int vidx, tidx, nidx;
+struct objmtl {
+ char name[64];
+ cgm_vec3 ka, kd, ks;
+ float shin;
+ float alpha;
+ float ior;
+ struct objmtl *next;
+static void calc_face_normal(struct triangle *tri);
+static char *cleanline(char *s);
+static char *parse_idx(char *ptr, int *idx, int arrsz);
+static char *parse_face_vert(char *ptr, struct facevertex *fv, int numv, int numt, int numn);
+static struct objmtl *load_mtllib(const char *objfname, const char *mtlfname);
+static void free_mtllist(struct objmtl *mtl);
+static void conv_mtl(struct material *mm, struct objmtl *om);
+#define GROW_ARRAY(arr, sz) \
+ do { \
+ int newsz = (sz) ? (sz) * 2 : 16; \
+ void *tmp = realloc(arr, newsz * sizeof *(arr)); \
+ if(!tmp) { \
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to grow array to %d\n", newsz); \
+ goto fail; \
+ } \
+ arr = tmp; \
+ sz = newsz; \
+ } while(0)
+int load_scenefile(struct scenefile *scn, const char *fname)
+ int i, nlines, total_faces = 0, res = -1;
+ FILE *fp;
+ char buf[256], *line, *ptr;
+ int varr_size, varr_max, narr_size, narr_max, tarr_size, tarr_max, max_faces;
+ cgm_vec3 v, *varr = 0, *narr = 0;
+ cgm_vec2 *tarr = 0;
+ struct facevertex fv[4];
+ int numfv;
+ struct mesh *mesh;
+ struct triangle *tri;
+ static const cgm_vec2 def_tc = {0, 0};
+ struct objmtl curmtl, *mtl, *mtllist = 0;
+ varr_size = varr_max = narr_size = narr_max = tarr_size = tarr_max = 0;
+ varr = narr = 0;
+ tarr = 0;
+ if(!(fp = fopen(fname, "rb"))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "load_scenefile: failed to open %s\n", fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(!(mesh = calloc(1, sizeof *mesh))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate mesh\n");
+ fclose(fp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ max_faces = 0;
+ scn->meshlist = 0;
+ scn->num_meshes = 0;
+ /* default material: white diffuse */
+ memset(&curmtl, 0, sizeof curmtl);
+ cgm_vcons(&curmtl.kd, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ curmtl.alpha = curmtl.ior = 1.0f;
+ nlines = 0;
+ while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
+ nlines++;
+ if(!(line = cleanline(buf))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch(line[0]) {
+ case 'v':
+ v.x = v.y = v.z = 0.0f;
+ if(sscanf(line + 2, "%f %f %f", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z) < 2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(isspace(line[1])) {
+ if(varr_size >= varr_max) {
+ GROW_ARRAY(varr, varr_max);
+ }
+ varr[varr_size++] = v;
+ } else if(line[1] == 't' && isspace(line[2])) {
+ if(tarr_size >= tarr_max) {
+ GROW_ARRAY(tarr, tarr_max);
+ }
+ tarr[tarr_size++] = *(cgm_vec2*)&v;
+ } else if(line[1] == 'n' && isspace(line[2])) {
+ if(narr_size >= narr_max) {
+ GROW_ARRAY(narr, narr_max);
+ }
+ narr[narr_size++] = v;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if(!isspace(line[1])) break;
+ ptr = line + 2;
+ numfv = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ if(!(ptr = parse_face_vert(ptr, fv + i, varr_size, tarr_size, narr_size))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ numfv++;
+ }
+ if(numfv < 3) break;
+ if(mesh->num_faces >= max_faces - 1) {
+ GROW_ARRAY(mesh->faces, max_faces);
+ }
+ tri = mesh->faces + mesh->num_faces++;
+ tri->mtl = &mesh->mtl;
+ tri->v[0].pos = varr[fv[0].vidx];
+ tri->v[1].pos = varr[fv[1].vidx];
+ tri->v[2].pos = varr[fv[2].vidx];
+ calc_face_normal(tri);
+ for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ tri->v[i].norm = fv[i].nidx >= 0 ? narr[fv[i].nidx] : tri->norm;
+ tri->v[i].tex = fv[i].tidx >= 0 ? tarr[fv[i].tidx] : def_tc;
+ }
+ if(numfv > 3) {
+ tri++;
+ mesh->num_faces++;
+ tri->mtl = &mesh->mtl;
+ tri->norm = tri[-1].norm;
+ tri->v[0] = tri[-1].v[0];
+ tri->v[1] = tri[-1].v[1];
+ tri->v[2].pos = varr[fv[3].vidx];
+ tri->v[2].norm = fv[3].nidx >= 0 ? narr[fv[3].nidx] : tri->norm;
