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- <title>FREEGLUT Application Program Interface</title>
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+ <title>FREEGLUT Application Program Interface</title>
+ <body>
-The Open-Source</h1></center>
-OpenGL Utility Toolkit</h1></center>
-Application Programming Interface</h1></center>
+<h1> The Open-Source</h1>
+ </center>
+<h1> OpenGL Utility Toolkit</h1>
+ </center>
+<h1> (freeglut)</h1>
+ </center>
+<h1> Application Programming Interface</h1>
+ </center>
-Version 4.0</h1></center>
-The freeglut Programming Consortium</h2></center>
-November, 2002</h2></center>
-<p><br>OpenGL is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. X Window System
-is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc. Spaceball is a registered trademark
-of Spatial Systems Inc.
-<br>The authors have taken care in preparation of this documentation but
-make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility
-for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential
-damages in connection with or arising from the use of information or programs
-contained herein.
-1.0 <a NAME="Contents"></a> Contents</h1>
-1.0 <a href="#Contents">Contents</a>
+<h1> Version 4.0</h1>
+ </center>
+<h2> The freeglut Programming Consortium</h2>
+ </center>
+<h2> November, 2002</h2>
+ </center>
+ OpenGL is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. X Window System is a trademark
+of X Consortium, Inc. Spaceball is a registered trademark of Spatial
+Systems Inc. <br>
+ The authors have taken care in preparation of this documentation but make
+no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility
+ for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential
+ damages in connection with or arising from the use of information or programs
+ contained herein. <br>
+ </p>
+<h1> 1.0 <a name="Contents"></a>
+ Contents</h1>
+ 1.0 <a href="#Contents">Contents</a>
<p>2.0 <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a>
+ </p>
<p>3.0 <a href="#Background">Background</a>
-<blockquote>3.1 Design Philosophy
-<br>3.2 Conventions
-<br>3.3 Terminology
-<br>3.4 Differences from GLUT 3.7</blockquote>
-<p><br>4.0 <a href="#Initialization">Initialization Functions</a>
-<blockquote>4.1 glutInit
-<br>4.2 glutInitWindowPosition, glutInitWindowSize
-<br>4.3 glutInitDisplayMode
-<br>4.4 glutInitDisplayString</blockquote>
-<p><br>5.0 <a href="#EventProcessing">Event Processing Functions</a>
-<blockquote>5.1 glutMainLoop
-<br>5.2 glutMainLoopEvent
-<br>5.3 glutLeaveMainLoop</blockquote>
-<p><br>6.0 <a href="#Window">Window Functions</a>
-<blockquote>6.1 glutCreateWindow
-<br>6.2 glutCreateSubwindow
-<br>6.3 glutDestroyWindow
-<br>6.4 glutSetWindow, glutGetWindow
-<br>6.5 glutSetWindowTitle, glutSetIconTitle
-<br>6.6 glutReshapeWindow
-<br>6.7 glutPositionWindow
-<br>6.8 glutShowWindow, glutHideWindow, glutIconifyWindow
-<br>6.9 glutPushWindow, glutPopWindow
-<br>6.10 glutFullScreen</blockquote>
-<p><br>7.0 <a href="#Display">Display Functions</a>
-<blockquote>7.1 glutPostRedisplay
-<br>7.2 glutPostWindowRedisplay
-<br>7.3 glutSwapBuffers</blockquote>
-<p><br>8.0 <a href="#MouseCursor">Mouse Cursor Functions</a>
-<blockquote>8.1 glutSetCursor
-<br>8.2 glutWarpPointer</blockquote>
-<p><br>9.0 <a href="#Overlay">Overlay Functions</a>
-<blockquote>9.1 glutEstablishOverlay
-<br>9.2 glutRemoveOverlay
-<br>9.3 glutUseLayer
-<br>9.4 glutPostOverlayRedisplay
-<br>9.5 glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay
-<br>9.6 glutShowOverlay, glutHideOverlay</blockquote>
-<p><br>10.0 <a href="#Menu">Menu Functions</a>
-<blockquote>10.1 glutCreateMenu
-<br>10.2 glutDestroyMenu
-<br>10.3 glutGetMenu, glutSetMenu
-<br>10.4 glutAddMenuEntry
-<br>10.5 glutAddSubMenu
-<br>10.6 glutChangeToMenuEntry
-<br>10.7 glutChangeToSubMenu
-<br>10.8 glutRemoveMenuItem
-<br>10.9 glutAttachMenu, glutDetachMenu</blockquote>
-<p><br>11.0 <a href="#GlobalCallback">Global Callback Registration
-<blockquote>11.1 glutTimerFunc
-<br>11.2 glutIdleFunc</blockquote>
-<p><br>12.0 <a href="#WindowCallback">Window-Specific Callback Registration
-<blockquote>12.1 glutDisplayFunc
-<br>12.2 glutOverlayDisplayFunc
-<br>12.3 glutReshapeFunc
-<br>12.4 glutCloseFunc
-<br>12.5 glutKeyboardFunc
-<br>12.6 glutSpecialFunc
-<br>12.7 glutKeyboardUpFunc
-<br>12.8 glutSpecialUpFunc
-<br>12.9 glutMouseFunc
-<br>12.10 glutMotionFunc, glutPassiveMotionFunc
-<br>12.11 glutVisibilityFunc
-<br>12.12 glutEntryFunc
-<br>12.13 glutJoystickFunc
-<br>12.14 glutSpaceballMotionFunc
-<br>12.15 glutSpaceballRotateFunc
-<br>12.16 glutSpaceballButtonFunc
-<br>12.17 glutButtonBoxFunc
-<br>12.18 glutDialsFunc
-<br>12.19 glutTabletMotionFunc
-<br>12.20 glutTabletButtonFunc
-<p>12.21 glutMenuStatusFunc
-<br>12.22 glutWindowStatusFunc</blockquote>
-<p><br>13.0 <a href="#StateSetting">State Setting and Retrieval Functions</a>
-<blockquote>13.1 glutSetOption
-<br>13.2 glutGet
-<br>13.3 glutDeviceGet
-<br>13.4 glutGetModifiers
-<br>13.5 glutLayerGet
-<br>13.6 glutExtensionSupported
-<br>13.7 glutGetProcAddress</blockquote>
-<p><br>14.0 <a href="#FontRendering">Font Rendering Functions</a>
-<blockquote>14.1 glutBitmapCharacter
-<br>14.2 glutBitmapString
-<br>14.3 glutBitmapWidth
-<br>14.4 glutBitmapLength
-<br>14.5 glutBitmapHeight
-<br>14.6 glutStrokeCharacter
-<br>14.7 glutStrokeString
-<br>14.8 glutStrokeWidth
-<br>14.9 glutStrokeLength
-<br>14.10 glutStrokeHeight</blockquote>
-<p><br>15.0 <a href="#GeometricObject">Geometric Object Rendering
-<blockquote>15.1 glutWireSphere, glutSolidSphere
-<br>15.2 glutWireTorus, glutSolidTorus
-<br>15.3 glutWireCone, glutSolidCone
-<br>15.4 glutWireCube, glutSolidCube
-<br>15.5 glutWireTetrahedron, glutSolidTetrahedron
-<br>15.6 glutWireOctahedron, glutSolidOctahedron
-<br>15.7 glutWireDodecahedron, glutSolidDodecahedron
-<br>15.8 glutWireIcosahedron, glutSolidIcosahedron
-<br>15.9 glutWireRhombicDodecahedron, glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron
-<br>15.10 glutWireTeapot, glutSolidTeapot</blockquote>
-<p><br>16.0 <a href="#GameMode">Game Mode Functions</a>
-<blockquote>16.1 glutGameModeString
-<br>16.2 glutEnterGameMode, glutLeaveGameMode
-<br>16.3 glutGameModeGet</blockquote>
-<p><br>17.0 <a href="#VideoResize">Video Resize Functions</a>
-<blockquote>17.1 glutVideoResizeGet
-<br>17.2 glutSetupVideoResizing, glutStopVideoResizing
-<br>17.3 glutVideoResize
-<br>17.4 glutVideoPan</blockquote>
-<p><br>18.0 <a href="#ColorMap">Color Map Functions</a>
-<blockquote>18.1 glutSetColor, glutGetColor
-<br>18.2 glutCopyColormap</blockquote>
-<p><br>19.0 <a href="#Miscellaneous">Miscellaneous Functions</a>
-<blockquote>19.1 glutIgnoreKeyRepeat, glutSetKeyRepeat
-<br>19.2 glutForceJoystickFunc
-<br>19.3 glutReportErrors</blockquote>
-<p><br>20.0 <a href="#UsageNotes">Usage Notes</a>
-<p>21.0 <a href="#ImplementationNotes">Implementation Notes</a>
-<p>22.0 <a href="#GLUT_State">GLUT State</a>
-<p>23.0 <a href="#Freeglut.h_Header">"freeglut.h" Header File</a>
-<p>24.0 <a href="#References">References</a>
-<p>25.0 <a href="#Index">Index</a>
-2.0 <a NAME="Introduction"></a> Introduction</h1>
-3.0 <a NAME="Background"></a> Background</h1>
-The OpenGL programming world owes a tremendous debt to Mr. Mark J. Kilgard
-for writing the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, or GLUT. The GLUT library
+ </p>
+<blockquote>3.1 Design Philosophy <br>
+ 3.2 Conventions <br>
+ 3.3 Terminology <br>
+ 3.4 Differences from GLUT 3.7</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 4.0 <a href="#Initialization">Initialization Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>4.1 glutInit <br>
+ 4.2 glutInitWindowPosition, glutInitWindowSize <br>
+ 4.3 glutInitDisplayMode <br>
+ 4.4 glutInitDisplayString</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 5.0 <a href="#EventProcessing">Event Processing Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>5.1 glutMainLoop <br>
+ 5.2 glutMainLoopEvent <br>
+ 5.3 glutLeaveMainLoop</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 6.0 <a href="#Window">Window Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>6.1 glutCreateWindow <br>
+ 6.2 glutCreateSubwindow <br>
+ 6.3 glutDestroyWindow <br>
+ 6.4 glutSetWindow, glutGetWindow <br>
+ 6.5 glutSetWindowTitle, glutSetIconTitle <br>
+ 6.6 glutReshapeWindow <br>
+ 6.7 glutPositionWindow <br>
+ 6.8 glutShowWindow, glutHideWindow, glutIconifyWindow <br>
+ 6.9 glutPushWindow, glutPopWindow <br>
+ 6.10 glutFullScreen</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 7.0 <a href="#Display">Display Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>7.1 glutPostRedisplay <br>
+ 7.2 glutPostWindowRedisplay <br>
+ 7.3 glutSwapBuffers</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 8.0 <a href="#MouseCursor">Mouse Cursor Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>8.1 glutSetCursor <br>
+ 8.2 glutWarpPointer</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 9.0 <a href="#Overlay">Overlay Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>9.1 glutEstablishOverlay <br>
+ 9.2 glutRemoveOverlay <br>
+ 9.3 glutUseLayer <br>
+ 9.4 glutPostOverlayRedisplay <br>
+ 9.5 glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay <br>
+ 9.6 glutShowOverlay, glutHideOverlay</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 10.0 <a href="#Menu">Menu Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>10.1 glutCreateMenu <br>
+ 10.2 glutDestroyMenu <br>
+ 10.3 glutGetMenu, glutSetMenu <br>
+ 10.4 glutAddMenuEntry <br>
+ 10.5 glutAddSubMenu <br>
+ 10.6 glutChangeToMenuEntry <br>
+ 10.7 glutChangeToSubMenu <br>
+ 10.8 glutRemoveMenuItem <br>
+ 10.9 glutAttachMenu, glutDetachMenu</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 11.0 <a href="#GlobalCallback">Global Callback Registration Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>11.1 glutTimerFunc <br>
+ 11.2 glutIdleFunc</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 12.0 <a href="#WindowCallback">Window-Specific Callback Registration
+ Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>12.1 glutDisplayFunc <br>
+ 12.2 glutOverlayDisplayFunc <br>
+ 12.3 glutReshapeFunc <br>
+ 12.4 glutCloseFunc <br>
+ 12.5 glutKeyboardFunc <br>
+ 12.6 glutSpecialFunc <br>
+ 12.7 glutKeyboardUpFunc <br>
+ 12.8 glutSpecialUpFunc <br>
+ 12.9 glutMouseFunc <br>
+ 12.10 glutMotionFunc, glutPassiveMotionFunc <br>
+ 12.11 glutVisibilityFunc <br>
+ 12.12 glutEntryFunc <br>
+ 12.13 glutJoystickFunc <br>
+ 12.14 glutSpaceballMotionFunc <br>
+ 12.15 glutSpaceballRotateFunc <br>
+ 12.16 glutSpaceballButtonFunc <br>
+ 12.17 glutButtonBoxFunc <br>
+ 12.18 glutDialsFunc <br>
+ 12.19 glutTabletMotionFunc <br>
+ 12.20 glutTabletButtonFunc
+ <p>12.21 glutMenuStatusFunc <br>
+ 12.22 glutWindowStatusFunc</p>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 13.0 <a href="#StateSetting">State Setting and Retrieval Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>13.1 glutSetOption <br>
+ 13.2 glutGet <br>
+ 13.3 glutDeviceGet <br>
+ 13.4 glutGetModifiers <br>
+ 13.5 glutLayerGet <br>
+ 13.6 glutExtensionSupported<br>
+13.7 glutGetProcAddress<br>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 14.0 <a href="#FontRendering">Font Rendering Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>14.1 glutBitmapCharacter <br>
+ 14.2 glutBitmapString <br>
+ 14.3 glutBitmapWidth <br>
+ 14.4 glutBitmapLength <br>
+ 14.5 glutBitmapHeight <br>
+ 14.6 glutStrokeCharacter <br>
+ 14.7 glutStrokeString <br>
+ 14.8 glutStrokeWidth <br>
+ 14.9 glutStrokeLength <br>
+ 14.10 glutStrokeHeight</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 15.0 <a href="#GeometricObject">Geometric Object Rendering Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>15.1 glutWireSphere, glutSolidSphere
+ <br>
+ 15.2 glutWireTorus, glutSolidTorus <br>
+ 15.3 glutWireCone, glutSolidCone <br>
+ 15.4 glutWireCube, glutSolidCube <br>
+ 15.5 glutWireTetrahedron, glutSolidTetrahedron <br>
+ 15.6 glutWireOctahedron, glutSolidOctahedron <br>
+ 15.7 glutWireDodecahedron, glutSolidDodecahedron <br>
+ 15.8 glutWireIcosahedron, glutSolidIcosahedron <br>
+ 15.9 glutWireRhombicDodecahedron, glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron <br>
