descriptionVR demo project
ownerJohn Tsiombikas
last changeFri, 22 Feb 2019 13:26:05 +0000 (15:26 +0200)
2019-02-22 John Tsiombikasassman was renamed to assfile master
2018-10-02 John Tsiombikasadded minimum turn option, to discretize turns in VR
2018-09-29 John Tsiombikasfixed win32 build
2018-09-29 John Tsiombikasoptionally source assets from URL
2018-09-29 John Tsiombikasov_open_callbacks doesn't set ass_errno obviously....
2018-09-29 John TsiombikasMerge branch 'master' of goat:git/laserbrain_demo
2018-09-29 John Tsiombikasconverted OggVorbisStream to use assman
2018-09-29 John Tsiombikasconverted scene loader to use assman
2018-09-29 John Tsiombikashacked image loading to use assman
2018-09-20 John Tsiombikasnon-sRGB gamma correction post fix for VR mode
2018-09-13 John Tsiombikasstash/unstash clunky as fuck
2018-09-13 John Tsiombikasmade the exhibit ui slightly more visible
2018-09-13 John Tsiombikaschanged default move speed with the joystick
2018-09-13 John Tsiombikasexhibit ui improvements, and exhibit repositioning fix
2018-09-12 John Tsiombikasadded ogg/vorbis source code for ease of building on...
2018-09-12 John Tsiombikasfixed hand tracking world position, and picking up...
5 years ago master