; vi:filetype=nasm ts=8 sts=8 sw=8: bits 32 %include "gfx.inc" %include "keyb.inc" %include "intr.inc" %include "dbglog.inc" ; this is placed at the beginning of our binary at 1mb (see game.ld) ; and it's what gets executed directly by the boot loader section .startup jmp main ; start of main section .text main: call init_intr call kb_init call init_gfx dbglog `hello\n` sti main_loop: call update call clear push dword 0 push dword [ship_y] push dword [ship_x] push dword FRAMEBUF_ADDR call sprsheet add esp, 16 call wait_vsync call swap_buffers jmp main_loop update: ret section .data align 4 ship_x: dd 160 ship_y: dd 100