+ tri->v[2].tex = fv[3].tidx >= 0 ? tarr[fv[3].tidx] : def_tc;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ case 'g':
+ if(mesh->num_faces) {
+ conv_mtl(&mesh->mtl, &curmtl);
+ total_faces += mesh->num_faces;
+ mesh->next = scn->meshlist;
+ scn->meshlist = mesh;
+ scn->num_meshes++;
+ printf("added mesh with mtl: %s\n",;
+ if(!(mesh = calloc(1, sizeof *mesh))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate mesh\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ max_faces = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ if(memcmp(line, "mtllib", 6) == 0 && (line = cleanline(line + 6))) {
+ free_mtllist(mtllist);
+ mtllist = load_mtllib(fname, line);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if(memcmp(line, "usemtl", 6) == 0 && (line = cleanline(line + 6))) {
+ mtl = mtllist;
+ while(mtl) {
+ if(strcmp(mtl->name, line) == 0) {
+ curmtl = *mtl;
+ break;
+ }
+ mtl = mtl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mesh->num_faces) {
+ conv_mtl(&mesh->mtl, &curmtl);
+ total_faces += mesh->num_faces;
+ mesh->next = scn->meshlist;
+ scn->meshlist = mesh;
+ scn->num_meshes++;
+ printf("added mesh with mtl: %s\n",;
+ } else {
+ free(mesh);
+ }
+ mesh = 0;
+ printf("load_scenefile: loaded %d meshes, %d vertices, %d triangles\n", scn->num_meshes,
+ varr_size, total_faces);
+ res = 0;
+ fclose(fp);
+ free(mesh);
+ free(varr);
+ free(narr);
+ free(tarr);
+ free_mtllist(mtllist);
+ return res;
+void destroy_scenefile(struct scenefile *scn)
+ struct mesh *m;
+ while(scn->meshlist) {
+ m = scn->meshlist;
+ scn->meshlist = scn->meshlist->next;
+ free(m);
+ }
+void destroy_mesh(struct mesh *m)
+ free(m->faces);
+ m->faces = 0;
+void draw_mesh(struct mesh *m)
+ int i;
+ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+ for(i=0; i<m->num_faces; i++) {
+ glNormal3fv((float*)&m->faces[i].v[0].norm);
+ glVertex3fv((float*)&m->faces[i].v[0].pos);
+ glNormal3fv((float*)&m->faces[i].v[1].norm);
+ glVertex3fv((float*)&m->faces[i].v[1].pos);
+ glNormal3fv((float*)&m->faces[i].v[2].norm);
+ glVertex3fv((float*)&m->faces[i].v[2].pos);
+ }
+ glEnd();
+static void calc_face_normal(struct triangle *tri)
+ cgm_vec3 va, vb;
+ va = tri->v[1].pos;
+ cgm_vsub(&va, &tri->v[0].pos);
+ vb = tri->v[2].pos;
+ cgm_vsub(&vb, &tri->v[0].pos);
+ cgm_vcross(&tri->norm, &va, &vb);
+ cgm_vnormalize(&tri->norm);
static char *cleanline(char *s)
char *ptr;
while(*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
ptr = s + strlen(s) - 1;
- while(ptr >= s && isspace(*s)) *ptr-- = 0;
+ while(ptr >= s && isspace(*ptr)) *ptr-- = 0;
return *s ? s : 0;
static char *parse_face_vert(char *ptr, struct facevertex *fv, int numv, int numt, int numn)
+ fv->tidx = fv->nidx = -1;
if(!(ptr = parse_idx(ptr, &fv->vidx, numv)))
return 0;
if(*ptr != '/') return (!*ptr || isspace(*ptr)) ? ptr : 0;
if(*++ptr == '/') { /* no texcoord */
- fv->tidx = -1;
} else {
if(!(ptr = parse_idx(ptr, &fv->tidx, numt)))
return (!*ptr || isspace(*ptr)) ? ptr : 0;
-#define APPEND(prefix) \
- do { \
- if(prefix##count >= prefix##max) { \
- int newsz = prefix##max ? prefix##max * 2 : 8; \
- void *ptr = realloc(prefix##arr, newsz * sizeof(cgm_vec3)); \
- if(!ptr) { \
- fprintf(stderr, "load_mesh: failed to resize array to %d elements\n", newsz); \
- return -1; \
- } \
- prefix##arr = ptr; \
- prefix##max = newsz; \
- } \
- } while(0)
-int load_mesh(struct mesh *m, const char *fname)
+static struct objmtl *load_mtllib(const char *objfname, const char *mtlfname)
- int i, num, nline, sidx, didx, res = -1;
FILE *fp;
- cgm_vec3 v, va, vb, fnorm;
- cgm_vec3 *varr, *narr, *tarr;
- int vcount, ncount, tcount, vmax, nmax, tmax, max_faces, newsz;
- char linebuf[256], *line, *ptr;
- struct facevertex fv[4];
- struct triangle *tri;
- void *tmpptr;
- static const int quadidx[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3 };
