float circ = tooth_pitch * nt;
radius = circ / (2.0 * M_PI);
nteeth = nt;
- init_angle = get_angular_pitch() * 3.0 / 8.0;
void Gear::set_axis(const Vec3 &axis)
return pos; // TODO
+Vec3 Gear::get_planar_position() const
+ Mat4 inv_xform = transpose(get_dir_matrix());
+ return inv_xform * pos;
void Gear::set_angle(float angle)
this->angle = angle;
float Gear::get_vis_rotation() const
- return fmod(init_angle + angle, M_PI * 2.0);
+ float fix_crooked_teeth = get_angular_pitch() * 3.0 / 8.0;
+ return fmod(init_angle + fix_crooked_teeth + angle, M_PI * 2.0);
const Mat4 &Gear::get_matrix() const
xform_valid = true;
- return xform;
+ return dir_xform;
float Gear::get_angular_pitch() const
- calc_matrix();
+ if(!xform_valid) {
+ calc_matrix();
+ }
+void Gear::draw_wire(float wire_width) const
+ if(!mesh) {
+ if(!((Gear*)this)->gen_mesh()) {
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ if(!xform_valid) {
+ calc_matrix();
+ }
+ glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL_LINE_BIT);
+ glLineWidth(wire_width);
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glMultMatrixf(xform[0]);
+ mesh->draw_wire();
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glPopAttrib();
static Vec2 rev_pos(float u, float v, void *cls)
Gear *gear = (Gear*)cls;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "machine.h"
visited = new bool[ngears];
- // we're going to need the inverse of each gear's matrix, so let's cache it here
- Mat4 *inv_xform = (Mat4*)alloca(ngears * sizeof *inv_xform);
+ // we're going to need the planar position of each gear on its plane, so let's cache it
+ Vec3 *ppos = (Vec3*)alloca(ngears * sizeof *ppos);
for(int i=0; i<ngears; i++) {
- inv_xform[i] = transpose(gears[i]->get_dir_matrix());
+ ppos[i] = gears[i]->get_planar_position();
for(int i=0; i<ngears; i++) {
if(1.0 - fabs(dot(gears[i]->axis, gears[j]->axis)) < 1e-5) {
// co-planar, just check Z range after inverse-transforming to the XY plane
- Vec3 pos_i = inv_xform[i] * gears[i]->get_position();
- Vec3 pos_j = inv_xform[j] * gears[j]->get_position();
- if(fabs(pos_i.z - pos_j.z) > (gears[i]->thickness + gears[j]->thickness) / 2.0) {
+ if(fabs(ppos[i].z - ppos[j].z) > (gears[i]->thickness + gears[j]->thickness) / 2.0) {
// Z interval match, check distance
- float dsq = length_sq(pos_i.xy() - pos_j.xy());
+ float dsq = length_sq(ppos[i].xy() - ppos[j].xy());
float outer_rad_sum = gears[i]->radius + gears[j]->radius;
float inner_rad_sum = outer_rad_sum - gears[i]->teeth_length - gears[j]->teeth_length;
// fix the initial angles so that teeth mesh as best as possible
// should work in one pass as long as the gear train is not impossible
for(int i=0; i<ngears; i++) {
+ gears[i]->init_angle = 0;
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<ngears; i++) {
for(int j=1; j<ngears; j++) {
if(meshing[i][j]) {
assert(i != j);
+ Vec2 dir = normalize(ppos[j].xy() - ppos[i].xy());
+ float rel_angle = atan2(dir.y, dir.x);
float frac_i = fmod(gears[i]->init_angle / gears[i]->get_angular_pitch() + 1.0, 1.0);
- float frac_j = fmod(gears[j]->init_angle / gears[j]->get_angular_pitch() + 1.0, 1.0);
+ float frac_j = fmod((gears[j]->init_angle + rel_angle) / gears[j]->get_angular_pitch() + 1.0, 1.0);
float delta = frac_j - frac_i;
float correction = 0.5 - delta;
+ /*
+ for(int i=0; i<ngears; i++) {
+ printf("init %d: %f\n", i, gears[i]->init_angle);
+ }
+ */
void Machine::update_gear(int idx, float angle)
if(delta_angle(angle, gears[idx]->angle) > 0.25 / gears[idx]->nteeth) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: trying to transmit different values to gear %s (%d)\n",
gears[idx]->name.c_str(), idx);
+ gears[idx]->angle = 0;
+Gear *Machine::intersect_gear(const Ray &ray, HitPoint *hitp) const
+ Gear *res = 0;
+ HitPoint nearest;
+ nearest.dist = FLT_MAX;
+ for(size_t i=0; i<gears.size(); i++) {
+ Vec3 pos = gears[i]->get_global_position();
+ float rad = gears[i]->radius;
+ Plane plane = Plane(pos, gears[i]->axis);
+ HitPoint hit;
+ if(plane.intersect(ray, &hit) && hit.dist < nearest.dist &&
+ length_sq(hit.pos - pos) <= rad * rad) {
+ nearest = hit;
+ res = gears[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if(hitp) *hitp = nearest;
+ return res;
static float delta_angle(float a, float b)
#include "app.h"
#include "machine.h"
-bool init();
-void cleanup();
-void display();
-void idle();
-void draw_gears();
-void reshape(int x, int y);
