+#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "cgmath/cgmath.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "opengl.h"
#include "level.h"
+#include "player.h"
#include "scenefile.h"
#include "sdr.h"
static void draw_level(void);
struct level lvl;
+struct player player;
int win_width, win_height;
float win_aspect;
int mouse_x, mouse_y;
int bnstate[8];
-float cam_theta, cam_phi, cam_dist = 10;
+float cam_dist = 10;
float view_matrix[16], proj_matrix[16];
unsigned int sdr_foo;
if(load_level(&lvl, "data/test.lvl") == -1) {
return -1;
+ gen_level_geom(&lvl);
+ init_player(&player);
+ player.lvl = &lvl;
+ player.cx = lvl.px;
+ player.cy = lvl.py;
+ printf("start pos: %d,%d\n", player.cx, player.cy);
return 0;
- cgm_midentity(view_matrix);
- cgm_mpretranslate(view_matrix, 0, -1.7, -cam_dist);
- cgm_mprerotate(view_matrix, cam_phi, 1, 0, 0);
- cgm_mprerotate(view_matrix, cam_theta, 0, 1, 0);
+ upd_player_xform(&player);
- glLoadMatrixf(view_matrix);
+ glLoadMatrixf(player.view_xform);
int i, j, k;
struct cell *cell;
+ float xform[16];
cell = lvl.cells;
for(i=0; i<lvl.height; i++) {
for(j=0; j<lvl.width; j++) {
+ cgm_mtranslation(xform, j * lvl.cell_size, 0, i * lvl.cell_size);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glMultMatrixf(xform);
for(k=0; k<cell->num_mgrp; k++) {
draw_meshgroup(cell->mgrp + k);
+ glPopMatrix();
if(!(dx | dy)) return;
if(bnstate[0]) {
- cam_theta += cgm_deg_to_rad(dx * 0.5f);
- cam_phi += cgm_deg_to_rad(dy * 0.5f);
- if(cam_phi < -M_PI/2) cam_phi = -M_PI/2;
- if(cam_phi > M_PI/2) cam_phi = M_PI/2;
+ player.theta -= cgm_deg_to_rad(dx * 0.5f);
+ player.phi -= cgm_deg_to_rad(dy * 0.5f);
+ if(player.phi < -M_PI/2) player.phi = -M_PI/2;
+ if(player.phi > M_PI/2) player.phi = M_PI/2;
if(bnstate[2]) {
cam_dist += dy * 0.1;
lvl->width = xsz;
lvl->height = ysz;
+ lvl->cell_size = DEF_CELL_SIZE;
return 0;
struct ts_node *ts, *node, *iter;
int i, j, sz, cx, cy;
struct cell *cell;
+ float *vecptr;
lvl->fname = strdup(fname);
if((lvl->dirname = malloc(strlen(fname) + 1))) {
return -1;
+ lvl->cell_size = ts_get_attr_num(ts, "cellsize", DEF_CELL_SIZE);
+ if((vecptr = ts_get_attr_vec(ts, "player", 0))) {
+ lvl->px = vecptr[0];
+ lvl->py = vecptr[1];
+ }
iter = ts->child_list;
while(iter) {
static int load_tileset(struct level *lvl, struct ts_node *tsn)
- static const char *tile_types[] = {"straight", "corner", "door", 0};
+ static const char *tile_types[] = {"empty", "straight", "corner", "door", 0};
int i;
char *path;
return 0;
-struct tile *find_level_tile(struct level *lvl, const char *tname)
+struct tile *find_level_tile(struct level *lvl, int type)
struct tile *tile = lvl->tiles;
while(tile) {
- if(strcmp(tile->name, tname) == 0) {
+ if(tile->type == type) {
return tile;
tile = tile->next;
struct mesh *mesh, *tmesh;
float xform[16];
- printf("foo!\n");
- if(!(tstr = find_level_tile(lvl, "straight"))) {
+ if(!(tstr = find_level_tile(lvl, TILE_STRAIGHT))) {
return -1;
cell = lvl->cells + i * lvl->width + j;
if(cell->type != CELL_SOLID) {
if(gen_cell_geom(lvl, cell) == -1) {
+ printf("failed to generate cell\n");
return -1;
#include "scenefile.h"
+#define DEF_CELL_SIZE 3.0f
enum {
char *fname, *dirname;
int width, height;
+ int px, py; /* player start position */
+ float cell_size;
struct cell *cells;
struct tile *tiles;
int load_level(struct level *lvl, const char *fname);
int save_level(struct level *lvl, const char *fname);
-struct tile *find_level_tile(struct level *lvl, const char *tname);
+struct tile *find_level_tile(struct level *lvl, int type);
int gen_cell_geom(struct level *lvl, struct cell *cell);
int gen_level_geom(struct level *lvl);
--- /dev/null
+#include "player.h"
+void init_player(struct player *p)
+ memset(p, 0, sizeof *p);
+ cgm_qcons(&p->vrot, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ p->height = 1.75;
+ p->hp = p->hp_max = 10;
+ p->mp = p->mp_max = 10;
+void upd_player_xform(struct player *p)
+ cgm_vec3 pos;
+ float celld = p->lvl ? p->lvl->cell_size : DEF_CELL_SIZE;
+ cgm_vcons(&pos, p->cx * celld, p->height, p->cy * celld);
+ cgm_vadd(&pos, &p->cpos);
+ cgm_midentity(p->view_xform);
+ cgm_mprerotate_x(p->view_xform, -p->phi);
+ cgm_mprerotate_y(p->view_xform, -p->theta);
+ cgm_mrotate_quat(p->view_xform, &p->vrot);
+ cgm_mpretranslate(p->view_xform, -pos.x, -pos.y, -pos.z);
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef PLAYER_H_
+#define PLAYER_H_
+#include "cgmath/cgmath.h"
+#include "level.h"
+struct player {
+ struct level *lvl;
+ int cx, cy;
+ cgm_vec3 cpos; /* cell position (derived from cx,cy) */
+ float theta, phi; /* mouselook/VR controller rotation (theta only) */
+ cgm_vec3 vpos; /* VR position within the cell */
+ cgm_quat vrot; /* VR orientation */
+ float height;
+ /* view matrix, derived from all of the above by upd_player_xform */
+ float view_xform[16];
+ int hp, mp, hp_max, mp_max;
+void init_player(struct player *p);
+void upd_player_xform(struct player *p);
+#endif /* PLAYER_H_ */