+ 15.10 glutWireTeapot, glutSolidTeapot</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 16.0 <a href="#GameMode">Game Mode Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>16.1 glutGameModeString <br>
+ 16.2 glutEnterGameMode, glutLeaveGameMode <br>
+ 16.3 glutGameModeGet</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 17.0 <a href="#VideoResize">Video Resize Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>17.1 glutVideoResizeGet <br>
+ 17.2 glutSetupVideoResizing, glutStopVideoResizing <br>
+ 17.3 glutVideoResize <br>
+ 17.4 glutVideoPan</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 18.0 <a href="#ColorMap">Color Map Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>18.1 glutSetColor, glutGetColor
+ <br>
+ 18.2 glutCopyColormap</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 19.0 <a href="#Miscellaneous">Miscellaneous Functions</a>
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>19.1 glutIgnoreKeyRepeat,
+glutSetKeyRepeat <br>
+ 19.2 glutForceJoystickFunc <br>
+ 19.3 glutReportErrors</blockquote>
+ <p><br>
+ 20.0 <a href="#UsageNotes">Usage Notes</a>
+ </p>
+ <p>21.0 <a href="#ImplementationNotes">
+ Implementation Notes</a>
+ </p>
+ <p>22.0 <a href="#GLUT_State">GLUT
+ </p>
+ <p>23.0 <a href="#Freeglut.h_Header">
+ "freeglut.h" Header File</a>
+ </p>
+ <p>24.0 <a href="#References">References</a>
+ </p>
+ <p>25.0 <a href="#Index">Index</a>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ </p>
+ <h1> 2.0 <a name="Introduction"></a>
+ Introduction</h1>
+ <h1> 3.0 <a name="Background"></a>
+ Background</h1>
+ The OpenGL programming world owes a tremendous debt to Mr. Mark J. Kilgard
+ for writing the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, or GLUT. The GLUT library
of functions allows an application programmer to create, control, and manipulate
-windows independent of what operating system the program is running on.
-By hiding the dependency on the operating system from the application programmer,
-he allowed people to write truly portable OpenGL applications.
-<p> Mr. Kilgard copyrighted his library and gave it a
-rather unusual license. Under his license, people are allowed freely
-to copy and distribute the libraries and the source code, but they are
-not allowed to modify it. For a long time this did not matter because
-the GLUT library worked so well and because Mr. Kilgard was releasing updates
-on a regular basis. But with the passage of time, people started
-wanting some slightly different behaviours in their windowing system.
-When Mr. Kilgard stopped supporting the GLUT library in 1999, having moved
-on to bigger and better things, this started to become a problem.
-<p> In December 1999, Mr. Pawel Olzsta started work on
-an open-source clone of the GLUT library. This open-source clone,
-which does not use any of the GLUT source code, has evolved into the present
-library. This documentation specifies the application program interface
-to the <i>freeglut</i> library.
-3.1 Design Philosophy</h2>
-3.2 Conventions</h2>
-3.3 Terminology</h2>
-3.4 Differences from GLUT 3.7</h2>
-Since the <i>freeglut</i> library was developed in order to update GLUT,
-it is natural that there will be some differences between the two.
-Each function in the API notes any differences between the GLUT and the
-function behaviours. The important ones are summarized here.
-3.4.1 glutMainLoop Behaviour</h3>
-One of the commonest complaints about the GLUT library was that once an
+ windows independent of what operating system the program is running on.
+ By hiding the dependency on the operating system from the application programmer,
+ he allowed people to write truly portable OpenGL applications.
+ <p> Mr. Kilgard copyrighted
+his library and gave it a rather unusual license. Under his license,
+people are allowed freely to copy and distribute the libraries and the source
+code, but they are not allowed to modify it. For a long time this did
+not matter because the GLUT library worked so well and because Mr. Kilgard
+was releasing updates on a regular basis. But with the passage of time,
+people started wanting some slightly different behaviours in their windowing
+system. When Mr. Kilgard stopped supporting the GLUT library in 1999,
+having moved on to bigger and better things, this started to become a problem.
+ </p>
+ <p> In December 1999,
+Mr. Pawel Olzsta started work on an open-source clone of the GLUT library.
+This open-source clone, which does not use any of the GLUT source code, has
+evolved into the present <i>freeglut</i> library. This documentation
+specifies the application program interface to the <i>freeglut</i> library.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 3.1 Design Philosophy</h2>
+ <h2> 3.2 Conventions</h2>
+ <h2> 3.3 Terminology</h2>
+ <h2> 3.4 Differences from GLUT 3.7</h2>
+ Since the <i>freeglut</i> library was developed in order to update GLUT,
+ it is natural that there will be some differences between the two.
+Each function in the API notes any differences between the GLUT and the <i>
+freeglut</i> function behaviours. The important ones are summarized
+ <h3> 3.4.1 glutMainLoop Behaviour</h3>
+ One of the commonest complaints about the GLUT library was that once an
application called "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>", it never got control back.
There was no way for an application to loop in GLUT for a while, possibly
as a subloop while a specific window was open, and then return to the calling
-function. A new function, "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt>", has been
-added to allow this functionality. Another function, "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>",
-has also been added to allow the application to tell freeglut to clean
-up and close down.
-3.4.2 Action on Window Closure</h3>
-Another difficulty with GLUT, especially with multiple-window programs,
+function. A new function, "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt>", has been added
+to allow this functionality. Another function, "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>
+", has also been added to allow the application to tell freeglut to clean
+up and close down.
+ <h3> 3.4.2 Action on Window Closure</h3>
+ Another difficulty with GLUT, especially with multiple-window programs,
is that if the user clicks on the "x" in the window header the application
exits immediately. The application programmer can now set an option,
"<tt> GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE</tt>", to specify whether execution should
continue, whether GLUT should return control to the main program, or whether
-GLUT should simply exit (the default).
-3.4.3 String Rendering</h3>
-New functions have been added to render full character strings (including
-carriage returns) rather than rendering one character at a time.
-More functions return the widths of character strings and the font heights,
-in pixels for bitmapped fonts and in OpenGL units for the stroke fonts.
-3.4.4 Geometry Rendering</h3>
-Two functions have been added to render a wireframe and a solid rhombic
-3.4.5 Extension Function Queries</h3>
-glutGetProcAddress is a wrapper for the glXGetProcAddressARB and
-wglGetProcAddress functions.
-4.0 <a NAME="Initialization"></a> Initialization Functions</h1>
-4.1 glutInit</h2>
-4.2 glutInitWindowPosition, glutInitWindowSize</h2>
-The "<tt>glutInitWindowPosition</tt> " and "<tt>glutInitWindowSize</tt>"
-functions specify a desired position and size for windows that <i>freeglut</i>
-will create in the future.
-<p><tt>void glutInitWindowPosition ( int x, int y ) ;</tt>
-<br><tt>void glutInitWindowSize ( int width, int height ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutInitWindowPosition</tt> " and "<tt>glutInitWindowSize</tt>"
-functions specify a desired position and size for windows that <i>freeglut</i>
-will create in the future. The position is measured in pixels from
-the upper left hand corner of the screen, with "x" increasing to the right
-and "y" increasing towards the bottom of the screen. The size is
-measured in pixels. <i>Freeglut</i> does not promise to follow these
-specifications in creating its windows, it certainly makes an attempt to.
-<p>The position and size of a window are a matter of some subtlety.
-Most windows have a usable area surrounded by a border and with a title
-bar on the top. The border and title bar are commonly called "decorations."
-The position of the window unfortunately varies with the operating system.
-On Linux, it is the coordinates of the upper left-hand corner of its decorations.
-On Windows, it is the coordinates of the upper left hand corner of its
-usable interior. For both operating systems, the size of the window
-is the size of the usable interior.
-<p>Windows has some additional quirks which the application programmer
-should know about. First, the minimum y-coordinate of a window decoration
-is zero. (This is a feature of <i>freeglut</i> and can be adjusted
-if so desired.) Second, there appears to be a minimum window width
-on Windows which is 104 pixels. The user may specify a smaller width,
-but the Windows system calls ignore it. It is also impossible to
-make a window narrower than this by dragging on its corner.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>For some reason, GLUT is not affected by the 104-pixel minimum window
-width. If the user clicks on the corner of a window which is narrower
-than this amount, the window will immediately snap out to this width, but
-the application can call "<tt>glutReshapeWindow</tt> " and make a window
-narrower again.
-4.3 glutInitDisplayMode</h2>
-4.4 glutInitDisplayString</h2>
-5.0 <a NAME="EventProcessing"></a> Event Processing Functions</h1>
-After an application has finished initializing its windows and menus, it
-enters an event loop. Within this loop, <i>freeglut</i> polls the
-data entry devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.) and calls the application's
-appropriate callbacks.
-<p>In GLUT, control never returned from the event loop (as invoked by the
-"<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" function) to the calling function. This prevented
-an application from having re-entrant code, in which GLUT could be invoked
-from within a callback, and it prevented the application from doing any
-post-processing (such as freeing allocated memory) after GLUT had closed
-down. <i>Freeglut</i> allows the application programmer to specify
-more direct control over the event loop by means of two new functions.
-The first, "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt>", processes a single iteration of
-the event loop and allows the application to use a different event loop
-controller or to contain re-entrant code. The second, "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>",
-causes the event loop to exit nicely; this is preferable to the application's
-calling "<tt>exit</tt>" from within a GLUT callback.
-5.1 glutMainLoop</h2>
-The "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" function enters the event loop.
-<p><tt>void glutMainLoop ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" function causes the program to enter
-the window event loop. An application should call this function at
-most once. It will call any application callback functions as required
-to process mouse clicks, mouse motion, key presses, and so on.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>In GLUT, there was absolutely no way for the application programmer
-to have control return from the "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt> " function to the
-calling function. <i>Freeglut</i> allows the programmer to force
-this by setting the "<tt>GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE</tt>" option and invoking
-the "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>" function from one of the callbacks.
-Stopping the program this way is preferable to simply calling "<tt>exit</tt>
-" from within a callback because this allows <i>freeglut</i> to free allocated
-memory and otherwise clean up after itself. (I know I just said this,
-but I think it is important enough that it bears repeating.)
-5.2 glutMainLoopEvent</h2>
-The "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt>" function processes a single iteration
-in the <i>freeglut</i> event loop.
