descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerJohn Tsiombikas
last changeThu, 20 Feb 2020 14:41:08 +0000 (16:41 +0200)
2020-02-20 John Tsiombikasfixed build: missing comctl32.lib master
2020-01-11 John Tsiombikasfixed window layout
2020-01-11 John Tsiombikasproject file update
2020-01-11 John Tsiombikasit werks!
2020-01-10 John Tsiombikasfoo
2020-01-10 John Tsiombikasusbonly checkbox callback
2020-01-10 John Tsiombikas"fixed" the combobox issue
2020-01-10 John Tsiombikastrying to fix the combobox sizing
2020-01-09 John Tsiombikasfoo
2020-01-08 John Tsiombikaswidget disabling and autosize with minimum
2020-01-08 John Tsiombikasrawdisk code added
2020-01-07 John Tsiombikascorrect window background color, and checkbox horizonta...
2020-01-07 John Tsiombikasfixed warning
2020-01-07 John Tsiombikasinitial commit
4 years ago master