-Windows 32 Notes
-The "freeglut" library installation package comes with MSVC 6.0 workspace and
-project files. The workspace "freeglut.dsw" has two projects:
-"freeglut.dsp", which creates a DLL file, and "freeglut_static.dsp", which
-creates a static library.
-The "freeglut" library also comes with an Open Watcom compiler project file
-"freeglut.wpj" and two target files "freeglut.tgt" and "freeglut_static.tgt".
-The two target files build DLL and static libraries. The Open Watcom also
-includes "freeglut.rc", which is a resource compiler script to add a "Version"
-tab to the DLL property sheet.
-Building the Libraries with MSVC
-To build the "freeglut" libraries, open MSVC and load the "freeglut" workspace.
-This will load the two projects. Selecting "Build" - "Batch Build" from the
-menu will build both the debug and the release versions of both libraries.
-The libraries will be found in the following places and will have the
-following names:
-- DLL, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\Debug\freeglut.lib
-- DLL, release version: freeglut\freeglut\Release\freeglut.lib
-- Static, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\DebugStatic\freeglut_static.lib
-- Static, release version: freeglut\freeglut\ReleaseStatic\freeglut_static.lib
-Starting with VS2008, both 32bit and 64bit builds are available.
-These libraries can instead be found at:
-- DLL, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x86\Debug\freeglut.lib
- freeglut\freeglut\lib\x86\Debug\freeglut.dll
-- Static, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x86\Debug\freeglut_static.lib
-- DLL, release version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x86\freeglut.lib
- freeglut\freeglut\lib\x86\freeglut.dll
-- Static, release version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x86\freeglut_static.lib
-- DLL, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x64\Debug\freeglut.lib
- freeglut\freeglut\lib\x64\Debug\freeglut.dll
-- Static, debug version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x64\Debug\freeglut_static.lib
-- DLL, release version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x64\freeglut.lib
- freeglut\freeglut\lib\x64\freeglut.dll
-- Static, release version: freeglut\freeglut\lib\x64\freeglut_static.lib
-Unlike the *nix release, the library names are NOT automatic replacements for
-the GLUT library names. You may rename them manually if you wish, but this is
-not necessary as the header file includes a pragma telling the compiler which
-library file to look for.
Installing the Libraries with MSVC