByteCount(int w, int h) {
-       return h * RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE + w;
-static RLEBitmap *rleCreate(unsigned int w, unsigned int h) {
-       RLEBitmap *ret = (RLEBitmap*)malloc(sizeof(RLEBitmap));
-       ret->w = w;
-       ret->h = h;
-       /* Add some padding at the end of the buffer, with the worst case for a scanline (w/2 streaks) */
-       ret->scans = (unsigned char*) calloc(rleByteCount(w, h), 1);
-       return ret;
-static void rleDestroy(RLEBitmap *b) {
-       if (!b) return;
-       free(b->scans);
-       free(b);
-static RLEBitmap *rleEncode(RLEBitmap *b, unsigned char *pixels, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) {
-       int scanline;
-       int i;
-       int penActive = 0;
-       int counter = 0;
-       int accum = 0;
-       unsigned char *output;
-       /* */
-       if (!b) b = rleCreate(w, h);
-       else memset(b->scans, 0, rleByteCount(b->w, b->h)); /* The following code assumes cleared array */
-       for (scanline = 0; scanline < h; scanline++) {
-               output = b->scans + scanline * RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE;
-               accum = 0;
-               for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
-                       if (*pixels++) {
-                               if (penActive) {
-                                       if (counter >= PIXEL_PADDING) {
-                                               *output++ = (unsigned char) counter;
-                                               counter = 0;
-                                               *output++ = (unsigned char)accum;
-                                       }
-                                       counter++;
-                                       accum++;
-                               } else {
-                                       *output++ = (unsigned char)accum;
-                                       counter = 1;
-                                       accum++;
-                                       penActive = 1;
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               if (penActive) {
-                                       *output++ = (unsigned char)counter;
-                                       counter = 1;
-                                       accum++;
-                                       penActive = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       counter++;
-                                       accum++;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               if (penActive) {
-                       *output++ = (unsigned char)counter;
-               }
-               penActive = 0;
-               counter = 0;
-       }
-       return b;
-static void rleDistributeStreaks(RLEBitmap *bitmap) {
-       int scanline, halfW = bitmap->w >> 1;
-       unsigned char *ptr, tmp;
-       ptr = bitmap->scans;
-       for (scanline = 0; scanline < bitmap->h; scanline++) {
-               if (ptr[0] >= halfW) {
-                       tmp = ptr[0];
-                       ptr[0] = ptr[6];
-                       ptr[6] = tmp;
-                       tmp = ptr[1];
-                       ptr[1] = ptr[7];
-                       ptr[7] = tmp;
-               }
-               ptr += 8;
-       }
-static void rleBlit(unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
-       RLEBitmap *bitmap, int blitX, int blitY)
-       int scanline = 0;
-       int streakPos = 0;
-       int streakLength = 0;
-       int streak = 0;
-       unsigned char *input = bitmap->scans;
-       unsigned short *output;
-       unsigned int *output32;
-       dst += blitX + blitY * dstStride;
-       for (scanline = blitY; scanline < blitY + bitmap->h; scanline++) {
-               if (scanline < 0 || scanline >= dstH) continue;
-               for (streak = 0; streak < RLE_STREAKS_PER_SCANLINE; streak++) {
-                       streakPos = *input++;
-                       streakLength = *input++;
-                       if ((streakPos + blitX) <= 0) continue;
-                       output = dst + streakPos;
-                       /* Check if we need to write the first pixel as 16bit */
-                       if (streakLength % 2) {
-                               *output++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR;
-                       }
-                       /* Then, write 2 pixels at a time */
-                       streakLength >>= 1;
-                       output32 = (unsigned int*) output;
-                       while (streakLength--) {
-                               *output32++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR_32;
-                       }
-               }
-               dst += dstStride;
-       }
-static void interpolateScan(unsigned char *output, unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b, float t) {
-       static int div = 1 << 23;
-       int ti, i;
-       t += 1.0f;
-       ti = (*((unsigned int*)&t)) & 0x7FFFFF;
-       for (i = 0; i < RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE; i++) {
-               if (*a == 0) {
-                       *output++ = *b++;
-                       a++;
-               } else {
-                       if (*b == 0) {
-                               *output++ = *a++;
-                               b++;
-                       } else {
