Attack on Voxelburg =================== A wip Gameboy Advance game for the gbajam22. Fly over a 3D terrain, find and destroy all enemy defense pods, before they manage to shoot you down. Your final score depends on the difficulty level, time it took to take out all the enemy pods, and damage you sustained. Controls -------- - D-Pad: turn left/right/up/down. - A: fly forward. - L/R triggers: strafe left/right. License ------- Copyright (C) 2022 John Tsiombikas This program is free software. Feel free to use, modify, and/or redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3, or at your option any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. See COPYING for details. Build ----- The data files are kept separately on a subversion repository. Grab them with: svn co svn:// data Alternatively grab a release tarball if available. To build the game, [setup the devkitarm environment](, and type `make`. Only the basic cross-toolchain, libc and C runtime are required from devkitarm. No other libraries are used. The tools which are part of the build process might have more requirements: - **pngdump**: libpng and zlib.