-<p><tt>void glutMainLoopEvent ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt> " function causes <i>freeglut</i>
-to process one iteration's worth of events in its event loop. This
-allows the application to control its own event loop and still use the
-windowing system.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-5.3 glutLeaveMainLoop</h2>
-The "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>" function causes <i>freeglut</i> to stop
-its event loop.
-<p><tt>void glutLeaveMainLoop ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt> " function causes <i>freeglut</i>
-to stop the event loop. If the "<tt> GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE</tt>"
-option has been set to "<tt>GLUT_ACTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION</tt> ", control
-will return to the function which called "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt> "; otherwise
-the application will exit.
-<p>If the application has two nested calls to "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" and
-calls "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>", the behaviour of <i>freeglut</i> is
-undefined. It may leave only the inner nested loop or it may leave
-both loops. If the reader has a strong preference for one behaviour
-over the other he should contact the <i>freeglut</i> Programming Consortium
-and ask for the code to be fixed.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-6.0 <a NAME="Window"></a> Window Functions</h1>
-6.1 glutCreateWindow</h2>
-6.2 glutCreateSubwindow</h2>
-6.3 glutDestroyWindow</h2>
-6.4 glutSetWindow, glutGetWindow</h2>
-6.5 glutSetWindowTitle, glutSetIconTitle</h2>
-6.6 glutReshapeWindow</h2>
-6.7 glutPositionWindow</h2>
-6.8 glutShowWindow, glutHideWindow, glutIconifyWindow</h2>
-6.9 glutPushWindow, glutPopWindow</h2>
-6.10 glutFullScreen</h2>
-7.0 <a NAME="Display"></a> Display Functions</h1>
-7.1 glutPostRedisplay</h2>
-7.2 glutPostWindowRedisplay</h2>
-7.3 glutSwapBuffers</h2>
-8.0 <a NAME="MouseCursor"></a> Mouse Cursor Functions</h1>
-8.1 glutSetCursor</h2>
-8.2 glutWarpPointer</h2>
-9.0 <a NAME="Overlay"></a> Overlay Functions</h1>
-<i>Freeglut</i> does not allow overlays, although it does "answer the mail"
-with function stubs so that GLUT-based programs can compile and link against
-without modification. If the reader needs overlays, he should contact
-the <i>freeglut</i> Programming Consortium and ask for them to be implemented.
-He should also be prepared to assist in the implementation.
-9.1 glutEstablishOverlay</h2>
-The "<tt>glutEstablishOverlay</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><tt>void glutEstablishOverlay ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutEstablishOverlay</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT implements this function.
-9.2 glutRemoveOverlay</h2>
-The "<tt>glutRemoveOverlay</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><tt>void glutRemoveOverlay ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutRemoveOverlay</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT implements this function.
-9.3 glutUseLayer</h2>
-The "<tt>glutUseLayer</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><tt>void glutUseLayer ( GLenum layer ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutUseLayer</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT implements this function.
-9.4 glutPostOverlayRedisplay</h2>
-The "<tt>glutPostOverlayRedisplay</tt> " function is not implemented in
-<p><tt>void glutPostOverlayRedisplay ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutPostOverlayRedisplay</tt> " function is not implemented
-in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT implements this function.
-9.5 glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay</h2>
-The "<tt>glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay</tt> " function is not implemented
-in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><tt>void glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay ( int window ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay</tt> " function is not implemented
-in <i>freeglut</i>.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT implements this function.
-9.6 glutShowOverlay, glutHideOverlay</h2>
-The "<tt>glutShowOverlay</tt>" and "<tt>glutHideOverlay</tt>" functions
-are not implemented in <i>freeglut</i> .
-<p><tt>void glutShowOverlay( void ) ;</tt>
-<br><tt>void glutHideOverlay( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutShowOverlay</tt>" and "<tt>glutHideOverlay</tt>" functions
-are not implemented in <i>freeglut</i> .
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT implements these functions.
-10.0 <a NAME="Menu"></a> Menu Functions</h1>
-10.1 glutCreateMenu</h2>
-10.2 glutDestroyMenu</h2>
-10.3 glutGetMenu, glutSetMenu</h2>
-10.4 glutAddMenuEntry</h2>
-10.5 glutAddSubMenu</h2>
-10.6 glutChangeToMenuEntry</h2>
-10.7 glutChangeToSubMenu</h2>
-10.8 glutRemoveMenuItem</h2>
-10.9 glutAttachMenu, glutDetachMenu</h2>
-11.0 <a NAME="GlobalCallback"></a> Global Callback Registration Functions</h1>
-11.1 glutTimerFunc</h2>
-11.2 glutIdleFunc</h2>
-The "<tt>glutIdleFunc</tt>" function sets the global idle callback. <i>Freeglut</i>
-calls the idle callback when there are no inputs from the user.
-<p><tt>void glutIdleFunc ( void (*func) ( void ) ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>func </tt>The new global idle callback function
-<p>The "<tt>glutIdleFunc</tt>" function specifies the function that
-will call to perform background processing tasks such as continuous animation
-when window system events are not being received. If enabled, this
-function is called continuously from <i>freeglut</i> while no events are
-received. The callback function has no parameters and returns no
-value. <i>Freeglut</i> does not change the <i>current window</i>
-or the <i>current menu</i> before invoking the idle callback; programs
-with multiple windows or menus must explicitly set the <i>current window</i>
-and <i>current menu</i> and not rely on its current setting.
-<br> The amount of computation and rendering done in
-an idle callback should be minimized to avoid affecting the program's interactive
-response. In general, no more than a single frame of rendering should
-be done in a single invocation of an idle callback.
-<br> Calling "<tt>glutIdleFunc</tt>" with a NULL argument
-disables the call to an idle callback.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>Application programmers should note that if they have specified the
-"continue execution" action on window closure, <i>freeglut</i> will continue
-to call the idle callback after the user has closed a window by clicking
-on the "x" in the window header bar. If the idle callback renders
-a particular window (this is considered bad form but is frequently done
-anyway), the programmer should supply a window closure callback for that
-window which changes or disables the idle callback.
-12.0 <a NAME="WindowCallback"></a> Window-Specific Callback Registration
-12.1 glutDisplayFunc</h2>
-12.2 glutOverlayDisplayFunc</h2>
-12.3 glutReshapeFunc</h2>
-12.4 glutCloseFunc</h2>
-12.5 glutKeyboardFunc</h2>
-12.6 glutSpecialFunc</h2>
-The "<tt>glutSpecialFunc</tt>" function sets the window's special key press
-callback. <i>Freeglut</i> calls the special key press callback when the
-user presses a special key.
-<p><tt>void glutSpecialFunc ( void (*func) ( int key, int x, int y ) )
-<p><tt>func </tt>The window's new special key press callback
-<br><tt>key </tt>The key whose press triggers the
-<br><tt>x </tt>The x-coordinate of
-the mouse relative to the window at the time the key is pressed
-<br><tt>y </tt>The y-coordinate of
-the mouse relative to the window at the time the key is pressed
-<p>The "<tt>glutSpecialFunc</tt>" function specifies the function
-that <i>freeglut</i> will call when the user presses a special key on the
-keyboard. The callback function has one argument: the name
-of the function to be invoked ("called back") at the time at which the
-special key is pressed. The function returns no value. <i>Freeglut</i>
-sets the <i>current window</i> to the window which is active when the callback
-is invoked. "Special keys" are the function keys, the arrow keys,
-the Page Up and Page Down keys, and the Insert key. The Delete key
-is considered to be a regular key.
-<br> Calling "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>" with a NULL
-argument disables the call to the window's special key press callback.
-<p> The "<tt>key</tt>" argument may take one of the following
-defined constant values:
-<tt>GLUT_KEY_F1, GLUT_KEY_F2, ..., GLUT_KEY_F12</tt>
-- F1 through F12 keys</li>
-- Page Up and Page Down keys</li>
-- Home and End keys</li>
-- Insert key</li>
-<b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-12.7 glutKeyboardUpFunc</h2>
-The "<tt>glutKeyboardUpFunc</tt>" function sets the window's key release
-callback. <i>Freeglut</i> calls the key release callback when the user
-releases a key.
-<p><tt>void glutKeyboardUpFunc ( void (*func) ( unsigned char key, int
-x, int y ) ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>func </tt>The window's new key release callback
-<br><tt>key </tt>The key whose release triggers
-the callback
-<br><tt>x </tt>The x-coordinate of
-the mouse relative to the window at the time the key is released
-<br><tt>y </tt>The y-coordinate of
-the mouse relative to the window at the time the key is released
-<p>The "<tt>glutKeyboardUpFunc</tt>" function specifies the function
-that <i>freeglut</i> will call when the user releases a key from the keyboard.
-The callback function has one argument: the name of the function
-to be invoked ("called back") at the time at which the key is released.
-The function returns no value. <i>Freeglut</i> sets the <i>current
-window</i> to the window which is active when the callback is invoked.
-<br> While <i>freeglut</i> checks for upper or lower
-case letters, it does not do so for non-alphabetical characters.
-Nor does it account for the Caps-Lock key being on. The operating
-system may send some unexpected characters to <i>freeglut</i>, such as
-"8" when the user is pressing the Shift key. <i>Freeglut</i> also
-invokes the callback when the user releases the Control, Alt, or Shift
-keys, among others. Releasing the Delete key causes this function
-to be invoked with a value of 127 for "<tt>key</tt>".
-<br> Calling "<tt>glutKeyboardUpFunc</tt>" with a NULL
-argument disables the call to the window's key release callback.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>This function is not implemented in GLUT versions before Version 4.
-It has been designed to be as close to GLUT as possible. Users who
-find differences should contact the <i>freeglut</i> development team to
-have them fixed.
-12.8 glutSpecialUpFunc</h2>
-The "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>" function sets the window's special key
+GLUT should simply exit (the default).
+ <h3>3.4.3 Changes to Callbacks<br>
+ </h3>
+ Several new callbacks have been added and several callbacks which were specific
+to Silicon Graphics hardware have not been implemented. Most or all
+of the new callbacks are listed in the GLUT Version 4 "glut.h" header file
+but did not make it into the documentation. The new callbacks consist
+of regular and special key release callbacks, a joystick callback, a menu
+state callback (with one argument, distinct from the menu status callback
+which has three arguments), and a window status callback <br>
+ (also with one argument). Unsupported callbacks are the three Spaceball
+callbacks, the ButtonBox callback, the Dials callback, and the two Tablet
+callbacks. If the user has a need for an unsupported callback he should
+contact the <i>freeglut</i> development team.<br>
+ <h3>3.4.4 String Rendering<br>
+ </h3>
+ New functions have been added to render full character strings (including
+carriage returns) rather than rendering one character at a time. More
+functions return the widths of character strings and the font heights, in
+pixels for bitmapped fonts and in OpenGL units for the stroke fonts.<br>
+ <h3>3.4.5 Geometry Rendering<br>
+ </h3>
+ Two functions have been added to render a wireframe and a solid rhombic
+ <h3> 3.4.5 Extension Function Queries</h3>
+ glutGetProcAddress is a wrapper for the glXGetProcAddressARB and wglGetProcAddress
+ <h1> 4.0 <a name="Initialization"></a>
+ Initialization Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 4.1 glutInit</h2>
+ <h2> 4.2 glutInitWindowPosition, glutInitWindowSize</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutInitWindowPosition</tt> " and "<tt>glutInitWindowSize</tt>
+" functions specify a desired position and size for windows that <i>freeglut</i>
+ will create in the future.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutInitWindowPosition ( int
+x, int y ) ;</tt> <br>
+ <tt>void glutInitWindowSize ( int width,
+int height ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutInitWindowPosition</tt>
+ " and "<tt>glutInitWindowSize</tt>" functions specify a desired position
+and size for windows that <i>freeglut</i> will create in the future.
+The position is measured in pixels from the upper left hand corner of the
+screen, with "x" increasing to the right and "y" increasing towards the bottom
+of the screen. The size is measured in pixels. <i>Freeglut</i>
+ does not promise to follow these specifications in creating its windows,
+it certainly makes an attempt to. </p>
+ <p>The position and size of a window are
+a matter of some subtlety. Most windows have a usable area surrounded
+by a border and with a title bar on the top. The border and title bar
+are commonly called "decorations." The position of the window unfortunately
+varies with the operating system. On Linux, it is the coordinates of
+the upper left-hand corner of its decorations. On Windows, it is the
+coordinates of the upper left hand corner of its usable interior. For
+both operating systems, the size of the window is the size of the usable interior.