- varr = narr = tarr = 0;
- vcount = ncount = tcount = vmax = nmax = tmax = 0;
+ char *sep;
+ char buf[256], *line;
+ struct objmtl *mlist = 0, *m = 0;
- m->faces = 0;
- m->num_faces = 0;
- max_faces = 0;
+ strcpy(buf, objfname);
+ if((sep = strrchr(buf, '/'))) {
+ sep[1] = 0;
+ } else {
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ }
+ strcat(buf, mtlfname);
- if(!(fp = fopen(fname, "rb"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "load_mesh: failed to open: %s\n", fname);
- return -1;
+ if(!(fp = fopen(buf, "rb"))) {
+ return 0;
- nline = 0;
- while(fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, fp)) {
- nline++;
- if(!(line = cleanline(linebuf))) {
+ while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
+ if(!(line = cleanline(buf))) {
- switch(line[0]) {
- case 'v':
- v.y = v.z = 0;
- if((num = sscanf(line + 2, "%f %f %f", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z)) < 2) {
-verr: fprintf(stderr, "load_mesh: ignoring malformed attribute at %d: %s\n", nline, line);
- continue;
- }
- if(isspace(line[1])) {
- APPEND(v);
- varr[vcount++] = v;
- } else if(line[1] == 'n' && isspace(line[2])) {
- APPEND(n);
- narr[ncount++] = v;
- } else if(line[1] == 't' && isspace(line[2])) {
- APPEND(t);
- tarr[tcount].x = v.x;
- tarr[tcount++].y = v.y;
- } else {
- goto verr;
- }
- break;
- case 'f':
- if(!isspace(line[1])) {
- break;
- }
- ptr = line + 2;
- for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
- fv[i].nidx = fv[i].tidx = -1;
- if(!(ptr = parse_face_vert(ptr, fv + i, vcount, tcount, ncount))) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(i < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "load_mesh: invalid face definition at %d: %s\n", nline, line);
- break;
+ if(memcmp(line, "newmtl", 6) == 0) {
+ if(m) {
+ m->next = mlist;
+ mlist = m;
- va = varr[fv[1].vidx];
- cgm_vsub(&va, varr + fv[0].vidx);
- vb = varr[fv[2].vidx];
- cgm_vsub(&vb, varr + fv[0].vidx);
- cgm_vcross(&fnorm, &va, &vb);
- cgm_vnormalize(&fnorm);
- if(m->num_faces >= max_faces - 1) {
- newsz = max_faces ? max_faces * 2 : 16;
- if(!(tmpptr = realloc(m->faces, newsz * sizeof *m->faces))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "load_mesh: failed to resize faces array to %d\n", newsz);
- goto end;
+ if((m = calloc(1, sizeof *m))) {
+ if((line = cleanline(line + 6))) {
+ strcpy(m->name, line);
- m->faces = tmpptr;
- max_faces = newsz;
- num = i > 3 ? 6 : 3;
- for(i=0; i<num; i++) {
- if(i % 3 == 0) {
- tri = m->faces + m->num_faces++;
- tri->norm = fnorm;
- tri->mtl = &m->mtl;
- }
- sidx = quadidx[i];
- didx = i >= 3 ? i - 3 : i;
- tri->v[didx].pos = varr[fv[sidx].vidx];
- tri->v[didx].norm = fv[sidx].nidx >= 0 ? varr[fv[sidx].nidx] : fnorm;
- if(fv[sidx].tidx >= 0) {
- tri->v[didx].tex.x = tarr[fv[sidx].tidx].x;
- tri->v[didx].tex.y = tarr[fv[sidx].tidx].y;
- } else {
- tri->v[didx].tex.x = tri->v[sidx].tex.y = 0;
- }
+ } else if(memcmp(line, "Kd", 2) == 0) {
+ if(m) {
+ sscanf(line + 3, "%f %f %f", &m->kd.x, &m->kd.y, &m->kd.z);
- break;
+ }
+ if(m) {
+ m->next = mlist;
+ mlist = m;
- res = 0;
- free(varr);
- free(narr);
- free(tarr);
- return res;
+ return mlist;
-void destroy_mesh(struct mesh *m)
+static void free_mtllist(struct objmtl *mtl)
- free(m->faces);
- m->faces = 0;
+ while(mtl) {
+ void *tmp = mtl;
+ mtl = mtl->next;
+ free(tmp);
+ }
-void draw_mesh(struct mesh *m)
+static void conv_mtl(struct material *mm, struct objmtl *om)
- int i;
- glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
- for(i=0; i<m->num_faces; i++) {
- glNormal3fv(&m->faces[i].v[0].norm);
- glVertex3fv(&m->faces[i].v[0].pos);
- glNormal3fv(&m->faces[i].v[1].norm);
- glVertex3fv(&m->faces[i].v[1].pos);
- glNormal3fv(&m->faces[i].v[2].norm);
- glVertex3fv(&m->faces[i].v[2].pos);
- }
- glEnd();
+ mm->color = om->kd;
+ /* TODO */