; effect main loop
- mov cx, spawn_rate ; spawn 10 points per frame
+ mov cx, spawn_rate
.spawn: call rand
xor edx, edx
div dword [num_spawn_pos] ; edx <- rand % num_spawn_pos
mov bx, [es:edx * 2] ; grab one of the spawn positions
- mov byte [fs:bx], 1 ; plot a pixel there
+ mov byte [fs:bx], 0xff ; plot a pixel there
dec cx
jnz .spawn
+ ; blur the screen upwards
+ mov ax, fs
+ mov ds, ax ; let's use ds for this to avoid long instructions
+ xor bx, bx ; use: pointer
+ xor ax, ax ; use: pixel accum
+ xor dx, dx ; use: second pixel
+ mov al, [bx]
+ mov dl, [bx + 320]
+ add ax, dx
+ shr ax, 1
+ mov [bx], al
+ inc bx
+ cmp bx, 64000 - 320
+ jnz .blurloop
; wait until the start of vblank
mov dx, 3dah