-                               *output++ = ((*b++ * ti) + (*a++ * (div - ti))) >> 23;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-static void rleBlitScale(unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
-       RLEBitmap *bitmap, int blitX, int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY)
-       int scanline = 0;
-       int streakPos = 0;
-       int streakLength = 0;
-       int streak = 0;
-       unsigned short *output;
-       unsigned int *output32;
-       unsigned char *input;
-       int scanlineCounter = 0;
-       int scaleXFixed;
-       static unsigned char scan[512];
-       /*int blitW = (int)(bitmap->w * scaleX + 0.5f);*/
-       int blitH = (int)(bitmap->h * scaleY + 0.5f);
-       /* From this point on, scaleY will be inverted */
-       scaleY = 1.0f / scaleY;
-       scaleXFixed = (int)(scaleX * (float)(1 << RLE_FIXED_BITS) + 0.5f);
-       dst += blitX + blitY * dstStride;
-       for (scanline = blitY; scanline < blitY + blitH; scanline++) {
-               float normalScan = scanlineCounter * scaleY; /* ScaleY  is inverted */
-               unsigned char *scan0 = bitmap->scans + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE * (int)normalScan;
-               unsigned char *scan1 = scan0 + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE;
-               normalScan -= (int)normalScan;
-               interpolateScan(scan, scan0, scan1, normalScan);
-               input = scan;
-               scanlineCounter++;
-               if (scanline < 0 || scanline >= dstH) continue;
-               for (streak = 0; streak < RLE_STREAKS_PER_SCANLINE; streak++) {
-                       streakPos = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
-                       streakLength = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
-                       if ((streakPos + blitX) <= 0) continue;
-                       output = dst + streakPos;
-                       /* Check if we need to write the first pixel as 16bit */
-                       if (streakLength % 2) {
-                               *output++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR;
-                       }
-                       /* Then, write 2 pixels at a time */
-                       streakLength >>= 1;
-                       output32 = (unsigned int*)output;
-                       while (streakLength--) {
-                               *output32++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR_32;
-                       }
-               }
-               dst += dstStride;
-       }
-static void rleBlitScaleInv(unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
-       RLEBitmap *bitmap, int blitX, int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY)
-       int scanline = 0;
-       int streakPos = 0;
-       int streakLength = 0;
-       int streak = 0;
-       unsigned short *output;
-       unsigned int *output32;
-       unsigned char *input;
-       int scanlineCounter = 0;
-       int scaleXFixed;
-       static unsigned char scan[512];
-       /*int blitW = (int)(bitmap->w * scaleX + 0.5f);*/
-       int blitH = (int)(bitmap->h * scaleY + 0.5f);
-       /* From this point on, scaleY will be inverted */
-       scaleY = 1.0f / scaleY;
-       scaleXFixed = (int)(scaleX * (float)(1 << RLE_FIXED_BITS) + 0.5f);
-       dst += blitX + blitY * dstStride;
-       for (scanline = blitY; scanline > blitY - blitH; scanline--) {
-               float normalScan = scanlineCounter * scaleY; /* ScaleY is inverted */
-               unsigned char *scan0 = bitmap->scans + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE * (int)normalScan;
-               unsigned char *scan1 = scan0 + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE;
-               normalScan -= (int)normalScan;
-               interpolateScan(scan, scan0, scan1, normalScan);
-               input = scan;
-               scanlineCounter++;
-               if (scanline < 0 || scanline >= dstH) continue;
-               for (streak = 0; streak < RLE_STREAKS_PER_SCANLINE; streak++) {
-                       streakPos = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
-                       streakLength = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
-                       if ((streakPos + blitX) <= 0) continue;
-                       output = dst + streakPos;
-                       /* Check if we need to write the first pixel as 16bit */
-                       if (streakLength % 2) {
-                               *output++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR;
-                       }
-                       /* Then, write 2 pixels at a time */
-                       streakLength >>= 1;
-                       output32 = (unsigned int*)output;
-                       while (streakLength--) {
-                               *output32++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR_32;
-                       }
-               }
-               dst -= dstStride;
-       }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-*                                   PROPELLER STUFF
-* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -667,17 +363,20 @@ static void updatePropeller(float t) {
                        /* First circle */
                        cx = propellerState.circleX[0] - i;
                        cy = propellerState.circleY[0] - j;
