descriptionFramebuffer graphics library
ownerJohn Tsiombikas
last changeWed, 19 May 2021 02:19:33 +0000 (05:19 +0300)
2021-05-19 John Tsiombikasno-thread option, coalesced tunnel lut, more accurate... master
2021-05-19 John Tsiombikasfixed "mixed declarations and code"
2017-01-17 John Tsiombikasunknown changes
2016-08-22 John Tsiombikasbetter tunnel
2016-08-22 John Tsiombikastransitions
2016-08-21 John Tsiombikasscreen system
2016-08-21 John Tsiombikasoptimizations and best color depth attempt
2016-08-20 John Tsiombikashacked support for both 16 and 32 bpp framebuffers
2016-08-20 John Tsiombikasdone
2016-08-19 John Tsiombikasalmost
2016-08-19 John Tsiombikasinitial commit
3 years ago master