#include "sdr.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "meshgen.h"
+#include "goatkit/goatkit.h"
* - whistle hhgg music
* - select objects and center camera on them
+ * - we need to rely on actual collisions instead of grid occupancy
struct Particle {
/* gravitational strength */
#define GRAV_STR 16.0f
+#define INIT_MASS_BUDGET 600.0f
+#define EM_MASS_DEFAULT 100.0f
static int pos_to_grid_x_noclamp(float x);
static int pos_to_grid_y_noclamp(float y);
static int pos_to_grid(float x, float y);
static Mat4 view_matrix, proj_matrix;
static bool wireframe;
+static int mouse_x, mouse_y;
// emitter placement data (filled by event handlers, completed in update)
static bool emit_place_pending;
static Vec2 emit_place_pos;
+static bool placing_emitter;
+static float mass_left;
+// UI
+static void ui_handler(goatkit::Widget *w, const goatkit::Event &ev, void *cls);
+static int ui_virt_width = 800;
+static int ui_virt_height = 600;
+static goatkit::Screen *ui;
+static goatkit::Button *bn_emitter;
+static goatkit::Slider *slider_mass;
+static bool mouse_over_ui;
bool GameScreen::init()
return false;
- // XXX DBG
- emit_place_pos = Vec2(0, 0);
- emit_place_pending = true;
+ mass_left = INIT_MASS_BUDGET;
+ ui = new goatkit::Screen;
+ ui->hide();
+ bn_emitter = new goatkit::Button;
+ bn_emitter->set_position(5, 5);
+ bn_emitter->set_size(250, 30);
+ bn_emitter->set_text("new white hole");
+ bn_emitter->set_callback(goatkit::EV_CLICK, ui_handler);
+ ui->add_widget(bn_emitter);
+ slider_mass = new goatkit::Slider;
+ slider_mass->set_position(300, 5);
+ slider_mass->set_size(400, 30);
+ slider_mass->set_continuous_change(false);
+ slider_mass->set_range(0, mass_left);
+ slider_mass->set_value(EM_MASS_DEFAULT);
+ slider_mass->set_callback(goatkit::EV_CHANGE, ui_handler);
+ ui->add_widget(slider_mass);
+ ui->set_visibility_transition(300);
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
return true;
delete grid_tex;
delete pmesh;
+ delete bn_emitter;
+void GameScreen::start()
+ ui->show();
+ slider_mass->hide();
+void GameScreen::stop()
static void simstep()
if(pause) return;
- // move existing particles
+ // distribute forces
Particle *p = plist;
while(p) {
+ int num_emitters = emitters.size();
+ for(int i=0; i<num_emitters; i++) {
+ Emitter *em = emitters[i];
+ Vec2 dir = p->pos - em->pos;
+ p->vel += dir * em->mass * GRAV_STR * 0.01 / dot(dir, dir) * SIM_DT;
+ }
+ Particle *q = plist;
+ while(q) {
+ if(p != q) {
+ Vec2 dir = q->pos - p->pos;
+ float accel = GRAV_STR * q->mass / dot(dir, dir);
+ p->vel += dir * accel * SIM_DT;
+ }
+ q = q->next;
+ }
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ // move existing particles
+ p = plist;
+ while(p) {
// calculate the field gradient at the particle position
int gidx = pos_to_grid(p->pos.x, p->pos.y);
- Vec2 grad = calc_field_grad(gidx) * GRAV_STR;
+ //Vec2 grad = calc_field_grad(gidx) * GRAV_STR;
- p->vel += grad * SIM_DT;
+ //p->vel += grad * SIM_DT;
p->pos += p->vel * SIM_DT;
// if it moved outside of the simulation field, remove it
static void update()
+ if(placing_emitter) {
+ float x = (float)mouse_x / (float)win_width;
+ float y = 1.0f - (float)mouse_y / (float)win_height;
+ Ray pick_ray = mouse_pick_ray(x, y, view_matrix, proj_matrix);
+ float ndotdir = pick_ray.dir.y;