-                       if (cx*cx + cy*cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ) count++;
+                       if (cx * cx + cy * cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ)
+                               count++;
                        /* 2nd circle */
                        cx = propellerState.circleX[1] - i;
                        cy = propellerState.circleY[1] - j;
-                       if (cx*cx + cy*cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ) count++;
+                       if (cx * cx + cy * cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ)
+                               count++;
                        /* 3rd circle */
                        cx = propellerState.circleX[2] - i;
                        cy = propellerState.circleY[2] - j;
-                       if (cx*cx + cy*cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ) count++;
+                       if (cx * cx + cy * cy < PROPELLER_CIRCLE_RADIUS_SQ)
+                               count++;
                        *dst++ = count >= 2;
index 972e711..190b19f 100644 (file)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ struct screen *infcubes_screen(void);
 struct screen *hairball_screen(void);
 struct screen *cybersun_screen(void);
 struct screen *raytrace_screen(void);
+struct screen *minifx_screen(void);
 void start_loadscr(void);
 void end_loadscr(void);
@@ -87,6 +88,10 @@ int scr_init(void)
        if(!(scr[idx++] = raytrace_screen())) {
                return -1;
+    if (!(scr[idx++] = minifx_screen())) {
+               return -1;
+    }
        num_screens = idx;
        assert(num_screens <= NUM_SCR);
diff --git a/src/utils/RleBitmap.c b/src/utils/RleBitmap.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8c344f2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#include "RleBitmap.h"
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Number of numbers per scanline. Each streak has 2 numbers (start, length) */
+/* Two RLE_TYPE elements per streak (= start,length) */
+/* RLE_TYPE count required for storing an RLE of w,h */
+static int rleWorstCaseElementCount(int w, int h) {
+       /* Allocate an extra worst case for one scanline, which is w/2 streaks = w
+        * (start,length) elements */
+       return h * RLE_ELEMENTS_PER_SCANLINE + w;
+/* Byte count of the 'scans' buffer */
+static int rleScansByteCount(RleBitmap *rle) {
+       return rleWorstCaseElementCount(rle->w, rle->h) * sizeof(RLE_TYPE);
+RleBitmap *rleCreate(unsigned int w, unsigned int h) {
+       RleBitmap *ret = (RleBitmap *)malloc(sizeof(RleBitmap));
+       ret->w = w;
+       ret->h = h;
+       /* Allocate scans */
+       ret->scans = (RLE_TYPE *)calloc(rleWorstCaseElementCount(w, h), sizeof(RLE_TYPE));
+       return ret;
+void rleDestroy(RleBitmap *b) {
+       if (!b)
+               return;
+       free(b->scans);
+       free(b);
+void rleClear(RleBitmap *rle) { memset(rle->scans, 0, rleScansByteCount(rle)); }
+RleBitmap *rleEncode(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned char *pixels, unsigned int pixelsW,
+                    unsigned int pixelsH) {
+       int x = 0;
+       int y = 0;
+       int streakActive = 0;
+       int currentStreakLength = 0;
+       RLE_TYPE *output = 0;
+       unsigned char *currentInputPixel = pixels;
+       /* */
+       if (!rle)
+               rle = rleCreate(pixelsW, pixelsH);
+       else
+               rleClear(rle); /* The following code assumes cleared array */
+       for (y = 0; y < pixelsH; y++) {
+               /* Go to the beginning of the RLE scan */
+               output = rle->scans + y * RLE_ELEMENTS_PER_SCANLINE;
+               for (x = 0; x < pixelsW; x++) {
+                       if (*currentInputPixel++) {
+                               if (streakActive) {
+                                       if (currentStreakLength >= RLE_MAX_STREAK_LENGTH) {
+                                               /* Do not allow streaks of more than max length -
+                                                * close current streak */
+                                               *output++ = (RLE_TYPE)currentStreakLength;
+                                               /* Begin new streak at current x */
+                                               *output++ = (RLE_TYPE)x;
+                                               currentStreakLength = 0;
+                                       }
+                               } else {
+                                       /* Begin new streak */
+                                       *output++ = (RLE_TYPE)x;
+                                       currentStreakLength = 0;
+                                       streakActive = 1;
+                               }
+                               currentStreakLength++;
+                       } else {
+                               if (streakActive) {
+                                       /* Close current streak */
+                                       *output++ = (RLE_TYPE)currentStreakLength;
+                                       currentStreakLength = 0;
+                                       streakActive = 0;
+                               }
+                       } /* End if (current pixel on) */
+               }         /* End for (all x) */
+               /* We reached the end of the scan - close any active streak */
