static SFG_Font* fghFontByID( void* font )
- if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13 ) return( &fgFontFixed8x13 );
- if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15 ) return( &fgFontFixed9x15 );
- if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10 ) return( &fgFontHelvetica10 );
- if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12 ) return( &fgFontHelvetica12 );
- if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 ) return( &fgFontHelvetica18 );
- if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10 ) return( &fgFontTimesRoman10 );
- if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 ) return( &fgFontTimesRoman24 );
- fgError( "font 0x%08x not found", font );
- return 0; /*** XXX NOT REACHED ***/
+ /*
+ * XXX Use a macro, a table of some kind, or else split these
+ * XXX statements properly. Jamming "return" on the end of an
+ * XXX "if" is just bad style, IMHO.
+ */
+ if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13 ) return( &fgFontFixed8x13 );
+ if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15 ) return( &fgFontFixed9x15 );
+ if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10 ) return( &fgFontHelvetica10 );
+ if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12 ) return( &fgFontHelvetica12 );
+ if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 ) return( &fgFontHelvetica18 );
+ if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10 ) return( &fgFontTimesRoman10 );
+ if( font == GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 ) return( &fgFontTimesRoman24 );
+ fgError( "font 0x%08x not found", font );
+ return 0; /*** NOT REACHED ***/
static SFG_StrokeFont* fghStrokeByID( void* font )
- if( font == GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN ) return( &fgStrokeRoman );
- if( font == GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN ) return( &fgStrokeMonoRoman );
- fgError( "stroke font 0x%08x not found", font );
- return 0; /*** XXX NOT REACHED ***/
+ /*
+ * XXX Same comment as above about jamming "return" in after an
+ * XXX "if".
+ */
+ if( font == GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN ) return( &fgStrokeRoman );
+ if( font == GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN ) return( &fgStrokeMonoRoman );
+ fgError( "stroke font 0x%08x not found", font );
+ return 0; /*** NOT REACHED ***/
void FGAPIENTRY glutBitmapCharacter( void* fontID, int character )
- const GLubyte* face;
- SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
- freeglut_return_if_fail( character >= 1 && character < 256 );
- /*
- * Find the character we want to draw (???)
- */
- face = font->Characters[ character - 1 ];
- glPushClientAttrib( GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0 );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0 );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
- glBitmap(
- face[ 0 ], font->Height, /* The bitmap's width and height */
- font->xorig, font->yorig, /* The origin in the font glyph */
- (float)(face[ 0 ]), 0.0, /* The raster advance -- inc. x,y */
- (face + 1) /* The packed bitmap data... */
- );
- glPopClientAttrib();
+ const GLubyte* face;
+ SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
+ freeglut_return_if_fail( ( character >= 1 )&&( character < 256 ) );
+ /*
+ * Find the character we want to draw (???)
+ */
+ face = font->Characters[ character - 1 ];
+ glPushClientAttrib( GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0 );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0 );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
+ glBitmap(
+ face[ 0 ], font->Height, /* The bitmap's width and height */
+ font->xorig, font->yorig, /* The origin in the font glyph */
+ ( float )( face[ 0 ] ), 0.0, /* The raster advance -- inc. x,y */
+ ( face + 1 ) /* The packed bitmap data... */
+ );
+ glPopClientAttrib( );
void FGAPIENTRY glutBitmapString( void* fontID, const unsigned char *string )
- int c;
- int numchar = strlen ( string ) ;
- SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
- float raster_position[4] ;
- glGetFloatv ( GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, raster_position ) ;
- glPushClientAttrib( GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0 );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0 );
- glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
- /*
- * Step through the string, drawing each character.
- * A newline will simply translate the next character's insertion
- * point back to the start of the line and down one line.
- */
- for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
- {
- if ( string[c] == '\n' )
- {
- raster_position[1] -= (float)font->Height ;
- glRasterPos4fv ( raster_position ) ;
- }
- else /* Not an EOL, draw the bitmap character */
- {
- const GLubyte* face = font->Characters[ string[ c ] - 1 ] ;
- glBitmap(
- face[ 0 ], font->Height, /* The bitmap's width and height */
- font->xorig, font->yorig, /* The origin in the font glyph */
- (float)(face[ 0 ]), 0.0, /* The raster advance -- inc. x,y */
- (face + 1) /* The packed bitmap data... */
- ) ;
- }
- }
- glPopClientAttrib();
+ int c;
+ int numchar = strlen ( string ) ;
+ SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
+ float raster_position[4];
+ glGetFloatv ( GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, raster_position ) ;
+ glPushClientAttrib( GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0 );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0 );
+ glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
+ /*
+ * Step through the string, drawing each character.
