(274) Added --enable-debug configure flag. Currently it only turns on X11
event tracing, but in the future we could add more.
+(275) Cleaned up CreateNotify/ConfigureNotify handling.
* GLUT presumably does this because it generally tries to treat
* sub-windows the same as windows.
- *
- * XXX Technically, GETWINDOW( xconfigure ) and
- * XXX {event.xconfigure} may not be legit ways to get at
- * XXX data for CreateNotify events. In practice, the data
- * XXX is in a union which is laid out much the same either
- * XXX way. But if you want to split hairs, this isn't legit,
- * XXX and we should instead duplicate some code.
case CreateNotify:
case ConfigureNotify:
- GETWINDOW( xconfigure );
- int width = event.xconfigure.width;
- int height = event.xconfigure.height;
+ int width, height;
+ if( event.type == CreateNotify ) {
+ GETWINDOW( xcreatewindow );
+ width = event.xcreatewindow.width;
+ height = event.xcreatewindow.height;
+ } else {
+ GETWINDOW( xconfigure );
+ width = event.xconfigure.width;
+ height = event.xconfigure.height;
+ }
if( ( width != window->State.OldWidth ) ||
( height != window->State.OldHeight ) )