+               if (streakActive) {
+                       *output++ = (RLE_TYPE)currentStreakLength;
+               }
+               streakActive = 0;
+               currentStreakLength = 0;
+       } /* End for (all scans */
+       return rle;
+void rleDistributeStreaks(RleBitmap *rle) {
+       int scanline = 0;
+       int halfW = rle->w >> 1;
+       RLE_TYPE *ptr = 0;
+       RLE_TYPE tmp = 0;
+       ptr = rle->scans;
+       for (scanline = 0; scanline < rle->h; scanline++) {
+               if (ptr[0] >= halfW) {
+                       /* Exchange first with last streak */
+                       tmp = ptr[0];
+                       ptr[0] = ptr[LAST_STREAK * 2 - 2];
+                       ptr[LAST_STREAK * 2 - 2] = tmp;
+                       tmp = ptr[1];
+                       ptr[1] = ptr[LAST_STREAK * 2 - 1];
+                       ptr[LAST_STREAK * 2 - 1] = tmp;
+               }
+               ptr += 8;
+       }
+void rleBlit(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride, int blitX,
+            int blitY) {
+       int scanline = 0;
+       int streakPos = 0;
+       int streakLength = 0;
+       int streak = 0;
+       RLE_TYPE *input = rle->scans;
+       unsigned short *output;
+       unsigned int *output32;
+       dst += blitX + blitY * dstStride;
+       for (scanline = blitY; scanline < blitY + rle->h; scanline++) {
+               if (scanline < 0 || scanline >= dstH)
+                       continue;
+               for (streak = 0; streak < RLE_STREAKS_PER_SCANLINE; streak++) {
+                       streakPos = (int)*input++;
+                       streakLength = (int)*input++;
+                       if ((streakPos + blitX) <= 0)
+                               continue;
+                       output = dst + streakPos;
+                       /* Check if we need to write the first pixel as 16bit */
+                       if (streakLength % 2) {
+                               *output++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR;
+                       }
+                       /* Then, write 2 pixels at a time */
+                       streakLength >>= 1;
+                       output32 = (unsigned int *)output;
+                       while (streakLength--) {
+                               *output32++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR_32;
+                       }
+               }
+               dst += dstStride;
+       }
+/* This is madness. We could at least check that we are not interpolating from 0 -> something
+ * (length). This could remove the need for 'distributeScans' */
+void interpolateScan(RLE_TYPE *output, RLE_TYPE *a, RLE_TYPE *b, float t) {
+       static int div = 1 << 23;
+       int ti, i;
+       t += 1.0f;
+       ti = (*((unsigned int *)&t)) & 0x7FFFFF;
+       for (i = 0; i < RLE_ELEMENTS_PER_SCANLINE; i++) {
+               if (*a == 0) {
+                       *output++ = *b++;
+                       a++;
+               } else {
+                       if (*b == 0) {
+                               *output++ = *a++;
+                               b++;
+                       } else {
+                               *output++ = ((*b++ * ti) + (*a++ * (div - ti))) >> 23;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+void rleBlitScale(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride, int blitX,
+                 int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY) {
+       int scanline = 0;
+       int streakPos = 0;
+       int streakLength = 0;
+       int streak = 0;
+       unsigned short *output;
+       unsigned int *output32;
+       unsigned char *input;
+       int scanlineCounter = 0;
+       int scaleXFixed;
+       static unsigned char scan[512];
+       /*int blitW = (int)(rle->w * scaleX + 0.5f);*/
+       int blitH = (int)(rle->h * scaleY + 0.5f);
+       /* From this point on, scaleY will be inverted */
+       scaleY = 1.0f / scaleY;
+       scaleXFixed = (int)(scaleX * (float)(1 << RLE_FIXED_BITS) + 0.5f);
+       dst += blitX + blitY * dstStride;
+       for (scanline = blitY; scanline < blitY + blitH; scanline++) {
+               float normalScan = scanlineCounter * scaleY; /* ScaleY  is inverted */
+               unsigned char *scan0 = rle->scans + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE * (int)normalScan;
+               unsigned char *scan1 = scan0 + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE;
+               normalScan -= (int)normalScan;
+               interpolateScan(scan, scan0, scan1, normalScan);
+               input = scan;
+               scanlineCounter++;
+               if (scanline < 0 || scanline >= dstH)
+                       continue;
+               for (streak = 0; streak < RLE_STREAKS_PER_SCANLINE; streak++) {
+                       streakPos = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
+                       streakLength = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
+                       if ((streakPos + blitX) <= 0)
+                               continue;
+                       output = dst + streakPos;
+                       /* Check if we need to write the first pixel as 16bit */
+                       if (streakLength % 2) {
+                               *output++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR;
+                       }
