-; ---- boot me! ----
+; boot me!
; nasm -f bin -o bootcard.img bootcard.asm
; cat bootcard.img >/dev/<usbstick>
-; reboot
org 7c00h
bits 16
barh equ 4
nbars equ 11
-barstart equ 200 - (nbars+1) * barh
+barstart equ 152
nticks equ 7e00h
tmoffs equ 7e04h
fval equ 7e10h
cmap equ 7e14h
-%macro setcur 2
- mov dx, %1 | (%2 << 8)
- xor bx, bx
- mov ah, 2
- int 10h
%macro spkon 0
in al, 61h
or al, 3
push 0a000h
pop es
mov al, 16
mov di, barstart * 320
mov bx, nbars
dec bx
jnz .drawbars
- setcur 12, 16
+ mov dx, 100ch
+ xor bx, bx
+ mov ah, 2
+ int 10h
mov si, str1
- call textout
+.txout: mov al, [si]
+ and al, al
+ jz .txdone
+ mov ah, 0eh
+ mov bx, 82
+ int 10h
+ inc si
+ jmp .txout
dec cx
jnz .mnt
- ; upd colormap
+ ; upd pal
mov dx, 3c8h
mov al, 16
out dx, al
jmp mainloop
- mov al, [si]
- and al, al
- jz .done
- mov ah, 0eh
- mov bx, 82
- int 10h
- inc si
- jmp textout
-.done: ret
mov ax, [nticks]
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0aa55h
-; vi:ft=nasm ts=8 sts=8 sw=8: