--- /dev/null
+| the following will go into the custom .romhdr section which will be placed at
+| address 100h of the binary by the linker (see lnkscript).
+ .section .romhdr,"a"
+#ifndef GAMENAME
+#define GAMENAME "unnamed"
+#ifndef VERSTR
+#define VERSTR "00"
+ .ascii GAMENAME
+ .fill 48 - (hdr_game_dom_end - hdr_game_dom),1,32 | pad to 48 bytes with spaces
+ .ascii GAMENAME
+ .fill 48 - (hdr_game_int_end - hdr_game_int),1,32 | pad to 48 bytes with spaces
+ .ascii "GM" | it's a game (who cares what it is?)
+ .ascii "0000000-" | product code
+ .ascii VERSTR | version string
+ .short 0 | checksum
+ .ascii "J " | I/O support (joypad)
+ .long 0 | start address of ROM
+ .long _rom_end | last address of ROM
+ .long 0xff0000 | start address of RAM
+ .long 0xffffff | last address of RAM
+ .long 0 | SRAM enabled(?)
+ .long 0 | ???
+ .long 0 | start address of SRAM
+ .long 0 | last address of SRAM
+ .long 0 | ???
+ .long 0 | ???
+ .fill 40,1,32 | notes (fill with spaces for now TODO)
+ .ascii "JUE " | country codes