descriptionANSI/VT220 tetris
ownerJohn Tsiombikas
last changeMon, 11 Feb 2019 09:08:23 +0000 (11:08 +0200)
2019-02-11 John Tsiombikasline completion and removal master
2019-02-11 John Tsiombikasfixes, optional beeps, accept arrow keys for control
2019-02-11 John Tsiombikasalmost done. no line completion, scoring, and next...
2019-02-09 John Tsiombikastest timing and input handling
2019-02-09 John Tsiombikasibm->ansi attribute conversion was inverted (fg<->bg)
2019-02-08 John Tsiombikasinitial commit
5 years ago master