warn = -pedantic -Wall
#opt = -O2
dbg = -g
-inc = -Isrc -Isrc/libc -Isrc/test
+inc = -Isrc -Isrc/libc
gccopt = -fno-pic -ffreestanding -nostdinc -fno-builtin -ffast-math
CFLAGS = $(ccarch) -march=i386 $(warn) $(opt) $(dbg) $(gccopt) $(inc) $(def)
ASFLAGS = $(asarch) -march=i386 $(dbg) -nostdinc -fno-builtin $(inc)
LDFLAGS = $(ldarch) -nostdlib -T pcboot.ld -print-gc-sections
-QEMU_FLAGS = -fda floppy.img -serial file:serial.log -soundhw sb16
+#QEMU_FLAGS = -fda floppy.img -serial file:serial.log -soundhw sb16
+QEMU_FLAGS = -hda disk.img -serial file:serial.log -soundhw sb16
ifneq ($(shell uname -m), i386)
ccarch = -m32
ldarch = -m elf_i386
+.PHONY: all
+all: disk.img #floppy.img
+disk.img: boot.img blank.img
+ @echo
+ @echo - patching pcboot onto the blank disk image ...
+ cp blank.img $@
+ dd if=boot.img of=$@ bs=512 status=none conv=notrunc
+ dd if=blank.img of=$@ bs=1 seek=440 skip=440 count=70 status=none conv=notrunc
+ @echo
+ @echo - generating blank disk image with FAT partition ...
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=part.img bs=1024 count=63488
+ mkfs -t vfat -n PCBOOT part.img
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=1024 count=65536
+ echo start=2048 type=c | sfdisk $@
+ dd if=part.img of=$@ bs=512 seek=2048 conv=notrunc
+ rm part.img
floppy.img: boot.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=512 count=2880
dd if=$< of=$@ conv=notrunc
.PHONY: clean
- rm -f $(obj) $(bin) boot.img floppy.img link.map
+ rm -f $(obj) $(bin) boot.img floppy.img disk.img link.map
.PHONY: cleandep
disasm: bootldr.disasm $(elf).disasm
bootldr.disasm: $(elf)
- objdump -d $< -j .boot -j .boot2 -m i8086 >$@
+ objdump -d $< -j .boot -j .boot2 -j .lowtext -m i8086 >$@
$(elf).disasm: $(elf)
objdump -d $< -j .startup -j .text -j .lowtext -m i386 >$@
.PHONY: sym
sym: $(elf).sym
+.PHONY: mount
+mount: disk.img
+ mount -o loop,offset=1048576 $< /mnt
+.PHONY: data
+data: blank.img
+ mcopy -D o -i $<@@1M data/* ::.data
+ $(MAKE)