+ * A newline will simply translate the next character's insertion
+ * point back to the start of the line and down one line.
+ */
+ for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
+ if ( string[c] == '\n' )
+ {
+ raster_position[1] -= (float)font->Height ;
+ glRasterPos4fv ( raster_position ) ;
+ }
+ else /* Not an EOL, draw the bitmap character */
+ {
+ const GLubyte* face = font->Characters[ string[ c ] - 1 ];
+ glBitmap(
+ face[ 0 ], font->Height, /* Bitmap's width and height */
+ font->xorig, font->yorig, /* The origin in the font glyph */
+ ( float )( face[ 0 ] ), 0.0, /* The raster advance; inc. x,y */
+ ( face + 1 ) /* The packed bitmap data... */
+ );
+ }
+ glPopClientAttrib( );
int FGAPIENTRY glutBitmapWidth( void* fontID, int character )
- SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
+ SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
- freeglut_return_val_if_fail( character > 0 && character < 256, 0 );
- return( *(font->Characters[ character - 1 ]) );
+ freeglut_return_val_if_fail( character > 0 && character < 256, 0 );
+ return *( font->Characters[ character - 1 ] );
int FGAPIENTRY glutBitmapLength( void* fontID, const unsigned char* string )
- int c, length = 0, this_line_length = 0;
- SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
- int numchar = strlen ( string ) ;
+ int c, length = 0, this_line_length = 0;
+ SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
+ int numchar = strlen ( string ) ;
- for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
- {
- if ( string[ c ] == '\n' ) /* EOL; reset the length of this line */
+ for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
- if ( length < this_line_length ) length = this_line_length ;
- this_line_length = 0 ;
+ if ( string[ c ] != '\n' )/* Not an EOL, increment length of line */
+ this_line_length += *( font->Characters[ string[ c ] - 1 ]);
+ else /* EOL; reset the length of this line */
+ {
+ if( length < this_line_length )
+ length = this_line_length;
+ this_line_length = 0;
+ }
- else /* Not an EOL, increment the length of this line */
- this_line_length += *(font->Characters[ string[ c ] - 1 ]) ;
- }
- if ( length < this_line_length )
- length = this_line_length ;
+ if ( length < this_line_length )
+ length = this_line_length;
- return( length );
+ return length;
int FGAPIENTRY glutBitmapHeight( void* fontID )
- SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
- return( font->Height );
+ SFG_Font* font = fghFontByID( fontID );
+ return font->Height;
void FGAPIENTRY glutStrokeCharacter( void* fontID, int character )
- const SFG_StrokeChar *schar;
- const SFG_StrokeStrip *strip;
- int i, j;
- SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
+ const SFG_StrokeChar *schar;
+ const SFG_StrokeStrip *strip;
+ int i, j;
+ SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
- freeglut_return_if_fail( character >= 0 && character < font->Quantity );
+ freeglut_return_if_fail( character >= 0 && character < font->Quantity );
- schar = font->Characters[character];
- freeglut_return_if_fail( schar );
- strip = schar->Strips;
+ schar = font->Characters[character];
+ freeglut_return_if_fail( schar );
+ strip = schar->Strips;
- for (i = 0; i < schar->Number; i++, strip++)
- {
- glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
- for(j = 0; j < strip->Number; j++)
+ for( i = 0; i < schar->Number; i++, strip++ )
- glVertex2f(strip->Vertices[j].X, strip->Vertices[j].Y);
+ glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP );
+ for( j = 0; j < strip->Number; j++ )
+ glVertex2f( strip->Vertices[ j ].X, strip->Vertices[ j ].Y );
+ glEnd( );
- glEnd();
- }
- glTranslatef(schar->Right, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glTranslatef( schar->Right, 0.0, 0.0 );
void FGAPIENTRY glutStrokeString( void* fontID, const unsigned char *string )
- int c, i, j;
- int numchar = strlen ( string ) ;
- float length = 0.0 ;
- SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
- /*
- * Step through the string, drawing each character.
