\item We can export the file descriptor of one buffer from one
driver and use it to access the buffer from the other
- \item So we can export the FD that corresponds to the compositor
+ \item So we can export the fd that corresponds to the compositor
texture, import it in WebGL when we create the render target
and when the WebGL texture is filled, the compositor texture
will be also filled, as they share the backing storage!
- \begin{block}{\scriptsize{EGL and GL extensions that can be used:}}
+ \begin{block}{\scriptsize{EGL and GL extensions that can be used for that
+ purpose:}}
\begin{block}{\scriptsize{I've written an example:}}
- \item First using EGL!\\
+ \item First using two native EGL contexts\\
Blog post: \url{https://eleni.mutantstargoat.com/hikiko/egl-dma-1/} \\
Code: \url{https://gistof.com/dma-egl-version}
- \item Then using a native EGL context and a context from ANGLE!\\
+ \item Then using a native EGL context and a context created from
Blog post: \url{https://eleni.mutantstargoat.com/hikiko/angle-dma/}\\
Code: \url{https://gistof.com/dmaangleeglversion}