+                       /* Then, write 2 pixels at a time */
+                       streakLength >>= 1;
+                       output32 = (unsigned int *)output;
+                       while (streakLength--) {
+                               *output32++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR_32;
+                       }
+               }
+               dst += dstStride;
+       }
+void rleBlitScaleInv(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
+                    int blitX, int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY) {
+       int scanline = 0;
+       int streakPos = 0;
+       int streakLength = 0;
+       int streak = 0;
+       unsigned short *output;
+       unsigned int *output32;
+       unsigned char *input;
+       int scanlineCounter = 0;
+       int scaleXFixed;
+       static unsigned char scan[512];
+       /*int blitW = (int)(rle->w * scaleX + 0.5f);*/
+       int blitH = (int)(rle->h * scaleY + 0.5f);
+       /* From this point on, scaleY will be inverted */
+       scaleY = 1.0f / scaleY;
+       scaleXFixed = (int)(scaleX * (float)(1 << RLE_FIXED_BITS) + 0.5f);
+       dst += blitX + blitY * dstStride;
+       for (scanline = blitY; scanline > blitY - blitH; scanline--) {
+               float normalScan = scanlineCounter * scaleY; /* ScaleY is inverted */
+               unsigned char *scan0 = rle->scans + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE * (int)normalScan;
+               unsigned char *scan1 = scan0 + RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE;
+               normalScan -= (int)normalScan;
+               interpolateScan(scan, scan0, scan1, normalScan);
+               input = scan;
+               scanlineCounter++;
+               if (scanline < 0 || scanline >= dstH)
+                       continue;
+               for (streak = 0; streak < RLE_STREAKS_PER_SCANLINE; streak++) {
+                       streakPos = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
+                       streakLength = (*input++ * scaleXFixed) >> RLE_FIXED_BITS;
+                       if ((streakPos + blitX) <= 0)
+                               continue;
+                       output = dst + streakPos;
+                       /* Check if we need to write the first pixel as 16bit */
+                       if (streakLength % 2) {
+                               *output++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR;
+                       }
+                       /* Then, write 2 pixels at a time */
+                       streakLength >>= 1;
+                       output32 = (unsigned int *)output;
+                       while (streakLength--) {
+                               *output32++ = RLE_FILL_COLOR_32;
+                       }
+               }
+               dst -= dstStride;
+       }
diff --git a/src/utils/RleBitmap.h b/src/utils/RleBitmap.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3f36b16
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#ifndef __RLE_BITMAP_H__
+#define __RLE_BITMAP_H__
+/* Limit streak count per scanline so we can directly jump to specific scanline
+ */
+/* Streaks will not exceed this many pixels. This allows us to optimize with a
+ * padded framebuffer. If a streak start position happens to lie within
+ * framebuffer, we will blit it without checking for out of bounds */
+/* Using the following type for storing start and for storing length in (start,
+ * length) pairs. */
+#define RLE_TYPE unsigned char
+/* For now, keep a static fill color. We can change this. Not that much about
+ * speed, but let's keep function definitions more compact. */
+#define RLE_FILL_COLOR 0
+/* Two entries of RLE_FILL_COLOR (16 bits) packed one after the other. */
+/* For fixed-point arithmetic. Used for scaling. */
+#define RLE_FIXED_BITS 16
+/* This is a bitmap (image in 1bpp), encoded as streaks of consecutive pixels.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+       unsigned int w, h;
+       /* Each scan is RLE_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE long and contains pairs of
+        * (start, length). */
+       RLE_TYPE *scans;
+} RleBitmap;
+/* Constructor */
+RleBitmap *rleCreate(unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
+/* Destructor */
+void rleDestroy(RleBitmap *rle);
+/* Clears 'rle' to "all transparent" */
+void rleClear(RleBitmap *rle);
+/* Encode 'pixels' into 'rle' and also return it. Pixels are either 0 or 1. This
+ * will create an RleBitmap of 'h' scanlines. */
+RleBitmap *rleEncode(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned char *pixels, unsigned int pixelsW,
+                    unsigned int pixelsH);
+/* Rearranges the streaks to make it less frequent that they produce garbege when interpolated */
+void rleDistributeStreaks(RleBitmap *rle);
+/* Blits without scaling */
+void rleBlit(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride, int blitX,
+            int blitY);
+/* Scaled blit */
+void rleBlitScale(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride, int blitX,
+                 int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY);
+/* Inverted blit (upside down) */
+void rleBlitScaleInv(RleBitmap *rle, unsigned short *dst, int dstW, int dstH, int dstStride,
+                    int blitX, int blitY, float scaleX, float scaleY);
+#endif // __RLE_BITMAP_H__