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\title{\textbf{OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability}}
-\author[Eleni Maria Stea]{\small{Eleni Maria Stea
+\author[Eleni Maria Stea <estea@igalia.com>]{\small{Eleni Maria Stea
- \begin{frame}<beamer>
+ \begin{frame}
-\section[Introduction]{The concept behind OpenGL and Vulkan interoperability}
+\section[Introduction]{OpenGL and Vulkan interoperability extensions}
- \frametitle{Why interoperability?}
+ \frametitle{OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability}
+ \center{\textbf{\color{coolblack}{INTEROPERABILITY}}}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
- The idea is to avoid unnecessary allocations and memory mappings when we
+ The idea is to avoid unnecessary allocations and conversions when we
exchange texture and buffer data across APIs.\\
Interoperability extensions allow us to:\\
- \vspace{0.8cm}
- {\fontsize{9}{9}\selectfont
- \begin{itemize}\setlength\itemsep{0.8cm}
- \item {\color[rgb]{0, 0, 0.6} Allocate the resources (textures,
- buffers) once.}
- \item {\color[rgb]{0, 0, 0.6} Reuse them several times from both
- APIs.}
- \item {\color[rgb]{0, 0, 0.6} Synchronize the APIs access to the
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ {\fontsize{10}{10}\selectfont
+ \begin{itemize}\setlength\itemsep{0.5cm}
+ \item {\color{afblue} \textbf{Allocate} the resources (textures,
+ buffers) \textbf{once} from Vulkan.}
+ \item {\color{afblue} \textbf{Reuse} them \textbf{several
+ times} from both APIs.}
+ \item {\color{afblue} \textbf{Synchronize} the APIs access to the
- \frametitle{What's the alternative?}
- Alternatively we would need to:\\
- \vspace{0.8cm}
- {\fontsize{9}{9}\selectfont
- \begin{itemize}\setlength\itemsep{0.8cm}
- \item {\color[rgb]{0, 0, 0.6} Allocate resources of the same
- size in both APIs.}
- \item {\color[rgb]{0, 0, 0.6} Map the Vulkan memory and copy the Vulkan object data to a an
- OpenGL object data (and \textit{do all the necessary
- conversions!}).}
- \item {\color[rgb]{0, 0, 0.6} Copy the data back after the process (and \textit{do all the
- necessary conversions!}).}
- \item {\color[rgb]{0, 0, 0.6} Synchronize the access externally
- (more complex).}
- \end{itemize}
- }
+ \frametitle{OpenGL extensions for interoperability}
+ \center{\textbf{\color{coolblack}{OpenGL EXTENSIONS}}}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ {\fontsize{10}{10}\selectfont
+ \item {\color{afblue}\textbf{EXT\_external\_object} extension:}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item provides the functions to create GL objects, textures and buffers
+ from Vulkan memory.
+ \item provides the functions to create GL semaphores that
+ correspond to Vulkan ones.
+ \item provides the functions for synchronization.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item {\color{afblue}\textbf{EXT\_external\_objects\_fd}
+ extension:}
+ {\fontsize{7}{6}\selectfont
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item provides a function to import a file descriptor to the Vulkan
+ memory.
+ \item provides a function to import a file descriptor to the Vulkan semaphores.
+ \end{itemize}
+ }
-\section[EXT\_external\_objects(\_fd)]{The required OpenGL extensions}
+\section[Interoperability on Mesa]{Additions to Mesa and Piglit}
- \frametitle{test}
- foobar
+ \frametitle{Additions to Mesa}
+ \center{
+ \normalsize{\textbf{\color{coolblack}{Igalia's contributions to Mesa
+ drivers}}}
+ }
+ \tiny{
+ \begin{table}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|l|}
+ \hline
+ Driver & Igalia's Contributions & Status \\
+ \hline
+ iris & implemented EXT\_external\_objects, EXT\_external\_objects\_fd & under review \\
+ freedreno & implemented EXT\_external\_objects,
+ EXT\_external\_objects\_fd & upstream \\
+ radeonsi & fixes to the already implemented feature & under
+ review \\
+ i965 & helped with the review & under review\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \end{table}
+ }
+ \center{
+ \normalsize{\textbf{\color{coolblack}{Thanks and Credits}}}
+ }
+ \tiny{
+ \begin{table}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|X|}
+ \hline
+ Driver & Patches & Reviews, Comments, Advice\\
+ \hline
+ iris & Juan A. Juarez Romero, Eleni Maria Stea, Tapani Palli,
+ Eduardo Lima Mitev, zzzoon & collab, tapani, jason klp \\
+ freedreno & foo & bar\\
+ radeonsi & foo & bar\\
+ i965 & foo & bar\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \end{table}
+ }
+ \frametitle{Piglit tests cases}
+ As there were no CTS for these extensions and we needed to test
+ mesa, we've written some Piglit tests with simple use cases of the
+ extension.
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ WIP igalia intel logos
+ \frametitle{vk-image-overwrite}
+ \begin{block}{vk-image-overwrite}
+ \lstinline[language=C++, style=CStyle]{glCreateMemoryObjectsEXT(1, gl_mem_obj); }
+ \end{block}
-\section[Piglit tests use cases]{Some use cases for Piglit}
-\section[Work and Status]{Igalia's work on mesa}
- \frametitle{test}
- foobar
+%\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry title}{}
+%\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry location}{}
+%\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry note}{}
+ \frametitle{References}
+ \bibliographystyle{plain}
+ \bibliography{bib/references.bib}
+ \tiny{
+ \nocite{*}
+ }
\section[Q \& A]{Questions and Answers}
+ \frametitle{Questions?}