#include <stdio.h>
+#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <goatvr.h>
#include "app.h"
static BlobExhibit *blobs;
static bool show_blobs;
-ExSelection exsel_grab, exsel_hover;
+ExSelection exsel_active, exsel_hover;
+ExSelection exsel_grab_left, exsel_grab_right;
+#define exsel_grab_mouse exsel_grab_right
+static ExhibitSlot exslot_left, exslot_right;
+#define exslot_mouse exslot_right
static Renderer *rend;
delete rend;
+ /* this must be destroyed before the scene graph to detach exhibit nodes
+ * before the scene tries to delete them recursively
+ */
delete exman;
floor_y = avatar.pos.y - user_eye_height;
- // TODO move to avatar
+ // TODO move to the avatar system
// calculate mouselook view matrix
mouse_view_matrix = Mat4::identity;
mouse_view_matrix.pre_translate(0, 0, -cam_dist);
mouse_view_matrix.pre_translate(-avatar.pos.x, -avatar.pos.y, -avatar.pos.z);
- // check if an exhibit is hovered-over by mouse or 6dof
- // XXX note: using previous view/proj matrix lattency shouldn't be an issue but
- // make sure state-creep doesn't get us
- // XXX also this mouse-picking probably should only be active in non-VR mode
- Ray ray = calc_pick_ray(prev_mx, prev_my);
- exsel_hover = exman->select(ray);
+ // check if an exhibit is hovered-over by mouse or 6dof (only if we don't have one grabbed)
+ if(!exsel_grab_mouse) {
+ // XXX note: using previous view/proj matrix lattency shouldn't be an issue but
+ // make sure state-creep doesn't get us
+ // XXX also this mouse-picking probably should only be active in non-VR mode
+ Ray ray = calc_pick_ray(prev_mx, prev_my);
+ exsel_hover = exman->select(ray);
+ }
+ if(!exslot_left.empty()) exslot_left.node.update(dt);
+ if(!exslot_right.empty()) exslot_right.node.update(dt);
// update hand-tracking
if(have_handtracking) {
void app_mouse_button(int bn, bool pressed, int x, int y)
+ static int press_x, press_y;
if(debug_gui) {
debug_gui_mbutton(bn, pressed, x, y);
return; // ignore mouse events while GUI is visible
bnstate[bn] = pressed;
if(bn == 0) {
- if(!pressed) {
- if(exsel_grab.ex) {
- exsel_grab.ex = 0;
- } else {
- Ray ray = calc_pick_ray(x, y);
- exsel_grab = exman->select(ray);
+ ExSelection sel;
+ Ray ray = calc_pick_ray(x, y);
+ sel = exman->select(ray);
+ if(pressed) {
+ if(sel && (app_get_modifiers() & MOD_CTRL)) {
+ exsel_grab_mouse = sel;
+ Vec3 pos = sel.ex->node->get_position();
+ debug_log("grabbing... (%g %g %g)\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
+ exslot_mouse.node.set_position(pos);
+ exslot_mouse.node.set_rotation(sel.ex->node->get_rotation());
+ exslot_mouse.attach_exhibit(sel.ex, EXSLOT_ATTACH_TRANSIENT);
+ if(exsel_active) {
+ exsel_active = ExSelection::null; // cancel active on grab
+ }
+ }
+ press_x = x;
+ press_y = y;
+ } else {
+ if(exsel_grab_mouse) {
+ // cancel grab on mouse release
+ debug_log("releasing...\n");
+ Exhibit *ex = exsel_grab_mouse.ex;
+ Vec3 pos = exslot_mouse.node.get_position();
+ debug_log("release location: %g %g %g\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
+ ExhibitSlot *slot = exman->nearest_empty_slot(pos);
+ if(!slot) {
+ debug_log("no nearby slot\n");
+ if(ex->prev_slot && ex->prev_slot->empty()) {
+ slot = ex->prev_slot;
+ debug_log("previous slot available though\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(slot) {
+ slot->attach_exhibit(ex);
+ } else {
+ // nowhere to put it, so stash it for later
+ exslot_mouse.detach_exhibit();
+ exman->stash_exhibit(ex);
+ debug_log("no slots available, stashing\n");