+ </p>
+ <p>Windows has some additional quirks which
+the application programmer should know about. First, the minimum y-coordinate
+of a window decoration is zero. (This is a feature of <i>freeglut</i>
+ and can be adjusted if so desired.) Second, there appears to be a
+minimum window width on Windows which is 104 pixels. The user may specify
+a smaller width, but the Windows system calls ignore it. It is also
+impossible to make a window narrower than this by dragging on its corner.
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>For some reason, GLUT is not affected
+by the 104-pixel minimum window width. If the user clicks on the corner
+of a window which is narrower than this amount, the window will immediately
+snap out to this width, but the application can call "<tt>glutReshapeWindow</tt>
+ " and make a window narrower again. </p>
+ <h2> 4.3 glutInitDisplayMode</h2>
+ <h2> 4.4 glutInitDisplayString</h2>
+ <h1> 5.0 <a name="EventProcessing"></a>
+ Event Processing Functions</h1>
+ After an application has finished initializing its windows and menus, it
+ enters an event loop. Within this loop, <i>freeglut</i> polls the
+data entry devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.) and calls the application's appropriate
+ <p>In GLUT, control never returned from
+the event loop (as invoked by the "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" function) to the
+calling function. This prevented an application from having re-entrant
+code, in which GLUT could be invoked from within a callback, and it prevented
+the application from doing any post-processing (such as freeing allocated
+memory) after GLUT had closed down. <i>Freeglut</i> allows the application
+programmer to specify more direct control over the event loop by means of
+two new functions. The first, "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt>", processes
+a single iteration of the event loop and allows the application to use a different
+event loop controller or to contain re-entrant code. The second, "<tt>
+glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>", causes the event loop to exit nicely; this is preferable
+to the application's calling "<tt>exit</tt>" from within a GLUT callback.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 5.1 glutMainLoop</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" function enters the event loop.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutMainLoop ( void ) ;</tt>
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" function
+causes the program to enter the window event loop. An application should
+call this function at most once. It will call any application callback
+functions as required to process mouse clicks, mouse motion, key presses,
+and so on. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>In GLUT, there was absolutely no way
+for the application programmer to have control return from the "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>
+ " function to the calling function. <i>Freeglut</i> allows the programmer
+to force this by setting the "<tt>GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE</tt>" option
+and invoking the "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>" function from one of the callbacks.
+ Stopping the program this way is preferable to simply calling "<tt>exit</tt>
+ " from within a callback because this allows <i>freeglut</i> to free allocated
+ memory and otherwise clean up after itself. (I know I just said this,
+ but I think it is important enough that it bears repeating.) </p>
+ <h2> 5.2 glutMainLoopEvent</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt>" function processes a single iteration
+in the <i>freeglut</i> event loop.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutMainLoopEvent ( void ) ;</tt>
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutMainLoopEvent</tt>
+ " function causes <i>freeglut</i> to process one iteration's worth of events
+in its event loop. This allows the application to control its own event
+loop and still use the <i>freeglut</i> windowing system. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 5.3 glutLeaveMainLoop</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>" function causes <i>freeglut</i> to stop
+ its event loop.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutLeaveMainLoop ( void ) ;</tt>
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>
+ " function causes <i>freeglut</i> to stop the event loop. If the
+"<tt> GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE</tt>" option has been set to "<tt>GLUT_ACTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION</tt>
+ ", control will return to the function which called "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>
+ "; otherwise the application will exit. </p>
+ <p>If the application has two nested calls
+to "<tt>glutMainLoop</tt>" and calls "<tt>glutLeaveMainLoop</tt>", the behaviour
+of <i>freeglut</i> is undefined. It may leave only the inner nested
+loop or it may leave both loops. If the reader has a strong preference
+for one behaviour over the other he should contact the <i>freeglut</i> Programming
+Consortium and ask for the code to be fixed. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h1> 6.0 <a name="Window"></a>
+ Window Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 6.1 glutCreateWindow</h2>
+ <h2> 6.2 glutCreateSubwindow</h2>
+ <h2> 6.3 glutDestroyWindow</h2>
+ <h2> 6.4 glutSetWindow, glutGetWindow</h2>
+ <h2> 6.5 glutSetWindowTitle, glutSetIconTitle</h2>
+ <h2> 6.6 glutReshapeWindow</h2>
+ <h2> 6.7 glutPositionWindow</h2>
+ <h2> 6.8 glutShowWindow, glutHideWindow,
+ <h2> 6.9 glutPushWindow, glutPopWindow</h2>
+ <h2> 6.10 glutFullScreen</h2>
+ <h1> 7.0 <a name="Display"></a>
+ Display Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 7.1 glutPostRedisplay</h2>
+ <h2> 7.2 glutPostWindowRedisplay</h2>
+ <h2> 7.3 glutSwapBuffers</h2>
+ <h1> 8.0 <a name="MouseCursor"></a>
+ Mouse Cursor Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 8.1 glutSetCursor</h2>
+ <h2> 8.2 glutWarpPointer</h2>
+ <h1> 9.0 <a name="Overlay"></a>
+ Overlay Functions</h1>
+ <i>Freeglut</i> does not allow overlays, although it does "answer the mail"
+ with function stubs so that GLUT-based programs can compile and link against
+ <i>freeglut</i> without modification.
+If the reader needs overlays, he should contact the <i>freeglut</i> Programming
+Consortium and ask for them to be implemented. He should also be prepared
+to assist in the implementation.
+ <h2> 9.1 glutEstablishOverlay</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutEstablishOverlay</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>
+ .
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutEstablishOverlay ( void
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutEstablishOverlay</tt>" function
+is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 9.2 glutRemoveOverlay</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutRemoveOverlay</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>
+ .
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutRemoveOverlay ( void ) ;</tt>
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutRemoveOverlay</tt>" function
+is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 9.3 glutUseLayer</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutUseLayer</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>
+ .
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutUseLayer ( GLenum
+layer ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutUseLayer</tt>" function
+is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 9.4 glutPostOverlayRedisplay</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutPostOverlayRedisplay</tt> " function is not implemented in
+ <i> freeglut</i>.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutPostOverlayRedisplay ( void
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutPostOverlayRedisplay</tt>
+ " function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 9.5 glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay</tt> " function is not implemented
+ in <i>freeglut</i>.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay
+( int window ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay</tt>
+ " function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 9.6 glutShowOverlay, glutHideOverlay</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutShowOverlay</tt>" and "<tt>glutHideOverlay</tt>" functions
+are not implemented in <i>freeglut</i> .
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutShowOverlay( void ) ;</tt>
+ <br>
+ <tt>void glutHideOverlay( void ) ;</tt>
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutShowOverlay</tt>" and "<tt>
+glutHideOverlay</tt>" functions are not implemented in <i>freeglut</i> .
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT implements these functions. </p>
+ <h1> 10.0 <a name="Menu"></a>
+ Menu Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 10.1 glutCreateMenu</h2>
+ <h2> 10.2 glutDestroyMenu</h2>
+ <h2> 10.3 glutGetMenu, glutSetMenu</h2>
+ <h2> 10.4 glutAddMenuEntry</h2>
+ <h2> 10.5 glutAddSubMenu</h2>
+ <h2> 10.6 glutChangeToMenuEntry</h2>
+ <h2> 10.7 glutChangeToSubMenu</h2>
+ <h2> 10.8 glutRemoveMenuItem</h2>
+ <h2> 10.9 glutAttachMenu, glutDetachMenu</h2>
+ <h1> 11.0 <a name="GlobalCallback"></a>
+ Global Callback Registration Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 11.1 glutTimerFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 11.2 glutIdleFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutIdleFunc</tt>" function sets the global idle callback. <i>
+Freeglut</i> calls the idle callback when there are no inputs from the user.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutIdleFunc ( void (*func)
+( void ) ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>func </tt>The new
+global idle callback function </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutIdleFunc</tt>" function
+specifies the function that <i>freeglut</i> will call to perform background
+processing tasks such as continuous animation when window system events are
+not being received. If enabled, this function is called continuously
+from <i>freeglut</i> while no events are received. The callback function
+has no parameters and returns no value. <i>Freeglut</i> does not change
+the <i>current window</i> or the <i>current menu</i> before invoking the idle
+callback; programs with multiple windows or menus must explicitly set the
+ <i>current window</i> and <i>current menu</i>
+ and not rely on its current setting. <br>
+ The amount of computation and rendering done in an idle
+callback should be minimized to avoid affecting the program's interactive
+ response. In general, no more than a single frame of rendering should
+ be done in a single invocation of an idle callback. <br>
+ Calling "<tt>glutIdleFunc</tt>" with a NULL argument
+disables the call to an idle callback. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>Application programmers should note that
+if they have specified the "continue execution" action on window closure,
+ <i>freeglut</i> will continue to call the
+idle callback after the user has closed a window by clicking on the "x" in
+the window header bar. If the idle callback renders a particular window
+(this is considered bad form but is frequently done anyway), the programmer
+should supply a window closure callback for that window which changes or disables
+the idle callback. </p>
+ <h1> 12.0 <a name="WindowCallback"></a>
+ Window-Specific Callback Registration Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 12.1 glutDisplayFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.2 glutOverlayDisplayFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.3 glutReshapeFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.4 glutCloseFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.5 glutKeyboardFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.6 glutSpecialFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutSpecialFunc</tt>" function sets the window's special key press
+ callback. <i>Freeglut</i> calls the special key press callback when the
+user presses a special key.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSpecialFunc ( void (*func)
+( int key, int x, int y ) ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>func </tt>The window's
+new special key press callback function <br>
+ <tt>key </tt>The
+key whose press triggers the callback <br>
+ <tt>x
+ </tt>The x-coordinate of the mouse relative
+to the window at the time the key is pressed <br>
+ <tt>y
+ </tt>The y-coordinate of the mouse relative
+to the window at the time the key is pressed </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutSpecialFunc</tt>"
+function specifies the function that <i>freeglut</i> will call when the user
+presses a special key on the keyboard. The callback function has one
+argument: the name of the function to be invoked ("called back") at
+the time at which the special key is pressed. The function returns no
+value. <i>Freeglut</i> sets the <i>current window</i> to the window
+which is active when the callback is invoked. "Special keys" are the
+function keys, the arrow keys, the Page Up and Page Down keys, and the Insert
+key. The Delete key is considered to be a regular key. <br>
+ Calling "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>" with a NULL argument
+disables the call to the window's special key press callback. </p>
+ <p> The "<tt>key</tt>
+" argument may take one of the following defined constant values: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_KEY_F1, GLUT_KEY_F2, ..., GLUT_KEY_F12</tt>
+ - F1 through F12 keys</li>
+ - Page Up and Page Down keys</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_KEY_HOME, GLUT_KEY_END</tt>
+ - Home and End keys</li>
+ - arrow keys</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_KEY_INSERT</tt>
+ - Insert key</li>
+ </ul>
+ <b>Changes From GLUT</b>
+ <p>None. </p>
+ <h2> 12.7 glutKeyboardUpFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutKeyboardUpFunc</tt>" function sets the window's key release
+ callback. <i>Freeglut</i> calls the key release callback when the user releases
+a key.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutKeyboardUpFunc ( void (*func)
+( unsigned char key, int x, int y ) ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>func </tt>The window's
+new key release callback function <br>
+ <tt>key </tt>The
+key whose release triggers the callback <br>
+ <tt>x
+ </tt>The x-coordinate of the mouse relative
+to the window at the time the key is released <br>
+ <tt>y
+ </tt>The y-coordinate of the mouse relative
+to the window at the time the key is released </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutKeyboardUpFunc</tt>
+" function specifies the function that <i>freeglut</i> will call when the
+user releases a key from the keyboard. The callback function has one
+argument: the name of the function to be invoked ("called back") at
+the time at which the key is released. The function returns no value.
+ <i>Freeglut</i> sets the <i>current window</i>
+ to the window which is active when the callback is invoked. <br>
+ While <i>freeglut</i> checks for upper or lower case
+letters, it does not do so for non-alphabetical characters. Nor does
+it account for the Caps-Lock key being on. The operating system may
+send some unexpected characters to <i>freeglut</i>, such as "8" when the
+user is pressing the Shift key. <i>Freeglut</i> also invokes the callback
+when the user releases the Control, Alt, or Shift keys, among others.
+Releasing the Delete key causes this function to be invoked with a value
+of 127 for "<tt>key</tt>". <br>
+ Calling "<tt>glutKeyboardUpFunc</tt>" with a NULL argument
+disables the call to the window's key release callback. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>This function is not implemented in GLUT
+versions before Version 4. It has been designed to be as close to GLUT
+as possible. Users who find differences should contact the
+ <i>freeglut</i> Programming Consortium to
+have them fixed. </p>
+ <h2> 12.8 glutSpecialUpFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>" function sets the window's special key
release callback. <i>Freeglut</i> calls the special key release callback
-when the user releases a special key.
