descriptionmohawk hair simulation
ownerEleni-Maria Stea
last changeTue, 19 Nov 2019 10:46:34 +0000 (12:46 +0200)
2019-11-19 Eleni Maria... Updated with build instructions master
2019-01-27 Eleni Maria... added license
2019-01-27 John Tsiombikasdoubled the amount of hair strands, and turned on compi...
2019-01-27 John Tsiombikasadded spaceball support for moving the head in 6dof
2019-01-27 Eleni Maria... added (empty)
2019-01-27 Eleni Maria... added message at the bottom "hold h to move the head...
2019-01-27 Eleni Maria... Fixed the order of drawing (for blending) added the...
2019-01-27 Eleni Maria... Many fixes (credits Nuclear)
2019-01-27 Eleni Maria... added the blend file to the repo so that I can modify...
2019-01-26 Eleni Maria... fixed materials etc (not all), improvements
2019-01-26 Eleni Maria... added sphere around the head, removed debugging stuff...
2019-01-26 Eleni Maria... Replaced the collision detection with a check of the...
2019-01-26 Eleni Maria... Removed the calls to the 1st collision detection attempt
2019-01-26 Eleni Maria... Failed hack for collision detection with a sphere.
2019-01-06 Eleni Maria... removed the anchor points
2019-01-06 Eleni Maria... added forces + damping, k factors
5 years ago master