#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
#include "opengl.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "gmath/gmath.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "sdr.h"
+#define LASER_TIMEOUT 2000
static void draw_scene();
+static void draw_laser();
int win_width, win_height;
float win_aspect;
long time_msec;
double time_sec;
-Mat4 view_matrix;
+Mat4 view_matrix, mouse_view_matrix, proj_matrix;
float cam_height = 1.65;
-static float cam_theta, cam_phi;
+static Ray mray;
+static float mtheta, mphi;
+static long last_pointer_time = PTIME_INVAL;
+static float laser_alpha;
+static float cam_theta, cam_phi = 15;
static bool should_swap;
static bool bnstate[16];
-static int prev_x, prev_y;
+static int mouse_x, mouse_y;
static float fov = 60.0;
+static bool have_headtracking;
static RenderTarget *rtarg;
static bool rtarg_valid;
static unsigned int post_sdr;
should_swap = goatvr_should_swap() != 0;
cam_height = goatvr_get_eye_height();
+ have_headtracking = goatvr_have_headtracking();
+ goatvr_recenter();
RenderTarget::default_fbo = goatvr_get_fbo();
return false;
+ if(opt.vr || opt.fullscreen) {
+ app_grab_mouse(true);
+ }
return true;
void app_cleanup()
+ app_grab_mouse(false);
if(opt.vr) {
if(!rtarg_valid) {
rtarg->resize(win_width, win_height);
+ /* calculate the mouselook view matrix */
+ mouse_view_matrix = Mat4::identity;
+ if(!have_headtracking) {
+ mouse_view_matrix.pre_rotate_x(deg_to_rad(cam_phi));
+ }
+ mouse_view_matrix.pre_rotate_y(deg_to_rad(cam_theta));
+ mouse_view_matrix.pre_translate(0, -cam_height, 0);
+ long interval = time_msec - last_pointer_time;
+ if(interval < LASER_TIMEOUT) {
+ Vec3 target;
+ if(have_headtracking) {
+ target.x = sin(deg_to_rad(mtheta)) * cos(deg_to_rad(mphi)) * 200.0;
+ target.y = sin(deg_to_rad(mphi)) * 200.0;
+ target.z = -cos(deg_to_rad(mtheta)) * cos(deg_to_rad(mphi)) * 200.0;
+ mray.origin = inverse(view_matrix) * Vec3(0.2, -0.4, 0.0);
+ } else {
+ /* pick on a distant sphere to find where the mouse is pointing to
+ * and use that as the other end of the mouse ray
+ */
+ float px = 2.0 * (float)mouse_x / win_width - 1.0;
+ float py = 1.0 - (2.0 * (float)mouse_y / win_height);
+ Mat4 mvp_inv = inverse(mouse_view_matrix * proj_matrix);
+ Vec4 vfar = mvp_inv * Vec4(px, py, 1, 1);
+ target = vfar.xyz() / vfar.w;
+ mray.origin = Vec3(0, cam_height, 0);
+ }
+ mray.dir = target - mray.origin;
+ laser_alpha = 1.0 - std::max(4.0f * interval / LASER_TIMEOUT - 3.0f, 0.0f);
+ } else {
+ laser_alpha = 0.0f;
+ }
void app_draw()
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ proj_matrix = goatvr_projection_matrix(i, 0.1, 200.0);
- glLoadMatrixf(goatvr_projection_matrix(i, 0.1, 200.0));
+ glLoadMatrixf(proj_matrix[0]);
- view_matrix = goatvr_view_matrix(i);
- view_matrix.pre_rotate_x(deg_to_rad(cam_phi));
- view_matrix.pre_rotate_y(deg_to_rad(cam_theta));
- view_matrix.pre_translate(0, -cam_height, 0);
+ view_matrix = mouse_view_matrix * Mat4(goatvr_view_matrix(i));
// regular monoscopic mode
- Mat4 mat;
- mat.perspective(deg_to_rad(fov), win_aspect, 0.1, 200.0);
+ proj_matrix.perspective(deg_to_rad(fov), win_aspect, 0.1, 200.0);
- glLoadMatrixf(mat[0]);
+ glLoadMatrixf(proj_matrix[0]);
- view_matrix = Mat4::identity;
- view_matrix.pre_rotate_x(deg_to_rad(cam_phi));
- view_matrix.pre_rotate_y(deg_to_rad(cam_theta));
- view_matrix.pre_translate(0, -cam_height, 0);