-<p><tt>void glutSpecialUpFunc ( void (*func) ( int key, int x, int y )
-) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>func </tt>The window's new special key release
-callback function
-<br><tt>key </tt>The key whose release triggers
-the callback
-<br><tt>x </tt>The x-coordinate of
-the mouse relative to the window at the time the key is released
-<br><tt>y </tt>The y-coordinate of
-the mouse relative to the window at the time the key is released
-<p>The "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>" function specifies the function
-that <i>freeglut</i> will call when the user releases a special key from
-the keyboard. The callback function has one argument: the name
-of the function to be invoked ("called back") at the time at which the
-special key is released. The function returns no value. <i>Freeglut</i>
-sets the <i>current window</i> to the window which is active when the callback
-is invoked. "Special keys" are the function keys, the arrow keys,
-the Page Up and Page Down keys, and the Insert key. The Delete key
-is considered to be a regular key.
-<br> Calling "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>" with a NULL
-argument disables the call to the window's special key release callback.
-<p> The "<tt>key</tt>" argument may take one of the following
-defined constant values:
-<tt>GLUT_KEY_F1, GLUT_KEY_F2, ..., GLUT_KEY_F12</tt>
-- F1 through F12 keys</li>
-- Page Up and Page Down keys</li>
-- Home and End keys</li>
-- Insert key</li>
-<b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>This function is not implemented in GLUT versions before Version 4.
-It has been designed to be as close to GLUT as possible. Users who
-find differences should contact the <i>freeglut</i> development team to
-have them fixed.
-12.9 glutMouseFunc</h2>
-12.10 glutMotionFunc, glutPassiveMotionFunc</h2>
-12.11 glutVisibilityFunc</h2>
-12.12 glutEntryFunc</h2>
-12.13 glutJoystickFunc</h2>
-12.14 glutSpaceballMotionFunc</h2>
-12.15 glutSpaceballRotateFunc</h2>
-12.16 glutSpaceballButtonFunc</h2>
-12.17 glutButtonBoxFunc</h2>
-12.18 glutDialsFunc</h2>
-12.19 glutTabletMotionFunc</h2>
-12.20 glutTabletButtonFunc</h2>
-12.21 glutMenuStatusFunc</h2>
-12.22 glutWindowStatusFunc</h2>
-13.0 <a NAME="StateSetting"></a> State Setting and Retrieval Functions</h1>
-13.1 glutSetOption</h2>
-13.2 glutGet</h2>
-The following state variables may be queried with glutGet.
-The returned value is an integer.
-These queries are with respect to the current window:
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_X - window X position
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_Y - window Y position
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH - window width
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT - window height
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE - number of color or color index bits per pixel
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_STENCIL_SIZE - number of bits per stencil value
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_DEPTH_SIZE - number of bits per depth value
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_RED_SIZE - number of bits per red value
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_GREEN_SIZE - number of bits per green value
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_BLUE_SIZE - number of bits per blue value
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_ALPHA_SIZE - number of bits per alpha value
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_RED_SIZE - number of red bits in the accumulation buffer
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE - number of green bits in the accumulation buffer
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE - number of blue bits in the accumulation buffer
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE - number of alpha bits in the accumulation buffer
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_DOUBLEBUFFER - 1 if the color buffer is double buffered, 0 otherwise
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_RGBA - 1 if the color buffers are RGB[A], 0 for color index
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_PARENT - parent window ID
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_CHILDREN - number of child windows
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_COLORMAP_SIZE - number of entries in the window's colormap
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_SAMPLES - number of samples per pixel if using multisampling
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_STEREO - 1 if the window supports stereo, 0 otherwise
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_CURSOR - current cursor
-<li>GLUT_WINDOW_FORMAT_ID - on Windows, return the pixel format number of the current window
-These queries do not depend on the current window.
-<li>GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH - width of the screen in pixels
-<li>GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT - height of the screen in pixels
-<li>GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH_MM - width of the screen in millimeters
-<li>GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MM - height of the screen in millimeters
-<li>GLUT_MENU_NUM_ITEMS - number of items in the current menu
-<li>GLUT_DISPLAY_MODE_POSSIBLE - return 1 if the current display mode is supported, 0 otherwise
-<li>GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_X - X position last set by glutInitWindowPosition
-<li>GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_Y - Y position last set by glutInitWindowPosition
-<li>GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_WIDTH - width last set by glutInitWindowSize
-<li>GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_HEIGHT - height last set by glutInitWindowSize
-<li>GLUT_INIT_DISPLAY_MODE - display mode last set by glutInitDisplayMode
-<li>GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME - time (in milliseconds) elapsed since glutInit or glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) was first called
-<li>GLUT_VERSION - Return value will be X*10000+Y*100+Z where X is the
- major version, Y is the minor version and Z is the patch level.
- This query is only supported in FreeGLUT (version 1.3 or later).
-13.3 glutDeviceGet</h2>
-13.4 glutGetModifiers</h2>
-13.5 glutLayerGet</h2>
-13.6 glutExtensionSupported</h2>
-13.7 glutGetProcAddress</h2>
-<tt>glutGetProcAddress</tt> returns a pointer to a named GL or FreeGLUT function.
-<p><tt>void *glutGetProcAddress ( const char *procName ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>procName </tt>Name of
-an OpenGL or GLUT function.
-<p><tt>glutGetProcAddress</tt> is useful for dealing with OpenGL extensions.
-If an application calls OpenGL extension functions directly, that application
-will only link/run with an OpenGL library that supports the extension.
-By using a function pointer returned from glutGetProcAddress(), the
-application will avoid this hard dependency and be more portable and
-interoperate better with various implementations of OpenGL.
-Both OpenGL functions and FreeGLUT functions can be queried with this function.
-Since WGL returns context-dependent function pointers, glutGetProcAddress
-should be queried per FreeGLUT window.
-<b>NOTE</b>: this function is not supported in GLUT.
-14.0 <a NAME="FontRendering"></a> Font Rendering Functions</h1>
-<i>Freeglut</i> supports two types of font rendering: bitmap fonts,
-which are rendered using the "<tt>glBitmap</tt>" function call, and stroke
-fonts, which are rendered as sequences of OpenGL line segments. Because
-they are rendered as bitmaps, the bitmap fonts tend to render more quickly
-than stroke fonts, but they are less flexible in terms of scaling and rendering.
-Bitmap font characters are positioned with calls to the "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>
-" functions while stroke font characters use the OpenGL transformations
-to position characters.
-<p> It should be noted that <i>freeglut</i> fonts are
-similar but not identical to GLUT fonts. At the moment, <i>freeglut</i>
-fonts do not support the "`" (backquote) and "|" (vertical line) characters;
-in their place it renders asterisks.
-<p> <i>Freeglut</i> supports the following bitmap fonts:
-<tt>GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13</tt> - A variable-width font with every character
-fitting in a rectangle of 13 pixels high by at most 8 pixels wide.</li>
-<tt>GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15</tt> - A variable-width font with every character
-fitting in a rectangle of 15 pixels high by at most 9 pixels wide.</li>
-<tt>GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10</tt> - A 10-point variable-width Times Roman
-<tt>GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24</tt> - A 24-point variable-width Times Roman
-<tt>GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10</tt> - A 10-point variable-width Helvetica
-<tt>GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12</tt> - A 12-point variable-width Helvetica
-<tt>GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18</tt> - A 18-point variable-width Helvetica
-<i>Freeglut</i> calls "<tt>glRasterPos4v</tt>" to advance the cursor by
+when the user releases a special key.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSpecialUpFunc ( void (*func)
+( int key, int x, int y ) ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>func </tt>The window's
+new special key release callback function <br>
+ <tt>key </tt>The
+key whose release triggers the callback <br>
+ <tt>x
+ </tt>The x-coordinate of the mouse relative
+to the window at the time the key is released <br>
+ <tt>y
+ </tt>The y-coordinate of the mouse relative
+to the window at the time the key is released </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>
+" function specifies the function that <i>freeglut</i> will call when the
+user releases a special key from the keyboard. The callback function
+has one argument: the name of the function to be invoked ("called back")
+at the time at which the special key is released. The function returns
+no value. <i>Freeglut</i> sets the <i>current window</i> to the window
+which is active when the callback is invoked. "Special keys" are the
+function keys, the arrow keys, the Page Up and Page Down keys, and the Insert
+key. The Delete key is considered to be a regular key. <br>
+ Calling "<tt>glutSpecialUpFunc</tt>" with a NULL argument
+disables the call to the window's special key release callback. </p>
+ <p> The "<tt>key</tt>
+" argument may take one of the following defined constant values: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_KEY_F1, GLUT_KEY_F2, ..., GLUT_KEY_F12</tt>
+ - F1 through F12 keys</li>
+ - Page Up and Page Down keys</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_KEY_HOME, GLUT_KEY_END</tt>
+ - Home and End keys</li>
+ - arrow keys</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_KEY_INSERT</tt>
+ - Insert key</li>
+ </ul>
+ <b>Changes From GLUT</b>
+ <p>This function is not implemented in GLUT
+versions before Version 4. It has been designed to be as close to GLUT
+as possible. Users who find differences should contact the
+ <i>freeglut</i> Programming Consortium to
+have them fixed. </p>
+ <h2> 12.9 glutMouseFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.10 glutMotionFunc, glutPassiveMotionFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.11 glutVisibilityFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.12 glutEntryFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.13 glutJoystickFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.14 glutSpaceballMotionFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutSpaceballMotionFunc</tt>" function is not implemented in
+ <i>freeglut</i>, although the library does
+"answer the mail" to the extent that a call to the function will not produce
+an error..
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSpaceballMotionFunc ( void
+(* callback)( int x, int y, int z )</tt><tt> ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutSpaceballMotionFunc</tt>
+ " function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b></p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 12.15 glutSpaceballRotateFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutSpaceballRotateFunc</tt>" function is not implemented in
+ <i>freeglut</i>, although the library does
+"answer the mail" to the extent that a call to the function will not produce
+an error..
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSpaceballRotateFunc ( void
+(* callback)( int x, int y, int z )</tt><tt> ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutSpaceballRotateFunc</tt>
+ " function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b></p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 12.16 glutSpaceballButtonFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutSpaceballButtonFunc</tt>" function is not implemented in
+ <i>freeglut</i>, although the library does
+"answer the mail" to the extent that a call to the function will not produce
+an error..
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSpaceballButtonFunc ( void
+(* callback)( int button, int updown )</tt><tt> ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutSpaceballButtonFunc</tt>
+ " function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b></p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 12.17 glutButtonBoxFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutSpaceballButtonBoxFunc</tt>" function is not implemented
+in <i>freeglut</i>, although the library does "answer the mail" to the extent
+that a call to the function will not produce an error..
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSpaceballButtonBoxFunc (
+void (* callback)( int button, int updown )</tt><tt> ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutSpaceballButtonBoxFunc</tt>
+ " function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b></p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 12.18 glutDialsFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutDialsFunc</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>
+ , although the library does "answer the mail" to the extent that a call
+to the function will not produce an error..
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void glutDialsFunc ( void (* callback)(
+int dial, int value )</tt><tt> ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutDialsFunc</tt>" function
+is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b></p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 12.19 glutTabletMotionFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutTabletMotionFunc</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>
+ freeglut</i>, although the library does "answer the mail" to the extent
+that a call to the function will not produce an error..
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void glutTabletMotionFunc ( void
+(* callback)( int x, int y )</tt><tt> ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutTabletMotionFunc</tt>" function
+is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b></p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 12.20 glutTabletButtonFunc</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutTabletButtonFunc</tt>" function is not implemented in <i>
+ freeglut</i>, although the library does "answer the mail" to the extent
+that a call to the function will not produce an error..
