descriptionVR dungeon crawler project
ownerJohn Tsiombikas
last changeFri, 1 Oct 2021 05:05:16 +0000 (08:05 +0300)
2021-10-01 John Tsiombikasvisibility determination master
2021-09-30 John Tsiombikasfixed mixing of turning with mouse and keys
2021-09-28 John Tsiombikasfoo
2021-09-27 John Tsiombikas- added glutIgnoreKeyRepeat in miniglut
2021-09-26 John Tsiombikasadded opencorner tiles
2021-09-26 John Tsiombikasmissing corner pieces for open rooms
2021-09-25 John Tsiombikasruns with wrong geometry
2021-09-25 John Tsiombikasalmost done with the level reorganization
2021-09-21 John Tsiombikasfoo
2021-09-21 John Tsiombikasreorganizing tileset handling
2021-09-17 John Tsiombikasadded readme and license
2021-09-16 John Tsiombikasstarts to sortof look like a dungeon if you squint
2021-09-16 John Tsiombikasdunger now saves player start position and cell size
2021-09-16 John Tsiombikasfixed dunger build, added current cell coordinates...
2021-09-15 John Tsiombikasplayer movement (to be cont.)
2021-09-15 John Tsiombikasdungeon generation first step
3 years ago master