- * A newline will simply translate the next character's insertion
- * point back to the start of the line and down one line.
- */
- for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
- {
- if ( string[ c ] < font->Quantity )
- {
- if ( string[c] == '\n' )
- {
- glTranslatef ( -length, -(float)(font->Height), 0.0 ) ;
- length = 0.0 ;
- }
- else /* Not an EOL, draw the bitmap character */
- {
- const SFG_StrokeChar *schar = font->Characters[string[c]];
- if ( schar != NULL )
- {
- const SFG_StrokeStrip *strip = schar->Strips;
- for (i = 0; i < schar->Number; i++, strip++)
- {
- glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
- for(j = 0; j < strip->Number; j++)
- glVertex2f(strip->Vertices[j].X, strip->Vertices[j].Y);
- glEnd();
- }
+ int c, i, j;
+ int numchar = strlen ( string );
+ float length = 0.0;
+ SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
- length += schar->Right ;
- glTranslatef(schar->Right, 0.0, 0.0);
+ /*
+ * Step through the string, drawing each character.
+ * A newline will simply translate the next character's insertion
+ * point back to the start of the line and down one line.
+ */
+ for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
+ if ( string[ c ] < font->Quantity )
+ {
+ if( string[ c ] == '\n' )
+ {
+ glTranslatef ( -length, -(float)(font->Height), 0.0 );
+ length = 0.0;
+ }
+ else /* Not an EOL, draw the bitmap character */
+ {
+ const SFG_StrokeChar *schar = font->Characters[ string[ c ] ];
+ if( schar )
+ {
+ const SFG_StrokeStrip *strip = schar->Strips;
+ for(i = 0; i < schar->Number; i++, strip++)
+ {
+ glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP );
+ for( j = 0; j < strip->Number; j++ )
+ glVertex2f( strip->Vertices[ j ].X,
+ strip->Vertices[ j ].Y);
+ glEnd( );
+ }
+ length += schar->Right;
+ glTranslatef( schar->Right, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
- }
int FGAPIENTRY glutStrokeWidth( void* fontID, int character )
- const SFG_StrokeChar *schar;
- SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
- freeglut_return_val_if_fail( character >= 0 && character < font->Quantity, 0 );
- schar = font->Characters[character];
- freeglut_return_val_if_fail( schar, 0 );
+ const SFG_StrokeChar *schar;
+ SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
- return ((int)(schar->Right + 0.5));
+ freeglut_return_val_if_fail( ( character >= 0 ) &&
+ ( character < font->Quantity ),
+ 0 );
+ schar = font->Characters[ character ];
+ freeglut_return_val_if_fail( schar, 0 );
+ return ( int )( schar->Right + 0.5 );
int FGAPIENTRY glutStrokeLength( void* fontID, const unsigned char* string )
- int c;
- float length = 0.0;
- float this_line_length = 0.0 ;
- SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
- int numchar = strlen ( string ) ;
- for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
- {
- if ( string[ c ] < font->Quantity )
- {
- if ( string[ c ] == '\n' ) /* EOL; reset the length of this line */
- {
- if ( length < this_line_length ) length = this_line_length ;
- this_line_length = 0.0 ;
- }
- else /* Not an EOL, increment the length of this line */
- {
- const SFG_StrokeChar *schar = font->Characters[string[c]];
- if ( schar != NULL )
- this_line_length += schar->Right ;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( length < this_line_length )
- length = this_line_length ;
- return( (int)(length+0.5) );
+ int c;
+ float length = 0.0;
+ float this_line_length = 0.0;
+ SFG_StrokeFont* font = fghStrokeByID( fontID );
+ int numchar = strlen( string );
+ for( c = 0; c < numchar; c++ )
+ if ( string[ c ] < font->Quantity )
+ {
+ if( string[ c ] == '\n' ) /* EOL; reset the length of this line */
+ {
+ if( length < this_line_length )
+ length = this_line_length;
+ this_line_length = 0.0;
+ }
+ else /* Not an EOL, increment the length of this line */
+ {
+ const SFG_StrokeChar *schar = font->Characters[ string[ c ] ];
+ if ( schar )
+ this_line_length += schar->Right;
+ }
+ }
+ if( length < this_line_length )
+ length = this_line_length;
+ return ( int )( length + 0.5 );