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void glutTabletButtonFunc ( void
+(* callback)( int button, int updown, int x, int y )</tt><tt> ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutTabletButtonFunc</tt>" function
+is not implemented in <i>freeglut</i>. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b></p>
+ <p>GLUT implements this function. </p>
+ <h2> 12.21 glutMenuStatusFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 12.22 glutWindowStatusFunc</h2>
+ <h1> 13.0 <a name="StateSetting"></a>
+ State Setting and Retrieval Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 13.1 glutSetOption</h2>
+ <h2> 13.2 glutGet</h2>
+ <h2> 13.3 glutDeviceGet</h2>
+ <h2> 13.4 glutGetModifiers</h2>
+ <h2> 13.5 glutLayerGet</h2>
+ <h2> 13.6 glutExtensionSupported</h2>
+ <h2> 13.7 glutGetProcAddress</h2>
+ <p><tt>glutGetProcAddress</tt> returns
+a pointer to a named GL or FreeGLUT function. </p>
+ <p><b>Usage</b></p>
+ <p><tt>void *glutGetProcAddress ( const
+char *procName ) ;</tt></p>
+ <p><tt>procName
+ </tt>Name of an OpenGL or GLUT function.
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b></p>
+ <p><tt>glutGetProcAddress</tt> is useful
+for dealing with OpenGL extensions. If an application calls OpenGL extension
+functions directly, that application will only link/run with an OpenGL library
+that supports the extension. By using a function pointer returned from glutGetProcAddress(),
+the application will avoid this hard dependency and be more portable and interoperate
+better with various implementations of OpenGL. </p>
+ <p> Both OpenGL functions and FreeGLUT
+functions can be queried with this function. </p>
+ <p><b>NOTE</b>: this function is not supported
+in GLUT. </p>
+ <h1> 14.0 <a name="FontRendering"></a>
+ Font Rendering Functions</h1>
+ <i>Freeglut</i> supports two types of font rendering: bitmap fonts,
+ which are rendered using the "<tt>glBitmap</tt>" function call, and stroke
+ fonts, which are rendered as sequences of OpenGL line segments. Because
+ they are rendered as bitmaps, the bitmap fonts tend to render more quickly
+ than stroke fonts, but they are less flexible in terms of scaling and rendering.
+ Bitmap font characters are positioned with calls to the "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>
+ " functions while stroke font characters use the OpenGL transformations
+to position characters.
+ <p> It should be noted
+that <i>freeglut</i> fonts are similar but not identical to GLUT fonts.
+At the moment, <i>freeglut</i> fonts do not support the "`" (backquote) and
+"|" (vertical line) characters; in their place it renders asterisks. </p>
+ <p> <i>Freeglut</i> supports
+the following bitmap fonts: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13</tt> - A variable-width font with every character
+ fitting in a rectangle of 13 pixels high by at most 8 pixels wide.</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15</tt> - A variable-width font with every character
+ fitting in a rectangle of 15 pixels high by at most 9 pixels wide.</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10</tt> - A 10-point variable-width Times
+Roman font.</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24</tt> - A 24-point variable-width Times
+Roman font.</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10</tt> - A 10-point variable-width Helvetica
+ font.</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12</tt> - A 12-point variable-width Helvetica
+ font.</li>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18</tt> - A 18-point variable-width Helvetica
+ font.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <i>Freeglut</i> calls "<tt>glRasterPos4v</tt>" to advance the cursor by
the width of a character and to render carriage returns when appropriate.
-It does not use any display lists in it rendering in bitmap fonts.
-<p> <i>Freeglut</i> supports the following stroke fonts:
-<tt>GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN</tt> - A proportionally-spaced Roman Simplex font</li>
-<tt>GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN</tt> - A fixed-width Roman Simplex font</li>
-<i>Freeglut</i> does not use any display lists in its rendering of stroke
-fonts. It calls "<tt>glTranslatef</tt>" to advance the cursor by
-the width of a character and to render carriage returns when appropriate.
-14.1 glutBitmapCharacter</h2>
-The "<tt>glutBitmapCharacter</tt>" function renders a single bitmapped
-character in the <i>current window</i> using the specified font.
-<p><tt>void glutBitmapCharacter ( void *font, int character ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The bitmapped
-font to use in rendering the character
-<br><tt>character </tt>The ASCII code of the character to be
-<p>The "<tt>glutBitmapCharacter</tt> " function renders the given
-character in the specified bitmap font. <i>Freeglut</i> automatically
-sets the necessary pixel unpack storage modes and restores the existing
-modes when it has finished. Before the first call to "<tt>glutBitMapCharacter</tt>
-" the application program should call "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>" to set the
-position of the character in the window. The "<tt>glutBitmapCharacter</tt>"
-function advances the cursor position as part of its call to "<tt>glBitmap</tt>"
-and so the application does not need to call "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>" again
-for successive characters on the same line.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>Nonexistent characters are rendered as asterisks. The rendering
-position in <i>freeglut</i> is apparently off from GLUT's position by a
-few pixels vertically and one or two pixels horizontally.
-14.2 glutBitmapString</h2>
-The "<tt>glutBitmapString</tt>" function renders a string of bitmapped
-characters in the <i>current window</i> using the specified font.
-<p><tt>void glutBitmapString ( void *font, char *string ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The bitmapped font to use
-in rendering the character string
-<br><tt>string </tt>String of characters to be rendered
-<p>The "<tt>glutBitmapString</tt> " function renders the given character
-string in the specified bitmap font. <i>Freeglut</i> automatically
-sets the necessary pixel unpack storage modes and restores the existing
-modes when it has finished. Before calling "<tt>glutBitMapString</tt>"
-the application program should call "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>" to set the
-position of the string in the window. The "<tt>glutBitmapString</tt>"
-function handles carriage returns. Nonexistent characters are rendered
-as asterisks.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-14.3 glutBitmapWidth</h2>
-The "<tt>glutBitmapWidth</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
-a single bitmapped character in the specified font.
-<p><tt>int glutBitmapWidth ( void *font, int character ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The bitmapped
-font to use in calculating the character width
-<br><tt>character </tt>The ASCII code of the character
-<p>The "<tt>glutBitmapWidth</tt>" function returns the width of the
-given character in the specified bitmap font. Because the font is
-bitmapped, the width is an exact integer.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>Nonexistent characters return the width of an asterisk.
-14.4 glutBitmapLength</h2>
-The "<tt>glutBitmapLength</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
-a string of bitmapped characters in the specified font.
-<p><tt>int glutBitmapLength ( void *font, char *string ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The bitmapped font to use in calculating
-the character width
-<br><tt>string </tt>String of characters whose width is to be calculated
-<p>The "<tt>glutBitmapLength</tt> " function returns the width in
-pixels of the given character string in the specified bitmap font.
-Because the font is bitmapped, the width is an exact integer: the
-return value is identical to the sum of the character widths returned by
-a series of calls to "<tt>glutBitmapWidth</tt>". The width of nonexistent
-characters is counted to be the width of an asterisk.
-<p> If the string contains one or more carriage returns,
-calculates the widths in pixels of the lines separately and returns the
-largest width.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-14.5 glutBitmapHeight</h2>
-The "<tt>glutBitmapHeight</tt>" function returns the height in pixels of
-the specified font.
-<p><tt>int glutBitmapHeight ( void *font ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The bitmapped
-font to use in calculating the character height
-<p>The "<tt>glutBitmapHeight</tt> " function returns the height of
-a character in the specified bitmap font. Because the font is bitmapped,
-the height is an exact integer. The fonts are designed such that
-all characters have (nominally) the same height.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-14.6 glutStrokeCharacter</h2>
-The "<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt>" function renders a single stroke character
-in the <i>current window</i> using the specified font.
-<p><tt>void glutStrokeCharacter ( void *font, int character ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The stroke font
-to use in rendering the character
-<br><tt>character </tt>The ASCII code of the character to be
-<p>The "<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt> " function renders the given
-character in the specified stroke font. Before the first call to
-"<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt>" the application program should call the
-OpenGL transformation (positioning and scaling) functions to set the position
-of the character in the window. The "<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt>
-" function advances the cursor position by a call to "<tt>glTranslatef</tt>
-" and so the application does not need to call the OpenGL positioning functions
-again for successive characters on the same line.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>Nonexistent characters are rendered as asterisks.
-14.7 glutStrokeString</h2>
-The "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt>" function renders a string of characters
-in the <i>current window</i> using the specified stroke font.
-<p><tt>void glutStrokeString ( void *font, char *string ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The stroke font to use in
-rendering the character string
-<br><tt>string </tt>String of characters to be rendered
-<p>The "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt> " function renders the given character
-string in the specified stroke font. Before calling "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt>"
-the application program should call the OpenGL transformation (positioning
-and scaling) functions to set the position of the string in the window.
-The "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt> " function handles carriage returns.
-Nonexistent characters are rendered as asterisks.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-14.8 glutStrokeWidth</h2>
-The "<tt>glutStrokeWidth</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
-a single character in the specified stroke font.
-<p><tt>int glutStrokeWidth ( void *font, int character ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The stroke font
-to use in calculating the character width
-<br><tt>character </tt>The ASCII code of the character
-<p>The "<tt>glutStrokeWidth</tt>" function returns the width of the
-given character in the specified stroke font. Because the font is
-a stroke font, the width is actually a floating-point number; the function
-rounds it to the nearest integer for the return value.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>Nonexistent characters return the width of an asterisk.
-14.9 glutStrokeLength</h2>
-The "<tt>glutStrokeLength</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
-a string of characters in the specified stroke font.
-<p><tt>int glutStrokeLength ( void *font, char *string ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The stroke font to use in calculating
-the character width
-<br><tt>string </tt>String of characters whose width is to be calculated
-<p>The "<tt>glutStrokeLength</tt> " function returns the width in
-pixels of the given character string in the specified stroke font.
-Because the font is a stroke font, the width of an individual character
-is a floating-point number. <i>Freeglut</i> adds the floating-point
-widths and rounds the funal result to return the integer value. Thus
-the return value may differ from the sum of the character widths returned
-by a series of calls to "<tt>glutStrokeWidth</tt> ". The width of
-nonexistent characters is counted to be the width of an asterisk.
-<p> If the string contains one or more carriage returns,
-calculates the widths in pixels of the lines separately and returns the
-largest width.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-14.10 glutStrokeHeight</h2>
-The "<tt>glutStrokeHeight</tt>" function returns the height in pixels of
-the specified font.
-<p><tt>GLfloat glutStrokeHeight ( void *font ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>font </tt>The stroke font
-to use in calculating the character height
-<p>The "<tt>glutStrokeHeight</tt> " function returns the height of
-a character in the specified stroke font. The application programmer
-should note that, unlike the other <i>freeglut</i> font functions, this
-one returns a floating-point number. The fonts are designed such
-that all characters have (nominally) the same height.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include this function.
-15.0 <a NAME="GeometricObject"></a> Geometric Object Rendering Functions</h1>
-<i>Freeglut</i> includes eighteen routines for generating easily-recognizable
-3-d geometric objects. These routines are effectively the same ones
-that are included in the GLUT library, and reflect the functionality available
-in the <i>aux</i> toolkit described in the <i>OpenGL Programmer's Guide</i>
-. They are included to allow programmers to create with a single
+ It does not use any display lists in it rendering in bitmap fonts.
+ <p> <i>Freeglut</i> supports
+the following stroke fonts: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN</tt> - A proportionally-spaced Roman Simplex
+ <li> <tt>GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN</tt> - A fixed-width Roman Simplex font</li>
+ </ul>
+ <i>Freeglut</i> does not use any display lists in its rendering of stroke
+ fonts. It calls "<tt>glTranslatef</tt>" to advance the cursor by the
+width of a character and to render carriage returns when appropriate.
+ <h2> 14.1 glutBitmapCharacter</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutBitmapCharacter</tt>" function renders a single bitmapped
+character in the <i>current window</i> using the specified font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutBitmapCharacter ( void *font,
+int character ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The bitmapped font to use in rendering
+the character <br>
+ <tt>character </tt>The ASCII
+code of the character to be rendered </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutBitmapCharacter</tt>
+ " function renders the given character in the specified bitmap font.
+ <i>Freeglut</i> automatically sets the necessary
+pixel unpack storage modes and restores the existing modes when it has finished.
+Before the first call to "<tt>glutBitMapCharacter</tt> " the application
+program should call "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>" to set the position of the character
+in the window. The "<tt>glutBitmapCharacter</tt> " function advances
+the cursor position as part of its call to "<tt>glBitmap</tt> " and so the
+application does not need to call "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>" again for successive
+characters on the same line. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>Nonexistent characters are rendered as
+asterisks. The rendering position in <i>freeglut</i> is apparently off
+from GLUT's position by a few pixels vertically and one or two pixels horizontally.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 14.2 glutBitmapString</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutBitmapString</tt>" function renders a string of bitmapped
+characters in the <i>current window</i> using the specified font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutBitmapString ( void *font,
+char *string ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The bitmapped font to use in rendering
+the character string <br>
+ <tt>string </tt>String
+of characters to be rendered </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutBitmapString</tt>
+ " function renders the given character string in the specified bitmap font.
