static void draw_scene();
static void toggle_flight();
static void calc_framerate();
+static Ray calc_pick_ray(int x, int y, const Mat4 &view_mat, const Mat4 &proj_mat);
long time_msec;
int win_width, win_height;
static BlobExhibit *blobs;
static bool show_blobs;
+static ExSelection ex_sel;
static Renderer *rend;
case 'x':
- exman->clear();
exman->load(mscn, "data/exhibits");
prev_mx = x;
prev_my = y;
bnstate[bn] = pressed;
+ if(bn == 0) {
+ if(!pressed) {
+ if(ex_sel.ex) {
+ ex_sel.ex = 0;
+ } else {
+ Ray ray = calc_pick_ray(x, y, view_matrix, proj_matrix);
+ ex_sel = exman->select(ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
static inline void mouse_look(float dx, float dy)
if(!dx && !dy) return;
- if(bnstate[0]) {
- mouse_look(dx, dy);
+ if(ex_sel.ex) {
+ Vec3 pos = ex_sel.ex->node->get_node_position();
+ Vec3 dir = transpose(view_matrix.upper3x3()) * Vec3(dx * 1.0, dy * -1.0, 0);
+ ex_sel.ex->node->set_position(pos + dir);
if(bnstate[2]) {
- mouse_zoom(dx, dy);
+ mouse_look(dx, dy);
+static Ray calc_pick_ray(int x, int y, const Mat4 &view_mat, const Mat4 &proj_mat)
+ return Ray(); // TODO
ExSelection ExhibitManager::select(const Ray &ray) const
- return ExSelection(); // TODO
+ ExSelection sel;
+ if(!items.empty()) {
+ sel.ex = items[0];
+ sel.selray = ray;
+ sel.validmask = EXSEL_RAY;
+ }
+ return sel; // TODO
ExSelection ExhibitManager::select(const Sphere &sph) const
- return ExSelection(); // TODO
+ ExSelection sel;
+ if(!items.empty()) {
+ sel.ex = items[0];
+ sel.selsphere = sph;
+ sel.validmask = EXSEL_SPHERE;
+ }
+ return sel; // TODO
void ExhibitManager::update(float dt)
int num = items.size();
for(int i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ // if the exhibit is not part of a scene graph, first call its
+ // node's update function (otherwise it'll have been called recursively earlier)
+ if(!items[i]->node->get_parent()) {
+ items[i]->node->update(dt);
+ }