+ if(fabs(ndotdir) > 1e-6f) {
+ float ndotpdir = -pick_ray.origin.y;
+ float t = ndotpdir / ndotdir;
+ x = pick_ray.origin.x + pick_ray.dir.x * t;
+ y = pick_ray.origin.z + pick_ray.dir.z * t;
+ if(x >= -FIELD_SIZE / 2 && x < FIELD_SIZE / 2 &&
+ y >= -FIELD_SIZE / 2 && y < FIELD_SIZE / 2) {
+ emit_place_pos = Vec2(x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if(emit_place_pending) {
emit_place_pending = false;
Emitter *em = new Emitter;
em->pos = emit_place_pos;
- em->mass = 100;
+ em->mass = slider_mass->get_value();
em->rate = 10;
em->chunk = 0.001 * em->mass;
em->angle = -1;
em->spawn_pending = 0;
+ mass_left -= em->mass;
+ if(mass_left < 0.0f) mass_left = 0.0f;
Rect cbox;
calc_contrib_bounds(em->pos, em->mass, &cbox);
printf("bounds: %d,%d %dx%d\n", cbox.x, cbox.y, cbox.width, cbox.height);
+ // draw emitter placement marker if we are in placement mode
+ if(placing_emitter && !mouse_over_ui) {
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glTranslatef(emit_place_pos.x, 0, emit_place_pos.y);
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
+ glVertex3f(0, -1000, 0);
+ glVertex3f(0, 1000, 0);
+ glEnd();
+ float s = MASS_TO_RADIUS(slider_mass->get_value());
+ if(s < 0.1) s = 0.1;
+ glScalef(s, s, s);
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
+ pmesh->draw();
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
+ // draw the UI
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glOrtho(0, ui_virt_width, ui_virt_height, 0, -1, 1);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ ui->draw();
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
void GameScreen::reshape(int x, int y)
+ ui_virt_width = x;
+ ui_virt_height = y;
+ ui->set_size(ui_virt_width, ui_virt_height);
-static int prev_x, prev_y;
+#define UI_HEIGHT 50
void GameScreen::mbutton(int bn, bool pressed, int x, int y)
- prev_x = x;
- prev_y = y;
+ mouse_x = x;
+ mouse_y = y;
+ mouse_over_ui = y < UI_HEIGHT;
+ ui->sysev_mouse_button(bn, pressed, x * ui_virt_width / win_width,
+ y * ui_virt_height / win_height);
+ if(placing_emitter && bn == 0 && pressed && !mouse_over_ui) {
+ emit_place_pending = true;
+ placing_emitter = false;
+ slider_mass->hide();
+ }
void GameScreen::mmotion(int x, int y)
- int dx = x - prev_x;
- int dy = y - prev_y;
- prev_x = x;
- prev_y = y;
+ int dx = x - mouse_x;
+ int dy = y - mouse_y;
+ mouse_x = x;
+ mouse_y = y;
+ mouse_over_ui = y < UI_HEIGHT;
+ ui->sysev_mouse_motion(x * ui_virt_width / win_width, y * ui_virt_height / win_height);
+ if(ui->get_mouse_grab()) {
+ return;
+ }
if(game_bnstate(0)) {
float pan_speed = pow(cam_dist, 1.5) * 0.00035; // magic
if(cam_dist > MAX_CAM_DIST) cam_dist = MAX_CAM_DIST;
+static void ui_handler(goatkit::Widget *w, const goatkit::Event &ev, void *cls)
+ if(w == bn_emitter) {
+ if(placing_emitter) {
+ placing_emitter = false;
+ slider_mass->hide();
+ } else {
+ if(mass_left > 0.0f) {
+ placing_emitter = true;
+ slider_mass->set_range(0, mass_left);
+ slider_mass->set_value(mass_left >= EM_MASS_DEFAULT ? EM_MASS_DEFAULT : mass_left);
+ slider_mass->show();
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(w == slider_mass) {
+ printf("foo: %f\n", slider_mass->get_value());
+ }
static int pos_to_grid_x_noclamp(float x)
return ((x / (float)FIELD_SIZE) + 0.5f) * (float)GRID_SIZE;