+ <i>Freeglut</i> automatically sets the necessary
+pixel unpack storage modes and restores the existing modes when it has finished.
+Before calling "<tt>glutBitMapString</tt>" the application program should
+call "<tt>glRasterPos*</tt>" to set the position of the string in the window.
+The "<tt>glutBitmapString</tt>" function handles carriage returns.
+Nonexistent characters are rendered as asterisks. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 14.3 glutBitmapWidth</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutBitmapWidth</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
+a single bitmapped character in the specified font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>int glutBitmapWidth ( void *font,
+int character ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The bitmapped font to use in calculating
+the character width <br>
+ <tt>character </tt>The ASCII
+code of the character </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutBitmapWidth</tt>"
+function returns the width of the given character in the specified bitmap
+font. Because the font is bitmapped, the width is an exact integer.
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>Nonexistent characters return the width
+of an asterisk. </p>
+ <h2> 14.4 glutBitmapLength</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutBitmapLength</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
+a string of bitmapped characters in the specified font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>int glutBitmapLength ( void *font,
+char *string ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font </tt>The bitmapped
+font to use in calculating the character width <br>
+ <tt>string </tt>String of characters
+whose width is to be calculated </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutBitmapLength</tt>
+ " function returns the width in pixels of the given character string in
+the specified bitmap font. Because the font is bitmapped, the width
+is an exact integer: the return value is identical to the sum of the
+character widths returned by a series of calls to "<tt>glutBitmapWidth</tt>
+". The width of nonexistent characters is counted to be the width of
+an asterisk. </p>
+ <p> If the string contains
+one or more carriage returns, <i>freeglut</i> calculates the widths in pixels
+of the lines separately and returns the largest width. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 14.5 glutBitmapHeight</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutBitmapHeight</tt>" function returns the height in pixels of
+ the specified font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>int glutBitmapHeight ( void *font
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The bitmapped font to use in calculating
+the character height </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutBitmapHeight</tt>
+ " function returns the height of a character in the specified bitmap font.
+Because the font is bitmapped, the height is an exact integer. The fonts
+are designed such that all characters have (nominally) the same height.
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 14.6 glutStrokeCharacter</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt>" function renders a single stroke character
+ in the <i>current window</i> using the specified font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutStrokeCharacter ( void *font,
+int character ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The stroke font to use in rendering
+the character <br>
+ <tt>character </tt>The ASCII
+code of the character to be rendered </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt>
+ " function renders the given character in the specified stroke font.
+Before the first call to "<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt>" the application program
+should call the OpenGL transformation (positioning and scaling) functions
+to set the position of the character in the window. The "<tt>glutStrokeCharacter</tt>
+ " function advances the cursor position by a call to "<tt>glTranslatef</tt>
+ " and so the application does not need to call the OpenGL positioning functions
+ again for successive characters on the same line. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>Nonexistent characters are rendered as
+asterisks. </p>
+ <h2> 14.7 glutStrokeString</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt>" function renders a string of characters
+in the <i>current window</i> using the specified stroke font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutStrokeString ( void *font,
+char *string ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The stroke font to use in rendering
+the character string <br>
+ <tt>string </tt>String
+of characters to be rendered </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt>
+ " function renders the given character string in the specified stroke font.
+Before calling "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt>" the application program should
+call the OpenGL transformation (positioning and scaling) functions to set
+the position of the string in the window. The "<tt>glutStrokeString</tt>
+ " function handles carriage returns. Nonexistent characters are rendered
+as asterisks. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 14.8 glutStrokeWidth</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutStrokeWidth</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
+a single character in the specified stroke font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>int glutStrokeWidth ( void *font,
+int character ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The stroke font to use in calculating
+the character width <br>
+ <tt>character </tt>The ASCII
+code of the character </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutStrokeWidth</tt>"
+function returns the width of the given character in the specified stroke
+font. Because the font is a stroke font, the width is actually a floating-point
+number; the function rounds it to the nearest integer for the return value.
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>Nonexistent characters return the width
+of an asterisk. </p>
+ <h2> 14.9 glutStrokeLength</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutStrokeLength</tt>" function returns the width in pixels of
+a string of characters in the specified stroke font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>int glutStrokeLength ( void *font,
+char *string ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font </tt>The stroke
+font to use in calculating the character width <br>
+ <tt>string </tt>String of characters
+whose width is to be calculated </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutStrokeLength</tt>
+ " function returns the width in pixels of the given character string in
+the specified stroke font. Because the font is a stroke font, the width
+of an individual character is a floating-point number. <i>Freeglut</i>
+ adds the floating-point widths and rounds the funal result to return the
+integer value. Thus the return value may differ from the sum of the
+character widths returned by a series of calls to "<tt>glutStrokeWidth</tt>
+ ". The width of nonexistent characters is counted to be the width
+of an asterisk. </p>
+ <p> If the string contains
+one or more carriage returns, <i>freeglut</i> calculates the widths in pixels
+of the lines separately and returns the largest width. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 14.10 glutStrokeHeight</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutStrokeHeight</tt>" function returns the height in pixels of
+ the specified font.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>GLfloat glutStrokeHeight ( void *font
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>font
+ </tt>The stroke font to use in calculating
+the character height </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutStrokeHeight</tt>
+ " function returns the height of a character in the specified stroke font.
+The application programmer should note that, unlike the other <i>freeglut</i>
+ font functions, this one returns a floating-point number. The fonts
+are designed such that all characters have (nominally) the same height. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include this function.
+ </p>
+ <h1> 15.0 <a name="GeometricObject"></a>
+ Geometric Object Rendering Functions</h1>
+ <i>Freeglut</i> includes eighteen routines for generating easily-recognizable
+ 3-d geometric objects. These routines are effectively the same ones
+ that are included in the GLUT library, and reflect the functionality available
+ in the <i>aux</i> toolkit described in the <i>OpenGL Programmer's Guide</i>
+ . They are included to allow programmers to create with a single
line of code a three-dimensional object which can be used to test a variety
-of OpenGL functionality. None of the routines generates a display
-list for the object which it draws. The functions generate normals
-appropriate for lighting but, except for the teapon functions, do not generate
-texture coordinates.
-15.1 glutWireSphere, glutSolidSphere</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireSphere</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidSphere</tt>" functions
-draw a wireframe and solid sphere respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireSphere ( GLdouble dRadius, GLint slices, GLint stacks
-) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidSphere ( GLdouble dRadius, GLint slices, GLint stacks
-) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>dRadius </tt>The desired radius
-of the sphere
-<p><tt>slices </tt>The desired
-number of slices (divisions in the longitudinal direction) in the sphere
-<p><tt>stacks </tt>The desired
-number of stacks (divisions in the latitudinal direction) in the sphere.
-The number of points in this direction, including the north and south poles,
-is <tt>stacks+1</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireSphere</tt>" and "<tt> glutSolidSphere</tt>" functions
-render a sphere centered at the origin of the modeling coordinate system.
-The north and south poles of the sphere are on the positive and negative
-Z-axes respectively and the prime meridian crosses the positive X-axis.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.2 glutWireTorus, glutSolidTorus</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireTorus</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidTorus</tt>" functions draw
-a wireframe and solid torus (donut shape) respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireTorus ( GLdouble dInnerRadius, GLdouble dOuterRadius,
-GLint nSides, GLint nRings ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidTorus ( GLdouble dInnerRadius, GLdouble dOuterRadius,
-GLint nSides, GLint nRings ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>dInnerRadius </tt>The
-desired inner radius of the torus, from the origin to the circle defining
-the centers of the outer circles
-<p><tt>dOuterRadius </tt>The
-desired outer radius of the torus, from the center of the outer circle
-to the actual surface of the torus
-<p><tt>nSides </tt>The desired
-number of segments in a single outer circle of the torus
-<p><tt>nRings </tt>The desired
-number of outer circles around the origin of the torus
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireTorus</tt>" and "<tt> glutSolidTorus</tt>" functions
-render a torus centered at the origin of the modeling coordinate system.
-The torus is circularly symmetric about the Z-axis and starts at the positive
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.3 glutWireCone, glutSolidCone</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireCone</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidCone</tt>" functions draw
-a wireframe and solid cone respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireCone ( GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices,
-GLint stacks ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidCone ( GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices,
-GLint stacks ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>base </tt>The
-desired radius of the base of the cone
-<p><tt>height </tt>The desired
-height of the cone
-<p><tt>slices </tt>The desired
-number of slices around the base of the cone
-<p><tt>stacks </tt>The desired
-number of segments between the base and the tip of the cone (the number
-of points, including the tip, is <tt>stacks + 1</tt>)
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireCone</tt>" and "<tt> glutSolidCone</tt>" functions
-render a right circular cone with a base centered at the origin and in
-the X-Y plane and its tip on the positive Z-axis. The wire cone is
-rendered with triangular elements.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.4 glutWireCube, glutSolidCube</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireCube</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidCube</tt>" functions draw
-a wireframe and solid cube respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireCube ( GLdouble dSize ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidCube ( GLdouble dSize ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>dSize </tt>The desired
-length of an edge of the cube
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireCube</tt>" and "<tt> glutSolidCube</tt>" functions
-render a cube of the desired size, centered at the origin. Its faces
-are normal to the coordinate directions.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.5 glutWireTetrahedron, glutSolidTetrahedron</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireTetrahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidTetrahedron</tt>"
+of OpenGL functionality. None of the routines generates a display list
+for the object which it draws. The functions generate normals appropriate
+for lighting but, except for the teapon functions, do not generate texture
+ <h2> 15.1 glutWireSphere, glutSolidSphere</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireSphere</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidSphere</tt>" functions
+draw a wireframe and solid sphere respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireSphere ( GLdouble dRadius,
+GLint slices, GLint stacks ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidSphere ( GLdouble dRadius,
+GLint slices, GLint stacks ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>dRadius
+ </tt>The desired radius of the sphere </p>
+ <p><tt>slices
+ </tt>The desired number of slices (divisions
+in the longitudinal direction) in the sphere </p>
+ <p><tt>stacks
+ </tt>The desired number of stacks (divisions
+in the latitudinal direction) in the sphere. The number of points in
+this direction, including the north and south poles, is <tt>stacks+1</tt>
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireSphere</tt>" and "<tt>
+ glutSolidSphere</tt>" functions render a sphere centered at the origin
+of the modeling coordinate system. The north and south poles of the
+sphere are on the positive and negative Z-axes respectively and the prime
+meridian crosses the positive X-axis. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.2 glutWireTorus, glutSolidTorus</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireTorus</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidTorus</tt>" functions draw
+ a wireframe and solid torus (donut shape) respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireTorus ( GLdouble dInnerRadius,
+GLdouble dOuterRadius, GLint nSides, GLint nRings ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidTorus ( GLdouble dInnerRadius,
+GLdouble dOuterRadius, GLint nSides, GLint nRings ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>dInnerRadius
+ </tt>The desired inner radius of the torus,
+from the origin to the circle defining the centers of the outer circles </p>
+ <p><tt>dOuterRadius
+ </tt>The desired outer radius of the torus,
+from the center of the outer circle to the actual surface of the torus </p>
+ <p><tt>nSides
+ </tt>The desired number of segments in a
+single outer circle of the torus </p>
+ <p><tt>nRings
+ </tt>The desired number of outer circles
+around the origin of the torus </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireTorus</tt>" and "<tt>
+ glutSolidTorus</tt>" functions render a torus centered at the origin of
+the modeling coordinate system. The torus is circularly symmetric about
+the Z-axis and starts at the positive X-axis. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.3 glutWireCone, glutSolidCone</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireCone</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidCone</tt>" functions draw
+a wireframe and solid cone respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireCone ( GLdouble base,
+GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidCone ( GLdouble base,
+GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>base
+ </tt>The desired radius of the base of the
+cone </p>
+ <p><tt>height
+ </tt>The desired height of the cone </p>
+ <p><tt>slices
+ </tt>The desired number of slices around
+the base of the cone </p>
+ <p><tt>stacks
+ </tt>The desired number of segments between
+the base and the tip of the cone (the number of points, including the tip,
+is <tt>stacks + 1</tt>) </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireCone</tt>" and "<tt>
+ glutSolidCone</tt>" functions render a right circular cone with a base
+centered at the origin and in the X-Y plane and its tip on the positive Z-axis.
