GLushort *stripIdx;
/* Allocate buffers for indices, bail out if memory allocation fails */
- //stripIdx = malloc((slices+1)*2*(stacks+2)*sizeof(GLushort));
+ stripIdx = malloc((nRings+1)*2*nSides*sizeof(GLushort));
if (!(stripIdx))
fgError("Failed to allocate memory in fghTorus");
+ for( i=0, idx=0; i<nSides; i++ )
+ {
+ int ioff = 1;
+ if (i==nSides-1)
+ ioff = -i;
+ for( j=0; j<nRings; j++, idx+=2 )
+ {
+ int offset = j * nSides + i;
+ stripIdx[idx ] = offset;
+ stripIdx[idx+1] = offset + ioff;
+ }
+ /* repeat first to close off shape */
+ stripIdx[idx ] = i;
+ stripIdx[idx+1] = i + ioff;
+ idx +=2;
+ }
/* draw */
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, normals);
- /*draw stacks*/
- //for (i=0; i<stacks+2; i++)
- // glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,(slices+1)*2,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,stripIdx+i*(slices+1)*2);
+ for (i=0; i<nSides; i++)
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,(nRings+1)*2,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,stripIdx+i*(nRings+1)*2);
void FGAPIENTRY glutSolidTorus( double dInnerRadius, double dOuterRadius, GLint nSides, GLint nRings )
- GLfloat *vertex, *normal;
- int i, j, nVert;
- fghGenerateTorus(
- dInnerRadius, dOuterRadius, nSides, nRings, /* input */
- &vertex, &normal, &nVert /* output */
- );
- for( i=0; i<nSides; i++ )
- {
- int offset;
- int ioff = 3;
- if (i==nSides-1)
- ioff = -i*3;
- for( j=0; j<nRings; j++ )
- {
- offset = 3 * ( j * nSides + i ) ;
- glNormal3fv( normal + offset );
- glVertex3fv( vertex + offset );
- glNormal3fv( normal + offset + ioff );
- glVertex3fv( vertex + offset + ioff );
- }
- /* repeat first to close off shape */
- offset = 3 * i;
- glNormal3fv( normal + offset );
- glVertex3fv( vertex + offset );
- glNormal3fv( normal + offset + ioff );
- glVertex3fv( vertex + offset + ioff );
- glEnd();
- }
- free ( vertex ) ;
- free ( normal ) ;
+ fghTorus(dInnerRadius, dOuterRadius, nSides, nRings, FALSE);
#endif /* EGL_VERSION_1_0 */