descriptionDOS sound blaster hack
ownerJohn Tsiombikas
last changeWed, 23 Jan 2019 01:01:06 +0000 (03:01 +0200)
2019-01-23 John Tsiombikasfoo master
2019-01-23 John Tsiombikasfixed DMA bug
2019-01-15 John Tsiombikasimproved the soundblaster code, but still doesn't work...
2018-11-10 John Tsiombikasdropped the compiled-in sound sample, loading from...
2018-11-10 John Tsiombikasworks in dosbox
2018-11-08 John Tsiombikasfixed build, untested
2018-11-08 John Tsiombikasinitial commit
5 years ago master