+The wire cone is rendered with triangular elements. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.4 glutWireCube, glutSolidCube</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireCube</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidCube</tt>" functions draw
+a wireframe and solid cube respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireCube ( GLdouble dSize
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidCube ( GLdouble dSize
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>dSize
+ </tt>The desired length of an edge of the
+cube </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireCube</tt>" and "<tt>
+ glutSolidCube</tt>" functions render a cube of the desired size, centered
+at the origin. Its faces are normal to the coordinate directions. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.5 glutWireTetrahedron, glutSolidTetrahedron</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireTetrahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidTetrahedron</tt>"
functions draw a wireframe and solid tetrahedron (four-sided Platonic solid)
-<p><tt>void glutWireTetrahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidTetrahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireTetrahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidTetrahedron</tt>"
-functions render a tetrahedron whose corners are each a distance of one
-from the origin. The length of each side is 2/3 sqrt(6). One
-corner is on the positive X-axis and another is in the X-Y plane with a
-positive Y-coordinate.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.6 glutWireOctahedron, glutSolidOctahedron</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireOctahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidOctahedron</tt>" functions
-draw a wireframe and solid octahedron (eight-sided Platonic solid) respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireOctahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidOctahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireOctahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidOctahedron</tt>"
-functions render an octahedron whose corners are each a distance of one
-from the origin. The length of each side is sqrt(2). The corners
-are on the positive and negative coordinate axes.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.7 glutWireDodecahedron, glutSolidDodecahedron</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireDodecahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidDodecahedron</tt>"
-functions draw a wireframe and solid dodecahedron (twelve-sided Platonic
-solid) respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireDodecahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidDodecahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireDodecahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidDodecahedron</tt>"
-functions render a dodecahedron whose corners are each a distance of sqrt(3)
-from the origin. The length of each side is sqrt(5)-1. There
-are twenty corners; interestingly enough, eight of them coincide with the
-corners of a cube with sizes of length 2.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.8 glutWireIcosahedron, glutSolidIcosahedron</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireIcosahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidIcosahedron</tt>"
-functions draw a wireframe and solid icosahedron (twenty-sided Platonic
-solid) respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireIcosahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidIcosahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireIcosahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidIcosahedron</tt>"
-functions render an icosahedron whose corners are each a unit distance
-from the origin. The length of each side is slightly greater than
-one. Two of the corners lie on the positive and negative X-axes.
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-15.7 glutWireRhombicDodecahedron, glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireRhombicDodecahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron</tt>
-" functions draw a wireframe and solid rhombic dodecahedron (twelve-sided
-semi-regular solid) respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireRhombicDodecahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron ( void ) ;</tt>
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireRhombicDodecahedron</tt> " and "<tt>glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron</tt>"
-functions render a rhombic dodecahedron whose corners are at most a distance
-of one from the origin. The rhombic dodecahedron has faces which
-are identical rhombuses (rhombi?) but which have some vertices at which
-three faces meet and some vertices at which four faces meet. The
-length of each side is sqrt(3)/2. Vertices at which four faces meet
-are found at (0, 0, <u>+</u>1) and (<u> +</u>sqrt(2)/2, <u>+</u>sqrt(2)/2,
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>GLUT does not include these functions.
-15.10 glutWireTeapot, glutSolidTeapot</h2>
-The "<tt>glutWireTeapot</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidTeapot</tt>" functions
-draw a wireframe and solid teapot respectively.
-<p><tt>void glutWireTeapot ( GLdouble dSize ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>void glutSolidTeapot ( GLdouble dSize ) ;</tt>
-<p><tt>dSize </tt>The desired
-size of the teapot
-<p>The "<tt>glutWireTeapot</tt>" and "<tt> glutSolidTeapot</tt>" functions
-render a teapot of the desired size, centered at the origin. This
-is the famous OpenGL teapot [add reference].
-<p><b>Changes From GLUT</b>
-<p>None that we know of.
-16.0 <a NAME="GameMode"></a> Game Mode Functions</h1>
-16.1 glutGameModeString</h2>
-16.2 glutEnterGameMode, glutLeaveGameMode</h2>
-16.3 glutGameModeGet</h2>
-17.0 <a NAME="VideoResize"></a> Video Resize Functions</h1>
-17.1 glutVideoResizeGet</h2>
-17.2 glutSetupVideoResizing, glutStopVideoResizing</h2>
-17.3 glutVideoResize</h2>
-17.4 glutVideoPan</h2>
-18.0 <a NAME="ColorMap"></a> Color Map Functions</h1>
-18.1 glutSetColor, glutGetColor</h2>
-18.2 glutCopyColormap</h2>
-19.0 <a NAME="Miscellaneous"></a> Miscellaneous Functions</h1>
-19.1 glutIgnoreKeyRepeat, glutSetKeyRepeat</h2>
-19.2 glutForceJoystickFunc</h2>
-19.3 glutReportErrors</h2>
-20.0 <a NAME="UsageNotes"></a> Usage Notes</h1>
-The following environment variables are recognized by FreeGLUT:
-<li>GLUT_FPS - specifies a time interval (in milliseconds) for
-reporting framerate messages to stderr. For example, if FREEGLUT_FPS
-is set to 5000, every 5 seconds a message will be printed to stderr
-showing the current frame rate. The frame rate is measured by
-counting the number of times glutSwapBuffers() is called over the time
-21.0 <a NAME="ImplementationNotes"></a> Implementation Notes</h1>
-22.0 <a NAME="GLUT_State"></a> GLUT State</h1>
-23.0 <a NAME="Freeglut.h_Header"></a> "freeglut.h" Header File</h1>
-FreeGLUT users should normally just include GL/glut.h in their programs.
-Programs which need FreeGLUT-specific functions should also include
-GL/freeglut_ext.h as follows:
-#include <GL/glut.h>
-#ifdef FREEGLUT
-#include <GL/freeglut_ext.h>
-Compile-time FreeGLUT version testing can be done as follows:
- code specific to FreeGLUT 1.3 or later here
-In future releases, FREEGLUT_VERSION_1_4, FREEGLUT_VERSION_1_5, etc will
-be defined. This scheme mimics OpenGL conventions.
-The FreeGLUT version can be queried at runtime by calling
-The result will be X*10000+Y*100+Z where X is the major version, Y is the
-minor version and Z is the patch level.
-This may be used as follows:
-if (glutGet(GLUT_VERSION) < 10300) {
- printf("Sorry, you need FreeGLUT version 1.3.0 or later to run this program.\n");
- exit(1);
-24.0 <a NAME="References"></a> References</h1>
-25.0 <a NAME="Index"></a> Index</h1>
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireTetrahedron ( void )
+;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidTetrahedron ( void
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireTetrahedron</tt>" and
+"<tt>glutSolidTetrahedron</tt>" functions render a tetrahedron whose corners
+are each a distance of one from the origin. The length of each side
+is 2/3 sqrt(6). One corner is on the positive X-axis and another is
+in the X-Y plane with a positive Y-coordinate. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.6 glutWireOctahedron, glutSolidOctahedron</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireOctahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidOctahedron</tt>" functions
+ draw a wireframe and solid octahedron (eight-sided Platonic solid) respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireOctahedron ( void )
+;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidOctahedron ( void )
+;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireOctahedron</tt>" and
+"<tt>glutSolidOctahedron</tt>" functions render an octahedron whose corners
+are each a distance of one from the origin. The length of each side
+is sqrt(2). The corners are on the positive and negative coordinate
+axes. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.7 glutWireDodecahedron, glutSolidDodecahedron</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireDodecahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidDodecahedron</tt>
+" functions draw a wireframe and solid dodecahedron (twelve-sided Platonic
+solid) respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireDodecahedron ( void
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidDodecahedron ( void
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireDodecahedron</tt>" and
+"<tt>glutSolidDodecahedron</tt>" functions render a dodecahedron whose corners
+are each a distance of sqrt(3) from the origin. The length of each
+side is sqrt(5)-1. There are twenty corners; interestingly enough,
+eight of them coincide with the corners of a cube with sizes of length 2.
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.8 glutWireIcosahedron, glutSolidIcosahedron</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireIcosahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidIcosahedron</tt>"
+functions draw a wireframe and solid icosahedron (twenty-sided Platonic solid)
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireIcosahedron ( void )
+;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidIcosahedron ( void
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireIcosahedron</tt>" and
+"<tt>glutSolidIcosahedron</tt>" functions render an icosahedron whose corners
+are each a unit distance from the origin. The length of each side is
+slightly greater than one. Two of the corners lie on the positive and
+negative X-axes. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h2> 15.7 glutWireRhombicDodecahedron,
+ The "<tt>glutWireRhombicDodecahedron</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron</tt>
+ " functions draw a wireframe and solid rhombic dodecahedron (twelve-sided
+ semi-regular solid) respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireRhombicDodecahedron
+( void ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron
+( void ) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireRhombicDodecahedron</tt>
+ " and "<tt>glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron</tt>" functions render a rhombic
+dodecahedron whose corners are at most a distance of one from the origin.
+The rhombic dodecahedron has faces which are identical rhombuses (rhombi?)
+but which have some vertices at which three faces meet and some vertices at
+which four faces meet. The length of each side is sqrt(3)/2. Vertices
+at which four faces meet are found at (0, 0, <u>+</u>1) and (<u> +</u>sqrt(2)/2,
+ <u>+</u>sqrt(2)/2, 0). </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>GLUT does not include these functions.
+ </p>
+ <h2> 15.10 glutWireTeapot, glutSolidTeapot</h2>
+ The "<tt>glutWireTeapot</tt>" and "<tt>glutSolidTeapot</tt>" functions
+draw a wireframe and solid teapot respectively.
+ <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutWireTeapot ( GLdouble dSize
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>void glutSolidTeapot ( GLdouble dSize
+) ;</tt> </p>
+ <p><tt>dSize
+ </tt>The desired size of the teapot </p>
+ <p><b>Description</b> </p>
+ <p>The "<tt>glutWireTeapot</tt>" and "<tt>
+ glutSolidTeapot</tt>" functions render a teapot of the desired size, centered
+at the origin. This is the famous OpenGL teapot [add reference]. </p>
+ <p><b>Changes From GLUT</b> </p>
+ <p>None that we know of. </p>
+ <h1> 16.0 <a name="GameMode"></a>
+ Game Mode Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 16.1 glutGameModeString</h2>
+ <h2> 16.2 glutEnterGameMode, glutLeaveGameMode</h2>
+ <h2> 16.3 glutGameModeGet</h2>
+ <h1> 17.0 <a name="VideoResize"></a>
+ Video Resize Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 17.1 glutVideoResizeGet</h2>
+ <h2> 17.2 glutSetupVideoResizing,
+ <h2> 17.3 glutVideoResize</h2>
+ <h2> 17.4 glutVideoPan</h2>
+ <h1> 18.0 <a name="ColorMap"></a>
+ Color Map Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 18.1 glutSetColor, glutGetColor</h2>
+ <h2> 18.2 glutCopyColormap</h2>
+ <h1> 19.0 <a name="Miscellaneous"></a>
+ Miscellaneous Functions</h1>
+ <h2> 19.1 glutIgnoreKeyRepeat, glutSetKeyRepeat</h2>
+ <h2> 19.2 glutForceJoystickFunc</h2>
+ <h2> 19.3 glutReportErrors</h2>
+ <h1> 20.0 <a name="UsageNotes"></a>
+ Usage Notes</h1>
+ <p> The following environment variables
+are recognized by <i>freeglut</i>: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>DISPLAY - specifies a display name.<br>
+ </li>
+ <li>GLUT_FPS - specifies a time interval
+(in milliseconds) for reporting framerate messages to stderr. For example,
+if FREEGLUT_FPS is set to 5000, every 5 seconds a message will be printed
+to stderr showing the current frame rate. The frame rate is measured by counting
+the number of times glutSwapBuffers() is called over the time interval.</li>
+ <li>GLUT_ICON - specifies the icon that
+goes in the upper left-hand corner of the <i>freeglut</i><i> </i>windows </li>
+ </ul>
+ <h1> 21.0 <a name="ImplementationNotes"></a>
+ Implementation Notes</h1>
+ <h1> 22.0 <a name="GLUT_State"></a>
+ GLUT State</h1>
+ <h1> 23.0 <a name="Freeglut.h_Header"></a>
+ "freeglut.h" Header File</h1>
+ <h1> 24.0 <a name="References"></a>
+ References</h1>
+ <h1> 25.0 <a name="Index"></a>
+ Index</h1>
+ <p> <br>
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+ </body>
+ </html>