/* printf ( "Window %3d message <%04x> %12d %12d\n", window?window->ID:0,
uMsg, wParam, lParam ); */
+ /* events only sent to main window. Check if the current window that the mouse
+ is over is a child window and if so, make sure we call the callback on that
+ child instead.
+ */
+ if (window && window->Children.First)
+ {
+ POINT mouse_pos;
+ SFG_WindowHandleType hwnd;
+ GetCursorPos( &mouse_pos );
+ ScreenToClient( window->Window.Handle, &mouse_pos );
+ hwnd = ChildWindowFromPoint(window->Window.Handle, mouse_pos);
+ window = fgWindowByHandle(hwnd);
+ }
if ( window )
fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );
fgUpdateMenuHighlight( window->ActiveMenu );
- SetFocus(window->Window.Handle);
fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );
int keypress = -1;
POINT mouse_pos ;
if( ( fgState.KeyRepeat==GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF || window->State.IgnoreKeyRepeat==GL_TRUE ) && (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_REPEAT) )