descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerJohn Tsiombikas
last changeFri, 4 Nov 2022 22:14:11 +0000 (00:14 +0200)
2022-11-04 John Tsiombikasadd missing tools/pngdump to the repo master
2022-11-01 John Tsiombikasupdated controls
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikasfoo
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikascontrols help screen
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikascalculate scores
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikasback to starting with the logo screen
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikasadd bright version of the game sprites
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikasleave some breathing room from when we see the enemy...
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikasallow enemies to continue their shot even when we can...
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikasgave enemies the ability to kill you
2022-10-31 John Tsiombikasstarted on the enemy logic
2022-10-30 John Tsiombikasscore display, and hit frame re-init
2022-10-30 John Tsiombikasjanky victory screen
2022-10-30 John Tsiombikaskeep scores and settings in SRAM
2022-10-30 John Tsiombikasdestroy enemies, increment counters, detect victory
2022-10-30 John Tsiombikasshoot and destroy enemies
2 years ago master
2 years ago voxels
2 years ago vox16bpp