+ }
+ exsel_grab_mouse = ExSelection::null;
+ if(abs(press_x - x) < 5 && abs(press_y - y) < 5) {
+ exsel_active = sel; // select or deselect active exhibit
+ if(sel) {
+ debug_log("selecting...\n");
+ } else {
+ debug_log("deselecting...\n");
+ }
+ }
+ press_x = press_y = INT_MIN;
if(!dx && !dy) return;
- if(exsel_grab.ex) {
- Vec3 pos = exsel_grab.ex->node->get_node_position();
+ if(exsel_grab_mouse) {
+ Vec3 pos = exslot_mouse.node.get_node_position();
Vec3 dir = transpose(view_matrix.upper3x3()) * Vec3(dx * 1.0, dy * -1.0, 0);
- exsel_grab.ex->node->set_position(pos + dir);
+ exslot_mouse.node.set_position(pos + dir);
if(bnstate[2]) {
extern unsigned int sdr_ltmap, sdr_ltmap_notex;
-extern ExSelection exsel_grab, exsel_hover;
+extern ExSelection exsel_active; // active (info/interact) exhibit
+extern ExSelection exsel_grab_left, exsel_grab_right; // grabbed on each hand
+extern ExSelection exsel_hover; // hover
extern int fpexcept_enabled; // int so that C modules may fwd-delcare and use it
#ifndef AVATAR_H_
#define AVATAR_H_
+// TODO incomplete
#include <gmath/gmath.h>
/* when head-tracking is available, head_tilt is ignored, and the
#include "geomdraw.h"
#include "app.h"
-class ExhibitPriv {
- Vec3 orig_pos;
- Quat orig_rot;
- SceneNode *orig_node;
- ExhibitPriv();
+ExSelection ExSelection::null;
// selection
delete voice;
-// private data for each exhibit type
- orig_node = 0;
// exhibit class
- priv = new ExhibitPriv;
+ orig_parent = 0;
+ prev_slot = 0;
- delete priv;
void Exhibit::set_node(SceneNode *node)
- this->node = priv->orig_node = node;
- priv->orig_pos = node->get_position();
- priv->orig_rot = node->get_rotation();
+ this->node = node;
+ orig_parent = node->get_parent();
ExSelection Exhibit::select(const Ray &ray) const
#include "audio/stream.h"
class Exhibit;
-class ExhibitPriv;
+class ExhibitSlot;
class Scene;
enum {
class ExSelection {
+ static ExSelection null; // null selection
Exhibit *ex;
void *obj;
void *data;
class Exhibit : public Object {
- ExhibitPriv *priv;
+ SceneNode *orig_parent;
+ ExhibitSlot *prev_slot;
std::vector<ExData> data;
static Exhibit *create_exhibit(const char *type);
+ExhibitSlot::ExhibitSlot(Exhibit *ex)
+ this->ex = 0;
+ init(ex);
+ detach_exhibit();
+ SceneNode *par = node.get_parent();
+ if(par) {
+ par->remove_child(&node);
+ while(node.get_num_children()) {
+ par->add_child(node.get_child(0));
+ }
+ }
+void ExhibitSlot::init(Exhibit *ex)
+ std::string node_name = "ExhibitSlot";
+ if(ex) {
+ if(ex->get_name()) {
+ node_name += std::string(":") + std::string(ex->get_name());
+ }
+ if(ex->node) {
+ if(ex->node->get_parent()) {
+ ex->node->get_parent()->add_child(&node);
+ }
+ node.set_position(ex->node->get_node_position());
+ node.set_rotation(ex->node->get_node_rotation());
+ ex->node->set_position(Vec3(0, 0, 0));
+ ex->node->set_rotation(Quat::identity);
+ }
+ attach_exhibit(ex);
+ } else {
+ this->ex = 0;
+ }
+ node.set_name(node_name.c_str());
+bool ExhibitSlot::empty() const
+ return ex == 0;
+Exhibit *ExhibitSlot::get_exhibit() const
+ return ex;
+/* In the process of attaching the exhibit, we also steal the exhibit's node
+ * from its previous parent, and reparent it to the slot's node. As the slot's
+ * node itself should have been made a child of the original parent of the
+ * exhibit during init(), the initial state is we're interjecting a null node in
+ * the scene graph between the exhibit and its original parent.
+ *
+ * Attaching to a slot, implicitly detaches from the previous slot.