-void keyb(unsigned char key, int x, int y);
-void mouse(int bn, int st, int x, int y);
-void motion(int x, int y);
+static bool init();
+static void cleanup();
+static void display();
+static void idle();
+static void draw_gears();
+static void reshape(int x, int y);
+static void keyb(unsigned char key, int x, int y);
+static void mouse(int bn, int st, int x, int y);
+static void motion(int x, int y);
+static void passive_motion(int x, int y);
+static Gear *pick_gear(int x, int y);
+static int win_width, win_height;
static float cam_dist = 0.5;
static float cam_theta, cam_phi;
static unsigned int start_time, prev_msec;
static Machine *machine;
+static Gear *hover_gear, *sel_gear;
+static HitPoint pick_hit;
+static Vec3 sel_hit_pos;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ glutPassiveMotionFunc(passive_motion);
if(!init()) {
return 1;
return 0;
-bool init()
+static bool init()
return true;
-void cleanup()
+static void cleanup()
delete machine;
-void display()
+static void update(float dt)
+ machine->update(dt);
+ if(sel_gear) {
+ }
+ hover_gear = pick_gear(prev_mx, prev_my);
+static void display()
unsigned int msec = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) - start_time;
float dt = (float)(msec - prev_msec) / 1000.0f;
prev_msec = msec;
- machine->update(dt);
glRotatef(cam_phi, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(cam_theta, 0, 1, 0);
+ update(dt);
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
-void idle()
+static void idle()
-void draw_gears()
+static void draw_gears()
/* world scale is in meters, gears are in millimeters, scale by 1/1000 */
glScalef(0.001, 0.001, 0.001);
+ if(sel_gear || hover_gear) {
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glFrontFace(GL_CW);
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
+ glLineWidth(3.0);
+ if(sel_gear) {
+ glColor3f(0.2, 1.0, 0.3);
+ sel_gear->draw();
+ } else {
+ glColor3f(1.0, 0.75, 0.2);
+ hover_gear->draw();
+ }
+ glPopAttrib();
+ }
-void reshape(int x, int y)
+static void reshape(int x, int y)
+ win_width = x;
+ win_height = y;
glViewport(0, 0, x, y);
gluPerspective(50.0, (float)x / (float)y, 0.01, 100.0);
-void keyb(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+static void keyb(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
switch(key) {
case 27:
-void mouse(int bn, int st, int x, int y)
+static void mouse(int bn, int st, int x, int y)
+ int bidx = bn - GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON;
+ bool down = st == GLUT_DOWN;
prev_mx = x;
prev_my = y;
- bnstate[bn - GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON] = st == GLUT_DOWN;
+ bnstate[bidx] = down;
+ if(bidx == 0) {
+ if(down) {
+ sel_gear = pick_gear(x, y);
+ sel_hit_pos = pick_hit.pos;
+ } else {
+ sel_gear = 0;
+ }
+ }
-void motion(int x, int y)
+static void motion(int x, int y)
int dx = x - prev_mx;
int dy = y - prev_my;
if(!dx && !dy) return;
- if(bnstate[0]) {
- cam_theta += dx * 0.5;
- cam_phi += dy * 0.5;
- if(cam_phi < -90) cam_phi = -90;
- if(cam_phi > 90) cam_phi = 90;
- glutPostRedisplay();
- }
- if(bnstate[2]) {
- cam_dist += dy * 0.01;
- if(cam_dist < 0.0) cam_dist = 0.0;
- glutPostRedisplay();
+ if(sel_gear) {
+ float speed = 0.5;
+ Vec3 offs = Vec3(dx * speed, -dy * speed, 0.0);
+ offs = sel_gear->get_dir_matrix() * offs;
+ sel_gear->set_position(sel_gear->get_position() + offs);
+ machine->invalidate_meshing();
+ } else {
+ if(bnstate[0]) {
+ cam_theta += dx * 0.5;
+ cam_phi += dy * 0.5;
+ if(cam_phi < -90) cam_phi = -90;
+ if(cam_phi > 90) cam_phi = 90;
+ glutPostRedisplay();
+ }
+ if(bnstate[2]) {
+ cam_dist += dy * 0.01;
+ if(cam_dist < 0.0) cam_dist = 0.0;
+ glutPostRedisplay();
+ }
+static void passive_motion(int x, int y)
+ prev_mx = x;
+ prev_my = y;
+static Gear *pick_gear(int x, int y)
+ double pt[3];
+ double viewmat[16], projmat[16];
+ int vp[4];
+ Ray ray;
+ y = win_height - y;
+ glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, viewmat);
+ glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projmat);
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vp);
+ gluUnProject(x, y, 0, viewmat, projmat, vp, pt, pt + 1, pt + 2);
+ ray.origin = Vec3(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) * 1000.0f;
+ gluUnProject(x, y, 1, viewmat, projmat, vp, pt, pt + 1, pt + 2);
+ ray.dir = Vec3(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) * 1000.0f - ray.origin;
+ return machine->intersect_gear(ray, &pick_hit);