+ view_matrix = mouse_view_matrix;
+ if(laser_alpha > 0.0) {
+ draw_laser();
+ }
if(!opt.vr) {
+static void draw_laser()
+ glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
+ glDepthMask(0);
+ glUseProgram(0);
+ glLineWidth(2.0);
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ glColor4f(1.0, 0.3, 0.2, laser_alpha);
+ glVertex3f(mray.origin.x, mray.origin.y, mray.origin.z);
+ Vec3 end = mray.origin + mray.dir;
+ glVertex3f(end.x, end.y, end.z);
+ glEnd();
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+ glDepthMask(1);
+ glPopAttrib();
void app_reshape(int x, int y)
glViewport(0, 0, x, y);
fov -= 1.0;
if(fov < 0.0) fov = 0.0;
+ case '`':
+ app_toggle_grab_mouse();
+ mtheta = mphi = 0;
+ break;
void app_mouse_button(int bn, bool pressed, int x, int y)
bnstate[bn] = pressed;
- prev_x = x;
- prev_y = y;
+ mouse_x = x;
+ mouse_y = y;
void app_mouse_motion(int x, int y)
- int dx = x - prev_x;
- int dy = y - prev_y;
- prev_x = x;
- prev_y = y;
+ int dx = x - mouse_x;
+ int dy = y - mouse_y;
+ app_mouse_delta(dx, dy);
+ mouse_x = x;
+ mouse_y = y;
+template <typename T>
+static T clamp(T x, T a, T b)
+ return x < a ? a : (b < x ? b : x);
+void app_mouse_delta(int dx, int dy)
if(!dx && !dy) return;
+ mouse_x = clamp(mouse_x + dx, 0, win_width);
+ mouse_y = clamp(mouse_y + dy, 0, win_height);
if(bnstate[0]) {
cam_theta += dx * 0.5;
+ cam_phi = clamp(cam_phi + dy * 0.5f, -90.0f, 90.0f);
- if(!opt.vr || !goatvr_have_headtracking()) {
- cam_phi += dy * 0.5;
+ mtheta = mphi = 0;
+ last_pointer_time = PTIME_INVAL;
- if(cam_phi < -90) cam_phi = -90;
- if(cam_phi > 90) cam_phi = 90;
- }
+ } else {
+ mtheta += dx * 0.05;
+ mphi = clamp(mphi - dy * 0.05f, -90.0f, 90.0f);
+ last_pointer_time = time_msec;
- app_redraw();
+ //app_redraw();
static const float radius = 0.6;
static const float umax = 0.42;
static const float max_icon_angle = M_PI * 2.0 * umax;
+ static const float first_row_y = -row_spacing;
int max_ncols = std::max<int>(1, umax * 12);
Mat4 xform;
- xform.translate(0, -0.3, 0);
+ xform.translate(0, -0.6, 0);
glTexCoord2f(1, 0);
glVertex3f(0.2, 0, 0.05);
glTexCoord2f(1, 1);
- glVertex3f(0.2, 0, -5.0);
+ glVertex3f(0.2, 0, -10.0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
- glVertex3f(-0.2, 0, -5.0);
+ glVertex3f(-0.2, 0, -10.0);
glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
float angle = (float)col++ / (float)(num_dirs - 1) * max_icon_angle - max_icon_angle * 0.5;
- draw_node_name(node, angle, -0.3, radius, false);
+ draw_node_name(node, angle, -0.6, radius * 1.2, false);
// then draw file icons
float angle = icon_angle(col, ncols, max_icon_angle);
Mat4 xform = rot_xform;
- xform.translate(0, row * row_spacing, -radius);
+ xform.translate(0, row * row_spacing + first_row_y, -radius);
float angle = icon_angle(col, ncols, max_icon_angle);
- draw_node_name(node, angle, row * row_spacing - 0.1, radius, false);
+ draw_node_name(node, angle, row * row_spacing + first_row_y - 0.08, radius, false);
if(++col >= ncols) {
col = 0;
const char *name = full ? node->name_lines[i].c_str() : node->short_name.c_str();
Mat4 xform;
- xform.translate(-dtx_string_width(name) / 2.0, -line_height * i, 0);
+ xform.translate(-dtx_string_width(name) / 2.0, -line_height * i - line_height * 0.5, 0);
if(node->type == FSTYPE_DIR) {
- xform.scale(0.0017);
+ xform.scale(0.0018);
} else {