+ */
+bool ExhibitSlot::attach_exhibit(Exhibit *ex, ExSlotAttachMode mode)
+ if(!ex || this->ex) return false;
+ if(ex->prev_slot && ex->prev_slot->ex == ex) {
+ ex->prev_slot->detach_exhibit();
+ }
+ ex->prev_slot = this;
+ }
+ node.add_child(ex->node);
+ this->ex = ex;
+ return true;
+bool ExhibitSlot::detach_exhibit()
+ if(!ex) return false;
+ node.remove_child(ex->node);
+ ex = 0;
+ return true;
+// ---- exhibit manager implementation ----
delete items[i];
+ num = (int)exslots.size();
+ for(int i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ delete exslots[i];
+ }
+ exslots.clear();
void ExhibitManager::add(Exhibit *ex)
error_log("failed to create exhibit of type: %s\n", atype);
+ ex->set_node(snode);
+ items.push_back(ex);
+ const char *alabel = ts_get_attr_str(node, "label");
+ if(alabel) {
+ ex->set_name(alabel);
+ }
+ // create a new slot and attach the exhibit to it
+ ExhibitSlot *slot = new ExhibitSlot(ex);
+ exslots.push_back(slot);
+ // grab any extra exhibit data
const char *desc = ts_get_attr_str(node, "description");
const char *voice = ts_get_attr_str(node, "voiceover");
if(desc || voice) {
- ex->set_node(snode);
- items.push_back(ex);
return sel; // TODO
+// TODO optimize
+ExhibitSlot *ExhibitManager::nearest_empty_slot(const Vec3 &pos, float max_dist) const
+ ExhibitSlot *nearest = 0;
+ float nearest_sqdist = max_dist * max_dist;
+ int nslots = exslots.size();
+ for(int i=0; i<nslots; i++) {
+ ExhibitSlot *slot = exslots[i];
+ if(!slot->empty()) continue;
+ Vec3 slotpos = slot->node.get_position();
+ float dsq = length_sq(pos - slotpos);
+ if(dsq < nearest_sqdist) {
+ nearest = slot;
+ nearest_sqdist = dsq;
+ }
+ }
+ return nearest;
+void ExhibitManager::stash_exhibit(Exhibit *ex)
+ // make sure it's not already stashed
+ if(std::find(stashed.begin(), stashed.end(), ex) != stashed.end()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ stashed.push_back(ex);
+ ex->prev_slot = 0;
+ if(ex->node->get_parent()) {
+ ex->node->get_parent()->remove_child(ex->node);
+ }
void ExhibitManager::update(float dt)
int num = items.size();
#include "exhibit.h"
#include "metascene.h"
+//! argument to ExhibitSlot::attach
+enum ExSlotAttachMode {
+//! slot which can hold a single exhibit
+class ExhibitSlot {
+ Exhibit *ex;
+ SceneNode node;
+ ExhibitSlot(Exhibit *ex = 0);
+ ~ExhibitSlot();
+ void init(Exhibit *ex);
+ bool empty() const;
+ Exhibit *get_exhibit() const;
+ bool attach_exhibit(Exhibit *ex, ExSlotAttachMode mode = EXSLOT_ATTACH_PERMANENT);
+ bool detach_exhibit();
class ExhibitManager {
- std::vector<Exhibit*> items;
+ std::vector<Exhibit*> items, stashed;
+ std::vector<ExhibitSlot*> exslots;
+ // TODO kdtree of slots for quick nearest queries
ExSelection select(const Ray &ray) const;
ExSelection select(const Sphere &sph) const;
+ ExhibitSlot *nearest_empty_slot(const Vec3 &pos, float max_dist = 10) const;
+ void stash_exhibit(Exhibit *ex);
void update(float dt = 0.0f);
void draw() const;
--- /dev/null
+#include "ui_exhibit.h"
+#include "app.h"
+bool exui_init()
+ return true;
+void exui_shutdown()
+void exui_update(float dt)
+void exui_draw()
+ if(!exsel_active) return;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef UI_EXHIBIT_H_
+#define UI_EXHIBIT_H_
+bool exui_init();
+void exui_shutdown();
+void exui_update(float dt);
+void exui_draw();
+#endif // UI_EXHIBIT_H_